Happy 1st Birthday to the Environment Institute

June 4th was the one year anniversary of the Environment Institute and what a year it has been. In the past 12 months some big names in science have been the guests of the Environment Institute including James Hansen, Tom Blees, William Laurance and Hugh Possingham. Later this year the Environment Institute will be welcoming Paul Ehrlich as a visitor to Adelaide (stay tuned to this blog to find out more details).

There was some big scientific news to come out of the Environment Institute in the past year. If we were to talk about them all it would take more than a single blog but some of the highlights include resurrecting mammoth haemoglobin,, which countries are the worst environmental polluters, New study ranks countries on environmental impact and the discovery of 850 new species of invertebrates.

If you missed any of the events you can revisit the seminars via podcasts using the links below.

Congratulations to all the members of the Environment Institute, the success of the past 12 months has been due to their hard work and research.

You can relive part of the Environment Institute Launch .
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