Adelaide - Australia's best learning environment

Tuesday, 6 July 2004

Adelaide will be marketed overseas as 'Australia's best learning environment' in a fresh bid to lure more international students to Adelaide's universities, colleges and schools.

South Australia's first international study brand was launched today by State Minister for Employment, Training & Further Education, Steph Key.

The Minister said South Australia would be the first State in Australia to use an 'umbrella' study destination brand for the consistent marketing of institutions across the education sector.

"This will give South Australian education providers a real advantage when marketing their services overseas, because they will be part of a unified State effort. In contrast, fragmented efforts by other States mean their education institutions must compete in isolation against all of the other institutions worldwide," the Minister said.

The education export industry is South Australia's 8th largest export industry, worth about $300 million a year and supporting about 2000 local jobs. More than 13,000 overseas students were in Adelaide last year. The State Government and Adelaide City Council have strategies in place to significantly increase the number of overseas students coming to Adelaide over the next decade.

The Study Adelaide logo and tagline have been designed to promote Adelaide's strengths as a study destination to students who want to come to Australia to study.

"South Australia truly does offer the 'best learning environment' in the nation and this new brand will make this clear to anyone considering study in Australia," Minister Key said.

"This is a bold and aspirational claim which will make an important contribution to the Government's goal in the State Strategic Plan to double SA's share of overseas students within the next 10 years."

South Australia's share of overseas students is currently 5% of the Australian market.

"While seeking to double this is an ambitious target, we are already significantly improving our performance, achieving a 22% rise last year in the numbers of overseas students enrolling here - more than double the national rise," Minister Key said.

"Not only does Adelaide have the quality education facilities you would expect to find in a major capital city, but it is one of the most affordable places in the world to live, with a safe, friendly and relaxed lifestyle.

"Adelaide is one of the best-planned cities in the world, with everything within easy reach. We have an education and cultural corridor along North Terrace that cannot be found anywhere else in the world and our education facilities - from Mawson Lakes in the north to Flinders University in the south, and beyond - are easily accessible compared with many cities.

"We have world-class education facilities at every link in the chain, with flexible pathways that make it easy for students to move between institutions and courses," the Minister said.

South Australia's main education providers - including the three universities, TAFE South Australia and the public school system - have endorsed the brand and will apply it in support of their own marketing activities overseas. Adelaide City Council has also endorsed the brand.

The Study Adelaide brand was developed by Education Adelaide, the State Government's agency for marketing Adelaide as a study destination.

The logo, tagline and identification of our city's key strengths in education were identified following a lengthy consultation process with overseas students and education providers.

Education Adelaide is funded by the State Government, the three universities, Adelaide City Council and several private colleges.


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