Professor Melissa de Zwart

  • Biography/ Background

    For a full research profile see:

    Prior to joining academia, Melissa was Legal Manager, CSIRO, where she specialised in technology transfer and licensing of intellectual property. Melissa taught in the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at Monash University for 13 years, and has a special interest in copyright, digital technology, social networking, virtual communities and online games.

  • Qualifications

    BA (Hons), LL B (Hons), LL M (Melb), Ph D (Monash), Grad Cert Higher ED (Monash)

  • Research Interests

    Regulation and commercialisation of technology including, copyright, internet law, digital technology, content regulation, social networking, governance of online environments, digital identity, new media, popular culture and outer space.

  • Publications

    For a full list of publications see:

  • Professional Associations

    Fellow, Australian Academy of Law

    Member, International Institute of Space Law

    Board Member, Woomera Manual on the International Law of Military Space Operations

    Advisory Council, Space Industry Association of Australia

    Regional Convenor, Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot

    Board Member, Space Security Index

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 31 Jul 2018