Event Safety Management FAQs

The purpose of these FAQs is to provide information and guidance on how events related to the ³ÉÈË´óƬ should be planned and managed in accordance with the Hazard Management chapter of the HSW Handbook.

(Printable version)

  • What are the COVID requirements for an event?


    requirements for events have relaxed, essentially encouraging basic COVID safe principles including consideration of:

    • how many people you can safely accommodate (noting there are no maximum capacity limits or density limits), as this will help people to practice physical distancing
    • venue layout, traffic flow, tables and seating to allow for physical distancing
    • informing attendees and displaying signage at the venue entrance to instruct persons not to enter if they are unwell or have COVID-19 symptoms
    • using contactless payments where possible
    • use of online bookings, reservations and pre-ordering where practical
    • placing floor or wall markings or signs to identify 1.5 metres distance between people, particularly for queues and waiting areas
    • providing hand sanitiser on entry and exit of the premises, and areas where you expect many people to be.

    As additional precautions, you may choose to consider:

    • asking attendees to wear a face mask, in which case, provide these upon entry (noting that face masks are no longer a )
    • encouraging only fully vaccinated persons to attend our public events

    For further advice contact hswteam@adelaide.edu.au

    For organisers of events please check the facilities-bookings webpage for additional guidance.

  • What Event Safety Management activities do these FAQs apply to?

    Event safety management is applicable where an event is being staged that:

    • changes the environment/venue (e.g. addition of temporary structures); or
    • is using the environment/venue in a different way than how it was designed to be used; or
    • introduces a foreseeable safety hazard(s) due to the nature of the event/activity/function.

    Examples of when events safety management should be applied.

    • Temporary structures are being erected on University grounds (e.g. marquees, jumping castles, stages).
    • A meeting/talk/demonstration is being held where there is the potential for a violent situation due to the nature of the attendees/speaker.
    • An event is being held where noise from the event could impact occupants of adjacent buildings (e.g. open air concerts, large crowd).
    • A science demonstration that involves the generation of fire and smoke is being held in a lecture theatre or other venue (e.g. Chemistry Spectacular, Science Alive).
    • The event requires traffic management, to ensure vehicles and pedestrians are separated (e.g. bringing cranes, cherry pickers, semi-trailers or other heavy vehicles onto campus, use of forklifts/industrial lift trucks.).

    (Note: Where an event requires traffic management and/or temporary structures to be erected on University Grounds, ensure you contact Facilities Management prior to organising the event on 8313 5151.)

  • How do I book an event?

    On-campus events

    You should complete the Event booking process in consultation with Facilities bookings or phone (831) 35151 ensuring that you have considered the venue to be appropriate for your event (safe and suitable for the activity) prior to booking.Ìý This includes arrangements for booking events outdoors on University grounds (e.g. Barr Smith Lawns, Taib Mahmud Court).

    It is suggested that you also contact your Events/Marketing Co-ordinator for additional information on booking requirements for events planned at the Waite or Roseworthy Campus.

    Off campus events – external host

    You should follow the booking process and safety requirements of the external organisation hosting the event.Ìý Note that the ³ÉÈË´óƬ HSW Handbook requirements regarding Hazard Management still apply.

    Off campus events run and hosted by the University

    You should follow the booking process and safety requirements of the external provider.Ìý Note that the ³ÉÈË´óƬ HSW Handbook requirements regarding Hazard Management still apply.

  • What do I need to do when planning safety for an event?

    • Consider what is required to conduct the event safely and to meet the requirements of the Hazard Management chapter (i.e. undertake appropriate hazard identification, assessment and control).
      It is advisable (and may save considerable time) to identify if the event has been conducted previously and if it has:
      • gather the previous Risk Assessment/Safety Management Plan;
      • check for any debrief notes/recommendations (if available);
      • discuss with the previous event co-ordinator if there were any issues, incidents/injuries, specific control measures used to ensure the event was conducted safely.

    A Hazard Management Event Safety Checklist (Word Doc/PDF) and Event Safety Management Plan/Risk Assessment (Appendix A) are provided to assist.Ìý

    For guidance on how to complete an Event Safety Management Plan/Risk Assessment, refer to the examples of control measures for specific hazards in Appendix B of the FAQ.

    If the event involves utilisation of University groundsÌý
    (e.g. for erection of marquees, access to electrical or plumbing services.)

    Contact Facilities support (all campuses) 8313 4008.

    If contractors have been engaged
    (e.g. in the planning, setting up, running or cleaning up of the event)

    Follow the contractor management procedures in the HSW Handbook Chapter Contractor Management.
    This includes:

    • ensuring that a copy of any specific safety documentation required for the contractor’s activity (e.g. Safe Work Method Statement and/or Safety Management Plan) is provided to you by the contractor and kept on file with your events documentation.
    • an induction if the contractor(s) will be conducting activities without a University representative(s) being present. An Induction Template (Appendix C) which includes a list of prompts is provided for reference, but can be further customised by your area if required. A system for induction is to be in place to meet the requirements of the HSW Handbook chapter Provision of HSW information, instruction and training

    This information may be provided one-on-one, or as a group (e.g. lecture), on-line, email, brochure and/or website.

  • What Events Safety Management do I need to do on the day of an event?

    Prior to commencement

    You should conduct a walk-through of the venue/site with stakeholders where applicable to:

    • check for any additional hazards which may have been introduced during set-up.Ìý If this has occurred these should be added to the Safety Management Plan/Risk Assessment and control measures implemented as applicable;
    • check all control measures identified on the Safety Management Plan/Risk Assessment have been implemented; and
    • brief and induct any workers who will be working at the event.


    It is important that any person(s) undertaking work at the event (including volunteers and contractors) is/are inducted to ensure that they understand key pieces of information such as:

    • the hazards and control measures they may need to be aware of and implement;
    • what to do in an emergency;
    • how to access amenities and first aid treatment;
    • how to report an incident ; and
    • the reporting lines for the event.

    The information you should cover during an induction is captured in the Induction Checklist (Appendix C).
    This information may be provided one-on-one, or as a group (e.g. lecture), on-line, email, brochure and/or website.

    During the event

    You should monitor that activities are being managed in accordance with the Safety Management Plan/Risk Assessment.

    If an incident/injury is reported:

    • Ensure that the Report a safety issue or incident is followed including reporting the incident in the University’s incident reporting system.
    • Enter the details of the safety issue or incident using the app; or .

    Immediately following the event

    You should ensure that the event site is left in a safe condition.Ìý Where an event is such that a major clean up or removal of structures/lights/power/waste is unable to occur on the day you should ensure that you have the site booked for the following day or by some agreement with the site booking officer.

  • What Events Safety Management do I need to do after an event?

    It is beneficial to arrange for an event debrief, especially if there is a possibility that the same/similar event will be arranged at some time in the future. The debrief will identify what worked/didn’t work and provide recommendations for improvement.

    An Event Safety Management Debrief Template (Appendix D) is provided to assist.

  • What Events Safety Management records will I need to keep in relation to an event

    You should ensure there is a system for maintaining documentation (e.g. using the University’s records management system or School/Branch Records Management system) relating to the event in accordance with the Hazard Management HSW Handbook chapter.

  • If I am an event coordinator do I need training to plan and run an event safely?

    Your HSW training needs are determined by your supervisor/School/Branch with consideration to your role and responsibilities.Ìý Where your supervisor/School/Branch has determined that it is important for you to gain an understanding of the safety requirements for Events Management, contact your local HSW team.

  • Are there any rules governing alcohol at events?

    The service of alcohol in South Australia is regulated by the State Government under the and the . The ³ÉÈË´óƬ has an Alcohol Management and Use Policy to assist staff with understanding what their responsibilities are should they plan to serve alcohol at an event. The Alcohol Management and Use Policy requires the completion of an Alcohol Management and Safety checklist if you are planning to serve alcohol at a function/event.

    NOTE: You should check with the venue bookings officer to determine if the venue is covered under an existing liquor licence and any licensing restrictions that apply. If the venue is not covered by an existing licence then you may need to apply to the State Government regulator for a limited licence for your event .

  • Do I need to consider insurance in relation to my event?

    The University has insurances that cover the broad range of activities that the University is likely to undertake. Where the event is staged by any individual or group that is not part of the University it may not be covered by the University’s insurance and you should check with the .

  • Are there other University related documents/resources I should be aware of?

  • Where do I obtain further information on Events Safety Management?

    If you require further information, please contact a member of the local HSW Team.

Further information

Please contact your local HSW team.