Professor Robert Fitzpatrick

Professor Robert Fitzpatrick
  • Biography/ Background

     Professor Rob Fitzpatrick’s career has focused on the interface of soil science (pedology), regolith science, mineralogy, biogeochemistry, forensic science, mineral exploration and climate change as applied to:

    ·         Landscape processes.

    ·         Advanced techniques to characterize, map, monitor and manage soil-regolith systems.

    ·         Criminal and environmental forensic techniques for soils and regolith.

    He has over 50 years experience in leading major multi-disciplinary research projects; conducted over 500 specialised soil-regolith investigations and surveys, covering a wide range of regions and climates worldwide. 

    Summary of Impact: The Australain Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) compiled the following online article, which features impacts of the some of Rob's soils work focussing on the identificaion and mapping of degraded wetlandss during the Millenium Drought (2007-2010), mineral exploration, forensics and helping society; to view click on website link: .

    ·         Co-edited 30 books/manuals and is author of over 950 scientific publications

    ·         Career citations of 8667(h-index 46): 5 papers exceeding 300 citations, 7 papers exceeding 100 citations, 33 papers                 exceeding 50 citations, 85 papers exceeding 20 citations.

    ·         Gained, along with collaborators, more than $80 million in research funding

    ·         Invited guest/keynote speaker at over 90 international and national conferences.

    ·         21 PhD, 7 MSc and 10 honours students supervised.


    Professor Rob Fitzpatrick holds the following current positions:

    ·         Adjunct Professor: School of Biological Sciences, the 成人大片 

    ·         Director: Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science (CAFSS)

              Deputy Director: Acid Sulfate Soils Centre (ASSC)()

    ·         Honorory Fellow (CSIRO): CSIRO Mineral Resources 

    ·         Member: National Committee for Acid Sulfate Soils (NatCASS)

    ·         Member: Geological subcommittee of the Organization of Scientific Area Committee for Forensic Science (OSAC) of
          the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA.

              Deputy Chair Water Forum: Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE)

    ·         Chair: Technical Advisory Panel of the Atlas of Australian Acid Sulfate Soils

    ·         Vice-Chair: International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) Initiative on Forensic Geology.

    ·         Principal Consultant: Soil Forensic Solutions

    •    Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS)


    Land-use planning and capability

    Rob Fitzpatrick has initiated and undertaken over 500 specialised soil-regolith investigations and surveys for industry, mineral exploration companies, governments and the justice system (criminal and environmental soil forensic investigations), which required wide expertise in soils, regolith, landscapes, mineralogy and chemistry. Most of these have required strong collaboration between various scientists to focus on complex soil related problems associated with the following industries and issues:

    ·         Managing Soil damage to optic fiber cable networks.  Developed a special-purpose Soil Assessment Manual to minimise soil damage from shrink-swell soils and soil corrosion to the Australian telecommunication optic fibre cable network. Telstra engineers use the methodology he produced in installing its telecommunications network. Saved millions of dollars.

    ·         Managing Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS): (See Website: )

    Achievements and impacts include:

    • Developing and leading the “Atlas of Australian Acid Sulfate Soils” program under the auspices of the National Committee for Acid Sulfate Soils.
    • A new technical soil classification and regional risk maps for ASS, which have led to best management principles, management options and new policies for several regulatory agencies.
    • Publication of the first ever book on inland ASS, establishing the importance, extent and severity of inland ASS in major regions in the world.

    ·         Mineral exploration. Demonstrated that inland ASS may contain anomalous concentrations of elements such as Cu, Pb, Zn, Se, As and Sr, and as such successfully introduced and applied this as a new geochemical sampling medium for mineral exploration.

    ·         Draining saline soils.  Developed a new system, which has changed how land managers, policy makers, and teaching institutions view, monitor, and manage drained/disturbed saline soils.

    ·         Land-use planning in catchments. The approach of displaying descriptive information on soils, hydrology, and best management practice along toposequences has opened new ways of communicating complex information with land managers.  It has changed the management of saline and waterlogged soils in several high rainfall catchments in Australia.

    ·         Land-use planning of regions.  The development of a new generic GIS up-scaling approach for the broad-scale mapping of factors such as waterlogging, acidity, salinity and catchment health has been extended to several other regions in Australia.

    ·         Minesoils.  A technical classification system for soils forming on waste-rock and spoil dumps at open-cut mining operations in Australia, based on management-related properties has been used to modify the Australian Soil Classification and Soil Taxonomy.

    ·         Soils for Viticulture. Developed and published a national system that identifies restricted soil layers affecting root growth.  Researchers and grape growers have used it successfully to relate rootstock performance to soil properties, and deliver soil-specific packages for land development and soil management.

    ·         Forestry and water quality. Strategies for evaluating soil types to improve commercial afforestation have been developed. New methods to ameliorate soils in reservoir catchments for Water Supply Authorities have also been developed to overcome contaminants (dissolved organic carbon loads, salt, iron and manganese), and to plan land management.


    Forensic Soil Science and Geology

    ·         Founding director of the Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science (CAFSS) in 2001, which is a national and international body that combines research, training and services in soil forensics to fight crime, terrorism and environmental pollution (CAFSS). Approved by the Australia New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency (ANZPAA) in 2011 as the “Centre for Australian Forensic Soil Science: A Forensic Science Centre of Specialisation”.

    ·         Conducted over 250 soil forensic investigations for police forces, government agencies and non-government organizations with the search, location and recovery of soil and mineral samples from: (a) murder, cold murder and cover-up murder cases; (b) counter-terrorism cases, (c) assault, rape and kidnapping cases; (d) armed robbery and theft cases; (e) environmental contaminant cases (dust and toxic metals), (f) forensic archaeology cases in Australia and overseas, including diverse projects such as stolen dinosaur eggs and ferns from national parks and military applications. The impact of solving crimes using soil information has prevented several lengthy court cases and saved millions of dollars.

    ·         Published “Guidelines for Conducting Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensic Investigations”, which are incorporated in all case investigations conducted by CAFSS and is being used by several Australian and international agencies as the methodology/protocol for sampling and analysing soil-regolith in forensic investigations.

    ·         Responsible for pioneering and organizing the 1st (Perth, 2006) International Conference on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics. Member of organizing committee of 2nd (Edinburgh, Scotland in 2007), 3rd (Long Beach, USA in 2010) and 4th (The Hague, Netherlands in 2012).

    ·         Conducted workshops, seminars and training courses on soils for police, other institutional professionals and undergraduates.

    ·         Provided opportunities for postgraduate students to undertake research projects related directly or indirectly to questions posed by clients.

    ·         Expert witness in several Supreme Court hearings.

    ·         Expert witness in several multi-million dollar legal cases, namely: (i) Litigation case involving Acid sulfate turf soil on the Kardinia Park football field in Melbourne, (ii) Expert witness in the Appeals Tribunal Court involving the Coonawarra wine district boundary dispute.

    ·         Written several major Encyclopedia (3), book chapters and popular papers on Soil Forensics:

    ·         Developed and supplied interactive exhibits/displays, which depict the role of soil-regolith science in crime investigations. These, have been put on permanent display in several institutions around the world.

    ·         Convenor, Forensic Geoscience Symposium, 34th International Geological Congress (IGC) in Brisbane, Australia 2012.


    Soil-regolith landscape processes

    ·         Developed new knowledge on pedology, regolith science, soil mineralogy and biogeochemistry as applied to soil-regolith processes.  Experienced in the design and development of advanced techniques to characterise, map and monitor Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS).  Provided national and international leadership in recognising and establishing the importance, extent and severity of ASS as an environmental issue in both public and government arenas. The following is a selection of some of his more significant research achievements:

    ·         Pioneered work in showing the importance of Al-substituted goethite as an indicator of pedogenic and other weathering environments and synthesizing Fe-Ti oxides at near ambient conditions, provided the basis for the mineral pseudorutile to be synthesized for the first time. Demonstrated importance of the form and composition of the soil oxides of iron and titanium in relation to soil processes, pollutant element retention, soil degradation and water quality. Contributed to the natural discovery and naming of the mineral schwertmannite – now commonly found in ASS.

    ·         Developed new methods, protocols and models to sample, characterize and map ASS at catchment, regional and national scales in Australia, Brunei and Iraq.

    ·         Developed new field instrumentation and methodologies for characterising and mapping complex ASS and salt-affected soils.  Produced the first national map and atlas of Australian ASS and has contributed significantly to debate and the scientific underpinning of public policy.

    ·         Developed mechanistic models to account for changes with time in biogeochemical and physical properties occurring in the various forms of land degradation.  The models enable prediction and management of risk at scales from field, to farm, to regions.

    ·         Established new conceptual models to explain and predict the formation and distribution of ASS with sulfuric materials (pH<4). These models describe, for the first time, the significance of extreme drought conditions in causing: (i) new kinds of inland ASS to form as water levels recede in rivers and lake systems and (ii) new assemblages of sulfate-containing evaporite minerals and Fe/Al-oxyhydroxysulfate minerals to precipitate as acidic pore waters (pH 0.8 to 2) evaporate at soil surfaces.

    ·         Unravelled the role, importance and impact of formation and transformation of new minerals, which precipitate as acidic pore waters evaporate and are powerful indicators of changing soil-water processes in degrading landscapes.


    Soil-regolith mapping and soil classification

    ·         Conducted detailed investigations on the distribution, formation and mineralogy of a wide variety of soils: (i) Periglacial soils with fossil permafrost horizons in southern Africa (identified and reported their occurrence and properties for the first time), (ii) Vertisols in slope sequences in Australia, supplementing earlier work in Africa; (iii) Podzols (Spodosols) developed from coastal sands in Australia (chronosequences and heavy mineral weathering) and Africa, (iv) Sesquioxidic soils in South Africa (with ferricretes, bauxites and thick humic A1 horizons), New Zealand (wet soils) and Australia (gravely maghemitic soils), (v) Sodic and saline soils and environmental consequences in Australia and South Africa, (vi) Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) in coastal and inland regions in Australia, Iraq and Brunei (identified and reported the occurrence and properties of inland ASS for the first time), (vii) Arid Soils in Kuwait, Iraq, Abu Dhabi, Australia and South Africa.

    ·         Experienced in the use of international soil classification systems (Soil Taxonomy and the World Reference Base for Soil Resources), and the national systems of Australia, South Africa, Kuwait, Iraq and Brunei.  Provided numerous contributions to International Committees working towards updating these systems, and proposals to which he contributed have been included. 

    ·         Carried out numerous strategic consulting projects for several Consultants and government authorities, on the assessment of the properties and hazards of acid sulfate soils at several regions in South Australia (Gulf of St. Vincent; Coorong and Lower Lakes), Northern Territory (Darwin harbour, Ranger Uranium Mine), Queensland (Cairns), Victoria (Corangamite District) and in Tasmania.  Appointed for a period of 4-years as the Quality Assurance Consultant for “The Soil Survey for the State of Kuwait”. Conducted major soil survey investigations in the southern Iraq marshlands, Brunei and at numerous Landmine Experimental sites in Australia for the Australian Defence Department.

    ·         Experienced in mapping of soil-regolith of agricultural, horticultural and mining regions in South Africa and Australia.  A major contribution was completion of several soil-terrain-climate surveys in South Africa.  Between 1971 and 1979 while employed as a soil surveyor at the Soil & Irrigation Research Institute in South Africa, he conducted research on soil survey methodology at small (1:250 000) and large (1:1000) scales for a diversity of purposes (land type survey of whole country, irrigation, urban and forestry planning).  In 1972 he completed a soil-terrain-climate survey of the Southeastern Transvaal covering some 30,000 sq. km. at a publication scale of 1:250,000.  Between 1973 and 1977 this survey was extended to cover the coastal and mountainous regions of Natal, covering some 85,000 sq. km.  His involvement with the planning and soil survey mapping work for this major project has resulted in their being a unique breakdown of the land surface of the country into homogeneous natural resource regions.  The resulting soil maps and soil data information enabled him, in collaboration with others, to construct a map showing the distribution of liming resources in relation to acid soils in South Africa (scale 1:1,500,000).  In 2005, he provided leadership in developing the first National map and atlas of coastal and inland Australian Acid Sulfate Soils, underpinning enhanced procedures and guidelines for identification and remediation strategies of ASS in environments across Australia; and policies.


  • Qualifications

    ·         National Diploma for Chemical Technicians (Part 1), 1966

    ·         Mine Assayer's Certificate of Competency (Part A), 1970

    ·         BSc (Agric), 1972, Soil Science (First Class pass) and Chemistry, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg. Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry BSc (Hons).

    ·         MSc (Agric), 1974, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg.  Thesis "Mineralo-chemical studies on soils and related material from pedosystems in the Southeastern Transvaal"

    ·         PhD, 1978, University of Natal, Thesis title:  "Occurrence and properties of iron and titanium oxides in soils along the eastern seaboard of South Africa"

  • Awards & Achievements



    ·         Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), 2008

    ·         Fellow, Soil Science Society of America, 2010

    ·         Fellow, Soil Science Society of Southern Africa, 2009

              Fellow, Australian Society of Soil Science, 2020

              Fellow, British Society of Soil Sceince, 2015

              Fellow, The Geological Society of London, 2020


    ·         Sir Joseph Verco Medal, Royal Society of South Australia for Scientific Excellence in Science, 1999

    ·         The Prescott Medal of Soil Science, Australian Society of Soil Science, outstanding contribution to Science, 1998

    ·         Gold medal, Chinese Academy of Sciences for distinguished contributions to science in China, 1997.

    ·         Strategic Excellence for Service from Science, CSIRO Land and Water 2008.

    ·         Outstanding Scientific Achievement Team Award, CRC Landscape Environments & Mineral Exploration 2007.

    ·         Distinguished Lecturer Award, Texas Tech University, October 2011.

        Pioneer Lecture Award, 2020: Soil Science Australia for signficant and lasting contribution to the field of soil science.

        Pons Medal: for outstanding contribution to acid sulfate soil scienice and practice by the International Union of Soil Science        (IUSS) Acid Sulfate Soils Working Group, May 2011.

    ·         Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS), Leading Professional - Grade 3 (highest grade), 1997-present

    ·         4th Harald Jensen Oration Lecture – Australian Society of Soil Science, New South Wales Branch, 2008.

    "The Weight of the World on the Shoulders of Soil Science: Amazing new linkages between soil, water quality, extreme drought conditions and criminal investigations".

    ·         18th Professor GW Leeper Memorial Lecture Australian Society of Soil Science, Victorian Branch, 2009.
     "Soil Science and the role of pedotechnology in solving forensic, water quality, polluted soil, mineral exploration and engineering problems”.

    • 3rd Annual Boodja Lecture – Australian Society of Soil Science, Western Australia Branch, 2015: "Making soil talk: The value of soil in solving criminal investigations”.


  • Teaching Interests

    Teaching, Extension and Industrial Education

    ·         Undergraduate Teaching:  From 1976 to 1979 he lectured Soil Chemistry, Pedology and Soil Mineralogy in the Department of Soil Science at University of Natal. In 1986 he lectured the Structural Geology course in the Department of Geology at the 成人大片.  From 1990 to 1994 he assisted in the coordination of and in the lecturing of students enrolled in the Master of Agriculture and Graduate Certificate Courses in Soil Conservation (Soil Survey and Land Evaluation elective) and Environmental Geology/ Pedology III courses at the 成人大片.  He co-ordinated 5 day field soil survey camps and was primarily responsible for initiating and actively organising a series of 5 day annual Soil Classification Courses (Soil Taxonomy and Australian Classification System) from 1990 to 1994 .From 1989 to 1996 he lectured to the final year Soil Science, Environmental Geology and Earth Science students at both Adelaide and Flinders Universities.  In 1989, he helped to formulate the Master of Agriculture and Graduate Certificate Courses in Soil Conservation at the 成人大片 and was responsible for Soil Survey and Land Evaluation.  Since 1996 he has given a series of lectures on Water Quality, Pollution (Acid Sulfate Soils) and Forensic Soil Science & Geology to final year students at Flinders University and the 成人大片.

    ·         Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) training: Developed and ran a 1-day-long Acid Sulfate Soil course for soil science and geology students at the 成人大片 (1992 to 2011), which is routinely attended by students and staff from several consulting companies across the Australia. He has also developed and run three 2-day-long inland Acid Sulfate Soils courses in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2011 for practicing wetland scientists and extension staff – over 250 professionals having attended them.  He also developed five 1-day-long Acid Sulfate Soil courses in 2008 and 2009 for community groups in South Australia – 70 people attended them.

    ·         External examiner Served as external examiner of 25 Master’s and Doctoral theses.

    ·         University administration: Member, Roseworthy Agricultural College Master of Applied Science Assessment Panel (1989). External Member, Roseworthy Agric. College Master of Applied Sci. Advisory Committee (1989-1992). Member, Adelaide University, Research Quality Framework (RQF) shadow Assessment Panel (2007).

    ·         Postgraduate supervision: 17 PhD, 8 MSc and 11 honours students.


  • Research Funding


    ·         Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA), South Australian Department for Environment and Natural Resources (DENR: previously, Department of Environment and Heritage, South Australia), Environment Protection Authority (EPA), South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPAC: previously, Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and Arts), SA Water and several Consulting companies in Australia: Conducted over 100 investigations on Acid Sulfate Soils, 2007-2011.

    ·         State and Federal Police Departments across Australia (South Australia, NSW, WA, Victoria, Tasmania and NT): Conducted 98 forensic investigations of soils on clothing, shoes, boots, vehicles, shovels, mattocks, rakes, road-sides for homicide, abduction and sexual assault cases, involving soil and geological materials, 2003-2011.

    ·         Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO): characterisation of soils at Australian Department of Defence landmine sites in Australia and Afghanistan, 2010-2011

    ·         Soil Fertility Evaluation/Advisory Service in Negara Brunei Darussalam: An evaluation of Acid Sulfate Soils, development of a Soil Identification Key for Major Soil Types, 2006-2008

    ·         South Australian Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation: An evaluation of the soils of Tilley Swamp and Morella Basin, South Australia, 2005

    ·         South Australian Water Commission: Evaluation of floodplain soils along the Salt Interception Scheme pipeline corridor near Loxton, South Australia, 2005

    ·         National Land and Water Resources Audit (NLWRA): Atlas of Acid Sulfate Soils 2004-2005

    ·         National Dryland Salinity Program (NDSP): Biogeochemical/physical processes in saline soils, 2000-2003

    ·         Grape and Wine Research Development Corporation (GWRDC): Viticultural Soils1999-2003

    ·         Coastal Acid Sulfate Soils Program (CASSP): Acid Sulfate Soils in Barker Inlet 1999-2003

    ·         Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR): Regional Water & Soil Assessment for Managing Sustainable Agriculture in China & Australia, 1997-2002

    ·         Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC): Sustainable agricultural systems and soil indicators: 1999-2001

    ·         Australian Federal Police: Comparison of dinosaur nest materials from imported samples and samples provided by the Victorian and South Australian museums sourced from Henan Province, China, 2005

    ·         Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment: Forensic soil investigation of eight soil samples from Victoria and Tasmania, 2004

    ·         Environment Protection Authority: Forensic soil investigation of dust samples from Adelaide Brighton Cement, and vehicles and adjacent soils, 2004

    ·         U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) contracted under the Development Alternatives, Inc. Water Indefinite Quantity Contract: The Iraq Marshlands Restoration Program on “Changes in soil and water characteristics of natural, drained and re-flooded soils in the Mesopotamian marshlands: Implications for land management planning.” 2004

    ·         City of Greater Geelong, Victoria Legal case involving application of sulfur and its likely effects on the soil and turf at Kardinia Park, Harwood Andrews Lawyers, 2003

    ·         Rouse Hill Infrastructure Pty Ltd, salinity and acid sulfate soil investigations at second ponds creek, Sydney, NSW for housing purposes, 2002

    ·         Southcorp Pty Ltd. Administrative Appeals Tribunal Court, Adelaide: Involving a boundary dispute in the Coonawarra District, South Australia, 2000-2001

    ·         Pima Mining Pty Ltd; 2 Consultancies involving geochemistry and mineralogy of saline acid sulfate soil seepages for mineral exploration purposes, 2000-2002

    ·         Physical Investigation Branch: South Australian Police/ Federal Police; 4 consultancies homicide investigations: soil and mineral specimens on spades and boots, 2000-2002

    ·         Torrens Catchment Board/University Of South Australia consulting spatial measurement and information group (SMIG) catchment indicators for the Upper Torrens, South Australia, 1999

    ·         Kyndalyn Park Almonds Pty Ltd: Soil survey of Kyndalyn Park for horticulture: Victoria, 1999.

    ·         Australian Defence Department/ DSTO: 7 consultancies involving the characterisation and mapping of soil properties at several Australian Defence Department landmine sites across Australia. 1997-2003

    ·         BHP Australia.  5 Consultancies: Assessment of Soils on Waste-Rock Dumps for rehabilitation purposes: Bowen Basin, Queensland, 1995-2000

    ·         Acer Vaughan Darwin Pty Ltd. 8 Consultancies:  Assessment of Acid Sulfate Soils Near Darwin Harbour: Darwin, 1983-2000

    ·         AACM International Pty Limited and KISR (Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research) Quality Assurance Consultant for “The Soil Survey for The State of Kuwait”, 1995 - 1999

    ·         PPK Consultants. Assessment of Acid Sulfate Soils, Gillman MFP Australia Site, SA, 1992

    ·         COMALCO.  Mass Magnetic Susceptibility and Mineralogy of Weipa Kaolin, 1991

    ·         Department of The Arts, Sport, The Environment, Tourism And Territories.  Selection of suitable soil materials to cover the fossiliferous deposits on Norfolk Island, 1990

    ·         Telecom Australia/ Telstra: 45 Consultancies: Inspections of Soils along the optical fibre cable routes across Australia, 1990-2001

    ·         Lochiel Collieries Pty Ltd: Differential Thermal and Thermogravimetric Analysis coal ash, 1989

    ·         Ranger Uranium Mines Pty Ltd: 6 Consultancies  Assessment of Soils on Waste-Rock Dumps for rehabilitation purposes in NT, 1986-1992

    ·         Anglo American Corporation: Jwaneng diamondiferous Kimberlite occurrence, Botswana, 1982

    ·         Piet Retief Town Council: Lotzaba Forest Ltd: Soil Survey & Land use for Forestry, 1972-1979

    ·         H.L. Hall & Sons, Ltd. Survey of Soils, Nelspruit area (Mataffin) for horticulture (RSA), 1971


    SELECTED research GRANTS

    ·         Acid Sulfate Soil investigations in Murray Darling Basin, especially Lower Lakes region in South Australia: several grants: $3.3 million (with Dr Paul Shand), 2009 – 2011

    ·         Acid Sulfate Soils investigations in Murray Darling Basin, especially in Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth; several grants: $2.2 million (with Dr Paul Shand), 2007-2008

    ·         Acid Sulfate Knowledge Project. NHT, Research grant, $K350, 2005-2007

    ·         Frontier Conflict Archaeological Sites Project, (with Assoc Prof Donald Pate and Dr Pamela Smith, Flinders University), ARC Research grant, $K65; 2005-2006

    ·         Conference on Criminal & environmental soil forensics, ATSE/ DEST, grant $K30; 2005-2006

    ·         WA Wheat belt Drainage Acidic Groundwater geochemistry, CRC LEME, $K250; 2004-2006

    ·         Inland acid sulfate soils: distribution and regolith processes, CRC LEME, $K150; 2004-2006

    ·         National Atlas of Coastal Acid Sulfate Soils. NLWRA 2, Research grant, $K40, 2004-2005

    ·         Soil & water characteristics Mesopotamian marshlands, Iraq: USAID/ DAI, $K80; 2004-2005

    ·         Salinity mapping and management: Jamestown, NAP, $K120, 2001-2003

    ·         Geochemistry of Inland ASS/saline seepages, CSIRO Glass Earth LEME, $K355; 2000-2003

    ·         Biogeochemical/physical processes in saline soils, NDSP, Research grant, $K190, 2000-2003

    ·         Biogeochemical/physical processes of saline soils, NDSP, Research grant, $K190; 2000-2003

    ·         Viticultural Soils. GWRDC, Research grant (with Alfred Cass), $K300; 1999-2003,

    ·         Coastal Acid Sulfate Soils, CASSP, EA, Research grants, $K950, 1999-2003

    ·         Regional Water & Soil Assessment for Managing Sustainable Agriculture in China, ACIAR, (with David Jupp), Research grant, $1.30 million, 1997-2002

    ·         Sustainable agricultural systems, RIRDC (with Dr Reuter), Research grant, $K70;  1999-2001

    ·         Dundas Tablelands, Victoria:  Murdock Trust/NAP/L&W Australia, $K120;  2000-2003

    ·         Soil Survey of Kuwait, Quality control consultant, AACM/ URS, Consulting, $K78; 1996-1999

    ·         GIS and remote sensing: waterlogging & salinity, EOC, Research grant, $K54; 1996-1999

    ·         Adelaide Hills/Woorndoo Landcare Group: Field book: NAP Research grant, $K55; 1996-1998,

    ·         Inspections of soils along the optical fibre cable routes in Australia, Telecom Australia/ Telstra: Research grants and 45 consultancies: $1.2 million. 1990-2001

    Total Value approximately $50 million.


  • Professional Associations


    ·         Vice-Chair: International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), Initiative on Forensic Geology 2011-present

    ·         Chair: Organising Committee: International Conferences on Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics (ISF) 2006-present

    ·         Foundation member: National Committee for Acid Sulfate Soils (NatCASS), 2005-present

    ·         Chair: Technical Advisory Panel of the Atlas of Australian Acid Sulfate Soils

    ·         Convenor: Forensic Geoscience Symposium, 34th International Geological Congress, 2012

    ·         Fellow: Soil Science Society of America, 2010-present; Member, 1978-

    ·         Member: American Society of Agronomy, 1978-present

    ·         Life Member: International Union of Soil Science, 1983-present; Member 1971-

    ·         Life Member: International Association for the Study of Clays (AIPEA), 1984-; Member, 1975-

    ·         Fellow: Soil Science Society of Southern Africa, 2009-present; Member, 1971-

    ·         Life Member: South African Society for Quaternary Research, 1983-present; Member 1974-

    ·         Member: Australian Society of Soil Science, 1983-present

    ·         Member: British Society of Soil Science, 1977-present

    ·         Committee Member: Australian Clay Minerals Society, 1995- present; Member, 1983-

    ·         Committee Member:  Royal Society of South Australia, 2007-present; Fellow, 1987-

    ·         Awards Committee: Royal Society of South Australia, 2000-present

    ·         Member: Australian Soil and Plant Analysis Council (ASPAC), 1996-present

    ·         Member: Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society (ANZFSS), 2000-present



    ·         Associate Editor, Soil Systems TheScientificWorldJOURNAL, 2001-present

    ·         Associate Editor: Transactions of Royal Society of South Australia, 2000-present

    ·         Associate Editor: Applied Clay Science, 1983-1997

    ·         Associate Editor: CATENA, 1988-1995

    ·         Co-editor: Proceedings 10th International Clay Conference, Adelaide, 1993-1995

    ·         Editor: Proceedings 1st International Workshop on Criminal & Environmental Forensics, 2006

    ·         Co-editor: Regolith 2006: Consolidation and Dispersion of Ideas. CRC LEME, Perth. 355pp

    ·         Co-editor: Inland Acid Sulfate Soils, 2008-2009

    ·         Co-editor: Soils of South Australia, 2004-present



    ·         Chair: Commission C2.4 (Soil Mineralogy) International Union of Soil Sciences, 2002-2006

    ·         1st Vice Chair: Commission 7 of the International Union of Soil Science, 1998-2002

    ·         President:  Royal Society of South Australia (2005-2006); Vice Pres, 2002-2004; 2007-2008

    ·         President: Australian Clay Minerals Society (2002-2004), Vice President, 2005-2006

    ·         President: Australian Society of Soil Science, South Australian Branch, 1998-2000

    ·         Steering Group Committee Member: International Union of Geological Sciences, Commission on Geoscience for Environmental Management (IUGS-GEM) Working Group on Forensic Geology, 2009-2011

    ·         Chair: 10th International Clay Conference, Adelaide, 1987-1993

    ·         Member: International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) Geohazards Working Group with members from International Geographical Union (IGU), International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and International Union of Geodesy & Geophysics (IUGG), 2007-2009

    ·         Member: Soil Micromorphology Committee, Soil Science Society of America, 2005-2009

    ·         Member: Soil Education Committee (K-12), Soil Science Society of America, 2005-2009

    ·         Reviewer: Queensland Acid Sulfate Soils Program (for DNR & Mines, Queensland), 2007

    ·         Accreditation Board Member: Certified Professional Soil Scientists (CPSS), 1999-2004

    ·         Secretary: Soil Science Society of Southern Africa, 1978-1981

    ·         Council member: Australian Society of Soil Science, S.A Branch, 1985-1988; 2003-2009

    ·         Council member: Mineralogical Association of South Africa, 1979-1982

    ·         Secretary: Australian Clay Minerals Society, 1987-1993; 2008-2010

    ·         Member, South African Soil Classification Working Group, 1979-1982

    ·         Research Review Committee: Soil & Water Cons. Branch of S.A. Dept. Agric., 1988-1992

    ·         Assessment Panel, Roseworthy Agricultural College Master of Applied Science, 1989

    ·         Advisory Committee: Roseworthy Agricultural College Master of Appl. Sci., 1989-1992

    ·         Foundation member & member: South Australian Dryland Salinity Committee, 1988-2003

    ·         Dryland Salinity Working Group: Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council, 1989-1992

    ·         Science Advisory Council CRC for Landscape Evolution & Mineral Exploration, 1996-1999

    ·         Scientific Advisory Committee: Environment Australia’s Coastal Acid Sulfate Soils Program (CASSP), 1999-2005

    ·         Steering Committee: CRC for Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration, 2000-2001

    ·         Executive Committee: CRC Landscape Environments & Mineral Exploration, 2001

    ·         Member: The Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, 1997-2002

    ·         Member: Geological Society of South Africa, 1975-2002

    ·         Member: Mineralogical Association of South Africa, 1979-1990

    ·         Member: International Confederation for Thermal Analysis, 1984-2003


  • Files

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