Latest events /learning/ en ACEN GOS Webinar: Student participation in WIL – a three year review /learning/events/list/2023/05/acen-gos-webinar-student-participation-in-wil-a-three-year-review This webinar will provide an overview of student participation in different types of WIL over a three-year period. It will draw on the ACEN endorsed WIL items in the national Graduate Outcomes Survey, with an annual sample of over 75,000 graduates from 30, 31 and 34 universities.   Thu, 30 Mar 2023 10:23:02 +1030 Chantelle Howie /learning/events/list/2023/05/acen-gos-webinar-student-participation-in-wil-a-three-year-review Online 2023-05-09T13:00:00+09:30 2023-05-09T14:00:00+09:30 Advance HE Webinar: International Higher Education – What Next? A Global South perspective /learning/events/list/2023/05/advance-he-webinar-international-higher-education-what-next-a-global-south International Higher Education - what's next? Thu, 20 Apr 2023 10:44:20 +0930 Emily Kemp /learning/events/list/2023/05/advance-he-webinar-international-higher-education-what-next-a-global-south Online - webinar 2023-05-10T15:30:00+09:30 2023-05-10T16:30:00+09:30 EAT-Erasmus Webinar 5: Measuring the impact of assessment interventions /learning/events/list/2023/05/eat-erasmus-webinar-5-measuring-the-impact-of-assessment-interventions What are the best practical methods to effectively measure the impact of assessment interventions? Wed, 01 Mar 2023 10:54:25 +1030 Chantelle Howie /learning/events/list/2023/05/eat-erasmus-webinar-5-measuring-the-impact-of-assessment-interventions Online event 2023-05-10T20:30:00+09:30 2023-05-10T21:30:00+09:30 AAUT Applicant Workshop /learning/events/list/2023/05/aaut-applicant-workshop Presented by Australian based, internationally recognised higher education consulting group HEED, this workshop will be required attendance for staff wishing to develop a national teaching award (AAUT - Australian Awards for University Teaching) submission in the next five years. Join colleges from the University of South Australia and Flinders University for this informative and inspiring workshop, which will be attended by previous recipients from all three institutions, in addition to AAUT assessors. Tue, 28 Mar 2023 13:33:39 +1030 Emily Kemp /learning/events/list/2023/05/aaut-applicant-workshop North Terrace Campus - room TBC 2023-05-12T10:00:00+09:30 2023-05-12T15:00:00+09:30 Advance HE Webinar: International Higher Education – What Next? Building lasting sustainable partners /learning/events/list/2023/05/advance-he-webinar-international-higher-education-what-next-building-lasting International Higher Education - what's next? Thu, 20 Apr 2023 10:48:16 +0930 Emily Kemp /learning/events/list/2023/05/advance-he-webinar-international-higher-education-what-next-building-lasting Online - webinar 2023-05-24T20:30:00+09:30 2023-05-24T21:30:00+09:30