Latest events /learning/ en Advance HE Fellowship Support Sessions /learning/events/list/2022/10/advance-he-fellowship-support-sessions Advance HE Fellowship acknowledges your expertise in, and commitment to, professionalism in learning and teaching and is recognised globally. The Teaching Excellence Team are offering a program of support for academic and professional staff involved in teaching, supporting learning, and leading in higher education who wish to apply for fellowship. In this program, you will engage in three Zoom sessions which will guide you through the process of writing your application. Past participants in the program found the encouragement and support of peers to be very motivating. Tue, 27 Sep 2022 17:12:12 +0930 Michelle Ratzmer /learning/events/list/2022/10/advance-he-fellowship-support-sessions Via Zoom 2022-10-25T12:00:00+10:30 2023-01-24T13:00:00+10:30 ADEPT: Prep for Integrity /learning/events/list/2023/01/adept-prep-for-integrity In this session we share advice and resources to set up your course – and your students – for academic integrity success this semester. Mon, 21 Nov 2022 09:32:31 +1030 Chantelle Howie /learning/events/list/2023/01/adept-prep-for-integrity Synchronous online workshop (Zoom) 2023-01-20T10:00:00+10:30 2023-01-20T11:00:00+10:30