Obituary: Dr Keith Forbes Walker

Dr Keith Forbes Walker



Born: 20 June 1946, Aberdeen, Scotland
Died: 27 February 2016, Parawa, South Australia

Funeral held in Adelaide on 9 March 2016

Keith passed away suddenly and unexpectedly at his property "Rivendel" at Parawa onÌýthe Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia, aged 69 years.

Keith Forbes Walker was born in Aberdeen, Scotland on 20 June 1946. In 1951 his familyÌýemigrated to Australia and lived in Melbourne. Keith completed a Bachelor of ScienceÌý(Honours) at Monash University then continued on to a PhD at Monash where his supervisorÌý(and mentor) was Bill Williams, a pioneer in Australian limnology (study of inland waters).

After completing his PhD he undertook postdoctoral studies at the University of WashingtonÌýwith the famous limnologist Tommy Edmundson and returned to another postdoctoralÌýposition with Ralph Slatyer at the Australian National University. While at ANU Keith took partÌýin the first ecological review of the River Murray and thus began his more than 40 years work on the Murray.

In 1975, Bill Williams became Professor of Zoology at the ³ÉÈË´óƬ and Keith wasÌýhis first appointment. Keith was an outstanding teacher, he taught subjects in freshwaterÌýecology, invertebrate biology and statistical methods. In 1986 he designed and presentedÌýResearch Methods in Environmental Biology, which was based in statistics but importantlyÌýintroduced students to the scientific method, the process of logical thinking, careful writing andÌýa belief that ideas needed to be proven and developed quantitatively; all hallmarks of Keith’sÌýway of science. In 1992 Keith was one of the inaugural winners of the Stephen Cole the ElderÌýPrize Excellence in Teaching at the ³ÉÈË´óƬ.

Keith's research focussed on the ecology of floodplain rivers, especially the River Murray.ÌýTrained as a zoologist, Keith worked extensively with colleagues in botany, geomorphology,Ìýhydrology and engineering. From these collaborations, and nearly 200 research students, hisÌýresearch provided vast insights into our knowledge of Australia’s rivers and their floodplains,Ìýtheir ecological communities and the ways they were affected by flow regulation. Keith had aÌýlifelong impact on all his students, many of whom have gone onto make significantÌýcontributions of their own to aquatic ecology and management.

Keith was indisputably Australia's most well regarded expert on the River Murray and hisÌýexpertise was captured in 37 book chapters, more than 100 refereed journal publications and aÌýfurther 40 refereed reports and conference proceedings. He received the Australian Society forÌýLimnology Medal for excellence in research in 1993 and the Whitley Medal of the RoyalÌýZoological Society (NSW) (with Paul Humphries) for the best book on Australian fauna in 2013.

Keith's publications informed an understanding of the striking ecological and physical changesÌýto the lower River Murray caused by a series of weirs that transformed the lowland river withÌýhighly variable flow into a series of heavily regulated weir pools. Keith retained a love for theÌýnatural history of the River Murray, Murrundi, the native river. This was captured by hisÌýinsatiable interest in freshwater mussels, another topic in which he was an internationallyÌýrespected expert.

Keith was also a wise voice in river and environmental management, sitting on many advisoryÌýpanels. As a member of the Environmental Water Advisory Board Keith made keyÌýcontributions to The Murray Darling Basin Plan that now provides increased environmentalÌýwater to the Murray. In his committee roles Keith rarely seemed to have the loudest voice inÌýthe room, but such was his influence that when he did speak everyone listened.

Keith was alsoÌýan advocate of communicating science. Along with Geoff Petts and others in 1986 Keith formedÌýa new journal focussed on research and management of large rivers, "Regulated Rivers:ÌýResearch and Management" later "River Research and Applications" which continues toÌýpublish many influential papers on rivers. Keith was the founding co-editor and Editor for theÌýAsia Pacific region and remained on the Editorial Board. Keith also wrote and spokeÌýextensively for community based organisations, whether it was on the management of theÌýRiver Murray or some aspect of local natural history. His communication of science wasÌýrecognised through the Unsung Hero of South Australian Science Award received from theÌýAustralian Science Communicators in 2000.

Keith passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in February 2016 aged 69, far too young. HeÌýhad immeasurably more love to give his family, his wife Jan, children Jenny and Craig and hisÌýsix grandchildren, and much more knowledge to contribute to the understanding andÌýmanagement of rivers in Australia. Since his retirement in 2007 Keith had been an AdjunctÌýAssociate Professor in the School of Biological Sciences and kept up a frantic pace ofÌýconsultancies and publishing. Keith has left Australia with a great intellectual legacy throughÌýall those he taught and mentored. He will be dearly missed.

Written by Dr Mike Geddes (Visiting Research Fellow, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, School ofÌýBiological Sciences, ³ÉÈË´óƬ) and Dr Fran Sheldon (Associate Professor, School ofÌýEnvironment, Griffith University).
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