HSW /hr/ en New HSW Handbook Chapter - Management of Controlled Substances and Controlled Plants /hr/news/list/2022/05/23/new-hsw-handbook-chapter-management-of-controlled-substances-and-controlled A new HSW handbook chapter, Management of controlled substances and controlled plants, has been endorsed and uploaded to the HSW website. May 23 2022 Peter Hallows /hr/news/list/2022/05/23/new-hsw-handbook-chapter-management-of-controlled-substances-and-controlled Influenza vaccinations /hr/news/list/2022/04/29/influenza-vaccinations Each year influenza (flu) vaccine is developed to protect you against the most common strains of influenza. Influenza disease can be very serious leading to complications such as pneumonia, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), neurological conditions and other bacterial infections. April 29 2022 Peter Hallows /hr/news/list/2022/04/29/influenza-vaccinations 2022 World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Workers’ Memorial Day /hr/news/list/2022/04/07/2022-world-day-for-safety-and-health-at-work-and-workers-memorial-day The 28th of April 2022 is World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Workers' Memorial Day – a day for reflecting on how occupational deaths, injuries, diseases and illnesses can better be prevented. April 07 2022 Peter Hallows /hr/news/list/2022/04/07/2022-world-day-for-safety-and-health-at-work-and-workers-memorial-day Reporting of electric shock incidents to the Office of the Technical Regulator /hr/news/list/2021/12/15/reporting-of-electric-shock-incidents-to-the-office-of-the-technical-regulator Recent incidents in the University reporting electric shock have involved notification to the Office of the Technical Regulator (OTR) in addition to SafeWork SA . December 15 2021 Michelle Exner /hr/news/list/2021/12/15/reporting-of-electric-shock-incidents-to-the-office-of-the-technical-regulator Safety alert - unenclosed laser cutters /hr/news/list/2021/11/26/safety-alert-unenclosed-laser-cutters Online vendors are selling high powered lasers without adequate safety provisions. December 15 2021 Rebecca Stonor /hr/news/list/2021/11/26/safety-alert-unenclosed-laser-cutters Site supervisor receives a conviction and personal fine of $10,000 over serious injury to worker /hr/news/list/2021/12/14/site-supervisor-receives-a-conviction-and-personal-fine-of-10000-over-serious A site supervisor working for a land development company in WA has been personally fined under the WHS Act for not implementing the company safety procedures. December 14 2021 Michelle Exner /hr/news/list/2021/12/14/site-supervisor-receives-a-conviction-and-personal-fine-of-10000-over-serious HSW Handbook chapter update - COVID guiding principles for running an event in 2022 /hr/news/list/2021/12/09/hsw-handbook-chapter-update-covid-guiding-principles-for-running-an-event-in A new appendix has been added to the Events Safety Management information sheet. December 09 2021 Rebecca Stonor /hr/news/list/2021/12/09/hsw-handbook-chapter-update-covid-guiding-principles-for-running-an-event-in Coping with anxiety as COVID-19 restrictions ease /hr/news/list/2021/11/22/coping-with-anxiety-as-covid-19-restrictions-ease The easing of public health restrictions in South Australia on November 23rd, 2021, is a big milestone and something to celebrate. November 22 2021 Rebecca Stonor /hr/news/list/2021/11/22/coping-with-anxiety-as-covid-19-restrictions-ease New HSW Information Sheets and Updated Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Portal /hr/news/list/2021/10/28/new-hsw-information-sheets-and-updated-health-and-safety-representative-hsr In alignment with the new Health and Safety Representative and HSW Consultation Chapter of the ³ÉÈË´óƬ’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing Handbook, new Health and Safety Representatives and HSW consultation information sheets (frequently asked questions) have been uploaded to the HSW website providing additional information and guidance on consultation processes and the role of HSRs. October 28 2021 Rebecca Stonor /hr/news/list/2021/10/28/new-hsw-information-sheets-and-updated-health-and-safety-representative-hsr Updated Guidance Material: Managing the risks of working in heat /hr/news/list/2021/10/28/updated-guidance-material-managing-the-risks-of-working-in-heat Working in heat can be hazardous and is a common cause of harm among Australian workers. Some common risks of working in heat include heat-related illness, dehydration, burns and reduced concentration. October 28 2021 Rebecca Stonor /hr/news/list/2021/10/28/updated-guidance-material-managing-the-risks-of-working-in-heat