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Beware of the Toast

There is a little trick someone played on me once as a child and I have been playing on the students in the Drop-In room this week. It goes like this:

[Read more about Beware of the Toast]

Who tells you if you're correct?

At our uni, the first year maths students do the majority of their assignments online using MapleTA, and this week MapleTA was having problems. As always happens with technology glitches, it was an absolute schemozzle. It was bad enough for students that it was intermitently not working at all, but what made it worse was that even when it was working, the "preview" and "how did I do" functions were both failing. This meant that students could not use the computer to check if they were right, and a lot of them were extremely distressed by this.

[Read more about Who tells you if you're correct?]

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