Smoke Free University FAQs

The purpose of these FAQs is to assist staff, students and those who share our campuses to understand and implement the requirements for a Smoke-free University.

(Printable version)

  • Why is the University smoke-free?

    We have a legal responsibility to provide a safe workplace and to protect staff, students and visitors from the serious health risks associated with exposure to second hand smoke (passive).

    The University also encourages healthier lifestyle choices for staff, students and the wider community who share and visit our campuses.

    A smoke-Free University was introduced after feedback was received from members of the University community and consultation with a range of key stakeholders.

  • When did the University become smoke-free?

    The University has been smoke-free at North Terrace campus since 1 July 2010 with progressive implementation across all campuses by 1 July 2011.

  • Where does the smoke-free initiative apply?

    The smoke-free initiative applies to:

    • all campuses, properties, buildings, vehicles or other areas owned, controlled or leased by the University; except where a specific exemption has been granted;
    • all retail vendors operating on University owned, controlled or leased premises.

    Exemptions must be authorised by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic).听 Where approved, this information will be displayed on the HSW website.

  • Who is affected by the smoke-free initiative?

    Anyone who studies, works or visits 成人大片 campuses including general public. i.e. all persons outlined in the scope of the University鈥檚 and all persons on University premises or grounds.

  • What about University residential facilities?

    The residential facilities where exemptions have been approved are displayed on the HSW website under the smoke-free chapter of the HSW Handbook.听 [Note 鈥 All exemptions have been authorised by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)].

  • What do I do if I notice an increase in cigarette waste on the University campus?

    A report can be lodged with Service Delivery on 8313 4008 who will investigate and co-ordinate appropriate signage and/or waste disposal units where appropriate.

  • Is second hand smoke really harmful?

    Yes. The Cancer Council of Australia have issued a position statement on the health risks of passive smoking.

    Even small amounts of exposure to tobacco smoke can be harmful to people鈥檚 health. A smoke-free environment is the only way to fully protect non-smokers from the dangers of second-hand smokeTo review the position statement, refer to website.

  • Does Smoke-free University include e-cigarettes? (i.e. electronic cigarettes)

    Yes.听 In accordance with the any device that is designed to generate or release an aerosol or vapour for inhalation in a manner similar to the inhalation of smoke from an ignited tobacco product is included.

    For further information on e-cigarettes please refer to the website.

  • What happens if I continue to smoke on campus?

    You will be in contravention of University Policy.

    The consequences of non-compliance with the HSW Handbook Chapter 鈥Smoke-free University鈥 may be addressed through the University鈥檚 disciplinary procedures.

  • Can I smoke when on a 成人大片 organised field trip/undergraduate teaching activity, outside the Campus?

    The University鈥檚 objective is to provide a 鈥淪moke free鈥 workplace and a safe environment for our staff and students.
    Whilst on 成人大片 organised field trips or undergraduate teaching activities off campus, you should be
    mindful of your surroundings and the impact to the health of others. Smoking is not permitted in any area (including any
    area outdoors) where other students or staff may be subjected to your second hand smoke or vapour. You are also
    required to observe the requirements and restrictions imposed under the Tobacco and E-Cigarette Products legislation
    (including the specific restrictions on smoking in some defined public areas) and also follow any signage displaying
    restrictions on other external premises.

  • What happens if I refuse to stop smoking on Campus?

    • Staff breaches of this process will be addressed as misconduct.
    • Student breaches will be directed to the Student Services office for actioning in accordance with the University Statute 鈥淐onduct of Students in the University鈥.
    • Contractors in breach will be reported to the relevant University representative (e.g. University project manager, Service Provider or School/Branch representative)
    • Visitor breaches will be referred to the Security Office:
      • North Tce (831) 35990
      • Waite campus (831) 37200
      • Roseworthy (831) 37999
  • Will tobacco products be sold on University campuses or facilities?

    Tobacco products are not sold on University campuses or facilities.

  • What support will be provided to staff that wish to stop smoking?

    The University actively supports staff and students who want to stop smoking.

    Please visit the University鈥檚 Healthy University Wellbeing Program or visit .

  • Where can I find more information on smoke-free University?

    If you would like more information about Smoke-Free University Chapter of the HSW Handbook please visit the HSW homepage or contact the local HSW contact.

Further information

Please contact your local HSW team.