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Technological Excuses

Technology can do a lot to facilitate good learning: Some of the stuff we ask students to do doesn't really need to happen when they're all together in the classroom, and technology can make it possible for the students to do these things in other places (such as at home, in Hub Central, on the train, or lying in the sun on the banks of a river), and give us more time in the face-to-face sessions for interaction. Some of the ways we have of assessing students are very labour-intensive on the teacher's side, and using technology for these things can allow the teachers to put more energy into other bits of the students' learning experience. It's not feasible to give every one of your six hundred students one-on-one time to explain concepts in multiple different ways, but technology can give them the opportunity to access further resources to support their learning.

[Read more about Technological Excuses]

Does it matter that roosters don't lay eggs?

There is a particularly annoying puzzle that goes something like this:

[Read more about Does it matter that roosters don't lay eggs?]

The frustrated cone

If someone asked you what your favourite 3D shape was, what would you say? A cube? A sphere? A dodecahedron?

[Read more about The frustrated cone]

The sizes of infinity

Last week a student visited the Drop-In Centre to talk about the different sizes of infinity. His lecturer had been talking about the sizes of sets and had made an off-hand comment that there were different sizes of infinite sets, and he wanted to know what the hell that meant.

[Read more about The sizes of infinity]

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