ࡱ> LNKO kbjbjh8h8 E2 RWi RWi!I ...8f4\.P,^ (444|||+++++++$.d1f+|||||+44H ,|R44+|++)hg*4p)+ ,0P,)1>1 g*1g*T|||||||++|||P,||||1||||||||| X : THE HUGH MARTIN WEIR PRIZE REFEREE STATEMENT The following person is applying for The Hugh Martin Weir Prize at the ˴Ƭ. Please provide a confidential report confirming the applicants suitability for the award to assist in the final Prize selection. The Hugh Martin Weir Prize was established in 2011 by Glen and Robina Weir to honour the memory of Lieutenant Hugh Martin Weir (1915-2004) and his fellow prisoners of war. Hugh Martin Weir was a prisoner of war of the Japanese in Java 1942 1945. The purpose of the Prize is encouraging study and research, including use of the Barr Smith Library collections, into any aspect of Australias involvement in any war, or the treatment of prisoners of war in any conflict, including the impact on those persons involved, their families, and/or their communities. Section A To be completed by the applicant ˴Ƭ ID No:  First name: Last name: Address: Mobile number: Section B To be completed by the referee Relationship to Applicant: Number of years you have known applicant: Comment on academic achievement and research potential/performance:  Comment on potential benefit to applicants studies and to scholarship and research of Prize proposal:  General comment (including any challenges faced by the student in terms of pursuing the study/research proposed):  Referee Signature:Date: Name:Position held: University/Organisation:Telephone number: Email address:  Thank you for completing the referee report. Please send the completed and signed document back to the applicant. Further information about the Prize is available at:  HYPERLINK "/library/about/prizes/weir-prize/" /library/about/prizes/weir-prize/      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 5 $-./Tn   ? 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