Latest events /learning/ en ADEPT – Check for Integrity session /learning/events/list/2020/11/adept-check-for-integrity-session This session will assist staff with looking for the signs and signals of cheating in online exams and highlight the steps required to initiate a suspected academic misconduct investigation. Mon, 28 Sep 2020 20:00:00 +0930 Emily Kemp /learning/events/list/2020/11/adept-check-for-integrity-session Delivered online 2020-11-03T16:00:00+10:30 2020-11-03T17:00:00+10:30 ACEN Webinar Series 1: Purposes and approaches to post-practicum interventions /learning/events/list/2020/11/acen-webinar-series-1-purposes-and-approaches-to-post-practicum-interventions This webinar will focus on the purposes of post-practicum interventions and approaches to enacting them. The presentation will draw upon studies from both phases of the grant and a survey of healthcare students about the purposes for post-practicum interventions and preferences for how they are enacted. The student’s perspectives will be presented along with purposes and approaches adopted in the individual projects. Tue, 03 Nov 2020 15:16:06 +1030 Jennah Mills /learning/events/list/2020/11/acen-webinar-series-1-purposes-and-approaches-to-post-practicum-interventions Online 2020-11-10T10:00:00+10:30 2020-11-10T12:00:00+10:30 ACEN Webinar Series 2: Models and processes of post-practicum interventions /learning/events/list/2020/11/acen-webinar-series-2-models-and-processes-of-post-practicum-interventions This webinar draws upon the projects across the two phases of the grant to suggest ways in which post-practicum interventions can be developed and enacted. Specifically, it will focus on the models of post-practicum interventions trialed in these projects and how specific teaching and learning strategies were used to augment those experiences to promote employability. The presentation of models and processes will offer participants some bases to consider what may work in their area of teaching. Tue, 03 Nov 2020 15:48:21 +1030 Jennah Mills /learning/events/list/2020/11/acen-webinar-series-2-models-and-processes-of-post-practicum-interventions Online 2020-11-17T10:00:00+10:30 2020-11-17T12:00:00+10:30 ACEN Webinar Series 3: Engaging time-jealous students /learning/events/list/2020/11/acen-webinar-series-3-engaging-time-jealous-students Across the many projects within the two phases of this grant, the issue of student engagement, particularly focused and effortful participation became an enduring concern. It seems that contemporary students are not time poor (i.e. without time), but are, instead time jealous (i.e. needing to use their time effectively because of overlapping and competing priorities). As with learning, how students come to engage in, integrate and reconcile experiences provided by both university programs and workplaces, is central to the quality and extent of the outcomes of these experiences. Superficial or reluctant participation will lead to weak educational outcomes. Consequently, it is necessary to identify how best students can come to engage in these kinds of experiences in focused and effortful ways and, through though that, optimise the learning potential of these experiences. Tue, 03 Nov 2020 15:52:36 +1030 Jennah Mills /learning/events/list/2020/11/acen-webinar-series-3-engaging-time-jealous-students Online 2020-11-24T10:00:00+10:30 2020-11-24T12:00:00+10:30