Lumen Wirltuti Warltati /lumen/ en Wirltuti/Warltati (Spring/Summer) Readers’ Prize /lumen/news/list/2024/09/10/wirltuti/warltati-spring/summer-readers-prize <p>Your chance to win 150<sup>th</sup> anniversary prizes.</p> September 10 2024 Lachlan Wallace /lumen/news/list/2024/09/10/wirltuti/warltati-spring/summer-readers-prize World News - Spring 2024 /lumen/news/list/2024/09/11/world-news-spring-2024 <p>We asked three alumni to share where their extraordinary talents have taken them in the world. </p> September 11 2024 Isaac Freeman /lumen/news/list/2024/09/11/world-news-spring-2024 First among equals /lumen/news/list/2024/09/09/first-among-equals <p>The daughter of a German immigrant horse-trader, Edith (Edie) Emily Dornwell was far more familiar with the stables than the Manor House and was certainly not born to a life of privilege and ease. </p> September 09 2024 Isaac Freeman /lumen/news/list/2024/09/09/first-among-equals Celebrating creativity /lumen/news/list/2024/09/09/celebrating-creativity <p>In this edition of Lumen we celebrate all things creative. Art, music, theatre, comedy, literature, research, teaching and volunteers. Plus we unveil a new artwork created by noted Australian artist and alum Peter Drew.</p> September 09 2024 Isaac Freeman /lumen/news/list/2024/09/09/celebrating-creativity