Professor Martin Oehler

Professor Martin Oehler
  • Biography/ Background

    Current Positions

    ·  Director, Department of Gynaecological Oncology, Royal Adelaide Hospital
    ·  Program Leader for Reproductive Cancer Research, Research Centre for Reproductive Health, Robinson Institute, 成人大片

    Clinical Interest

    ·  Gynaecological Oncology
    ·  Operative Gynaecology
    ·  Minimally Invasive Surgery
    ·  Robotic Surgery

    The Evolution of Surgery
                                                                                               The Evolution of Surgery

    Scientific Interest

    ·  Early detection of ovarian cancer
    ·  Proteomics of gynaecological cancer development and metastasis
    ·  MALDI-imaging applications in gynaecological oncology
    ·  Chemoresistance mechanisms in ovarian cancer

    Research Projects

    Proteomics of ovarian cancer implantation
    The implantation of cancer cells onto the peritoneal surfaces is one of the first crucial steps in ovarian cancer metastasis. It remains unclear which factors promote this process. Our Reproductive Cancer Research Group recently investigated the interaction between ovarian cancer cells and peritoneal cells using a proteomic approach. This novel strategy aimed to identify important proteins likely to be mechanistically involved in implantation to the peritoneum, one of the first steps involved in ovarian cancer metastasis.

    Immunoproteomics approach to identify early detection markers in ovarian cancer
    At present there is no reliable biomarker for the diagnosis of early stage ovarian cancer. Since there are no specific symptoms related to ovarian cancer, a large proportion of women with ovarian cancer are diagnosed when they have late-stage disease. Only 35% of women with advanced ovarian cancer are alive after five years following diagnosis. In contrast, the five-year survival for patients diagnosed with the organ-confined stage I ovarian cancer exceeds 90%, and most patients are cured of their disease. Autoantibodies against tumour associated antigens have recently emerged as promising biomarkers for the detection of cancer and may provide an early and effective marker for the detection of ovarian cancer. A project funded by Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF) investigated the presence of autoantibodies in ovarian cancer patients and their potential as diagnostic markers. Several autoantibodies have been detected in advanced stage serous ovarian cancer patients. Ongoing studies will determine if a panel of these antibodies are also present in early stage ovarian cancer and be used for ovarian cancer diagnosis and screening.

    Maldi imaging of early ovarian cancer development
    This project analyses the proteomic profile of early stage serous ovarian carcinomas by means of imaging mass spectrometry (IMS). IMS which applies Matrix-Assisted Laser Disorption Ionisation-Time Of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) directly on tissue sections for mass measurement of proteins and peptides, has become a powerful, high interest field in proteomics as it allows sampling of numerous individual masses and their distribution in tissue sections. Results from this project have the potential to translate into a fundamental new understanding of ovarian cancer.


  • Publications

    Scientific papers

    63. DD Buchanan, YY Tan, MD Walsh, M Clendenning, AM Metcalf, K Ferguson, ST Arnold, BA Thompson, FA Lose, MT Parsons, RJ Walters, S-A Pearson, M Cummings, MK Oehler, PB Blomfield, MA Quinn, JA Kirk, CJ Stewart, A Obermair, JP Young, PM Webb, AB Spurdle on behalf of the ANECS Group: Tumor mismatch repair immunohistochemistry and DNA MLH1 methylation testing of endometrial cancer patients diagnosed under age 60 optimizes triage for population-level germline repair gene mutation testing. Journal of Clinical Oncology J Clin Oncol. 2013 Dec 9. [Epub ahead of print] [Impact factor: 18.038]

    62. Brennan DJ, Hackethal A, Metcalf AM, Coward J, Ferguson K, Oehler M, Quinn MA, Janda M, Leung Y, Freemantle M; ANECS Group, Webb PM, Spurdle AB, Obermair A. Serum HE4 as a prognostic marker in endometrial cancer - A population based study. Gynecol Oncol. 2013 Nov 6 [Epub ahead of print] [Impact factor: 3.888]

    61. C Ricciardelli, MP Ween, NA Lokman, CE Pyragius, MK Oehler: Chemotherapy-induced hyaluronan production: A novel chemoresistance mechanism in ovarian cancer. BMC Cancer 13:476 (2013) [Impact factor: 3.330]

    60. SL Lim, E Tsend-Ayush, RD Kortschak, R Jacob, C Ricciardelli, MK Oehler, F Gruetzner: Conservation and expression of pi RNA pathway genes in male and female adult gonad of amniotes. Biology of Reproduction (online 09 Oct 2013) [Impact factor: 4.027]

    59. NA Lokman, ASF Elder, MP Ween, CE Pyragius, P Hoffmann, MK Oehler, C Ricciardelli: Annexin A2 is regulated by ovarian cancer-peritoneal cell interactions and promotes metastasis. Oncotarget (online 14/07/2013) [Impact factor: 6.636]

    58. CM Nagle, L Marquart, CJ Bain, S O’Brian, PH Lahmann, M Quinn, MK Oehler, A Obermair, AB Spurdle, PM Webb: Impact of weight change and weight cycling on risk of different subtypes of endometrial cancer. European Journal of Cancer 49(12): 2717-26 (2013) [Impact factor: 5.536]

    57. DA Garcia-Dios, D Lambrechts, L Coenegrachts, I Vandenput, A Capoen, PM Webb, K Ferguson, ANECS, LA Akslen, B Claes, I Vergote, P Moerman, J Van Robays, J Marcickiewicz, HB Salvesen, AB Spurdle, F Amant. High-throughput interrogation of PIK3CA, PTEN, KRAS, FBXW7and TP53 mutations in primary endometrial carcinoma. Gynecologic Oncology 128(2):327-34 (2013) [Impact factor: 3.888]

    56. OJR Gustafsson, JS Eddes, S Meding, SR McColl, MK Oehler, P Hoffmann. MALDI imaging protocol for in situ characterization of tryptic peptide identity and distribution in formalin-fixed. Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry 27(6): 655-70 (2013) [Impact factor: 2.790]

    55. LO Baumbusch, Å Helland, Y Wang, K Liestøl, ME Schaner, R Holm, D Etemadmoghadam, K Alsop, P Brown, Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group, G Mitchell, S Fereday, A DeFazio, DD Bowtell, GB Kristensen, OC Lingjærde, AL Børresen-Dale. High levels of genomic aberrations in serous ovarian cancers are associated with better survival. PLoS One 8(1):e54356 (2013) [Impact factor: 4.092]

    54. S Meding, K Martin, OJ Gustafsson, JS Eddes, S Hack, MK Oehler, P Hoffmann: Tryptic peptide reference data sets for MALDI imaging mass spectrometry on formalin-fixed ovarian cancer tissues. Journal of Proteome Research 12(1): 308-15 (2013) [Impact factor: 5.113]

    53. CM Nagle, CM Olsen, TI Ibiebele, AB Spurdle, PM Webb, Australian National Endometrial Cancer Study Group, Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group. Glycemic index, glycemic load and endometrial cancer risk: results from the Australian National Endometrial Cancer study and an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Nutrition 52(2):705-15 (2013) [Impact factor: 2.750]

    52. NA Lokman, ASF Elder, C Ricciardelli, MK Oehler: Chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM)  assay as an in vivo model to study the effect of newly identified molecules on ovarian cancer invasion and metastasis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 13(8): 9942-9958 (2012) [Impact factor: 2.598]

    51. Nicklin J, Janda M, Gebski V, Jobling T, Land R, Manolitsas T, McCartney A, Nascimento M, Perrin L, Baker JF, Obermair A; LACE Trial Investigators. The utility of serum CA-125 in predicting extra-uterine disease in apparent early-stage endometrial cancer. International Journal of Cancer 131 (4): 885-90 (2012) [Impact factor: 5.444]

    50. F Weiland, K Fritz, MK Oehler, P Hoffmann: Methods for identification of CA125 from ovarian cancer ascites by high resolution mass spectrometry. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 13(8): 9942-9958 (2012) [Impact factor: 2.598]

    49. JOR Gustafsson, JS Eddes, S Meding, T Koudelka, MK Oehler, SR McColl, P Hoffmann: Internal calibrants allow high accuracy peptide matching between MALDI imaging MS and LC MS-MS. Journal of Proteomics 75(16): 5093-105 (2012) [Impact factor: 4.878]

    48. Kirchhoff T, Gaudet MM, Antoniou AC, McGuffog L, Humphreys MK, Dunning AM, Bojesen SE, Nordestgaard BG, Flyger H, Kang D, Yoo KY, Noh DY, Ahn SH, et al., AOCS study group, AB Spurdle, J Beesley, X Chen, H Holland, S Healey, S Wang-Gohrke, J Chang-Claude et al: Breast cancer risk and 6q22.33: combined results from Breast Cancer Association Consortium and Consortium of Investigators on Modifiers of BRCA1/2. PLoS One 7(6): e35706 (2012) [Impact factor: 4.092]

    47. Obermair A, Janda M, Baker J, S Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, A Brand, R Hogg, TW Jobling, R Land, T Manolitsas, M Nascimento, D Neesham, JL Nicklin, MK Oehler, G Otton, L Perrin: Improved surgical safety after laparoscopic compared to open surgery for apparent early stage endometrial cancer: Results from a randomised controlled trial.  Eur J Cancer 48(8): 1147-53 (2012) [Impact factor: 5.536]

    46. S Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, M Janda, V Gebski, J Baker, A Brand, R Hogg, TW Jobling, R Land, T Manolitsas, M Nascimento, D Neesham, JL Nicklin, MK Oehler, G Otton, L Perrin, S Salfinger, I Hammond, A Obermair: Risk factors to predict the incidence of surgical adverse events following open or laparoscopic surgery for apparent early stage endometrial cancer: Results from a randomised controlled trial. Eur Journal of Cancer, 48(14): 2155-62 (2012) [Impact factor: 5.536]

    45. Y Li, HQ Low, JN Foo, H Darabi, K Einarsdottir, K Humphreys, A Spurdle, ANECS Group, DF Eason, DJ Thompson, AM Dunning, PD Pharoah, K Czene, KS Chia, P Hall, J Liu: Genetic variants in ER cofactor genes and endometrial cancer risk. PLoS One 7(8): e42445 (2012) [Impact factor: 4.092]

    44. C Tempfer, G Froese, B Buerkle, S Polterauer, C Grimm, N Concin, G Hofstetter, M Weigert, MK Oehler: Does the duration of hysteroscopy increase the risk of disease recurrence in patients with endometrial cancer ? A multi-centre trial. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 2: 991-995 (2011) [Impact factor: 0.206]

    43. MK Oehler: Robotic surgery in gynaecology and gynaecological oncology: Program initiation and operative outcomes at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 51: 119 – 124 (2011) [Impact factor: 1.237]

    42. WP Ween, K Hummitzsch, RJ Rodgers, MK Oehler, C Ricciardelli: Versican induces a pro-metastatic ovarian cancer cell behavior which can be inhibited by small hyaluronan oligosaccharides. Clinical Experimental Metastasis 28:113-25 (2011) [Impact factor: 3.524]

    41. Å Helland, MS Anglesio, J George, PA Cowin, CN Johnstone, CM House, KE Sheppard, D Etemadmoghadam, N Melnyk, AK Rustgi, WA Phillips, H Johnsen, R Holm, GB Kristensen, MJ Birrer; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group, RB Pearson, AL Børresen-Dale, DG Huntsman, A deFazio, CJ Creighton, GK Smyth, DD Bowtell: Deregulation of MYCN, LIN28B and LET7 in a molecular subtype of aggressive high-grade serous ovarian cancers. PLoS One 6(4): e18064 (2011) [Impact factor: 4.092]

    40. IJ Rowlands, P Weinstein, CM Nagle, AB Spurdle, PM Webb; Australian National Endometrial Cancer Study Group: Season of birth and risk of endometrial cancer. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 1193-6 (2011) [Impact factor: 0.659]

    39. IJ Rowlands, CM Nagle, AB Spurdle, PM Webb; Australian National Endometrial Cancer Study Group; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group. Gynecological conditions and the risk of endometrial cancer. Gynecological Oncology 123: 537-41 (2011) [Impact factor: 3.888]

    38. CS Healey, S Ahmed; ANECS, AOCS Management Group, TA O'Mara, K Ferguson; LES, D Lambrechts, DA Garcia-Dios, I Vergote, F Amant; NSECG, K Howarth, M Gorman, S Hodgson, I Tomlinson; PECS, HP Yang, J Lissowska, LA Brinton, S Chanock, M Garcia-Closas; SASBAC, P Hall, J Liu; SEARCH, M Shah, PD Pharoah, DJ Thompson; WISE, TR Rebbeck, BL Strom, AM Dunning, DF Easton, AB Spurdle.: Breast cancer susceptibility polymorphisms and endometrial cancer risk: a Collaborative Endometrial Cancer Study. Carcinogenesis 32: 1862-6 (2011) [Impact factor: 5.702]

    37. M Janda, V Gebski, T Jobling, T Manolitsas, A McCartney, J Nicklin, MK Oehler, G Otton, L Perrin, S Salfinger, I Hammond, Y Leung, T Walsh, P Sykes, H Ngan, A Garrett, M Laney, TY Ng, K Tam, K Chan, D Wrede, S Pather, B Simcock, R Farrell, A Obermair: Improved short-term and long-term quality of life for patients with endometrial cancer: Quality of life results comparing total Laparoscopic hysterectomy versus total abdominal hysterectomy (LACE) randomized trial for stage I endometrial cancer. Lancet Oncology 11, 772-280, 2010 [Impact factor: 22.589]

    36. TA O'Mara, P Fahey, K Ferguson, L Marquart, D Lambrechts, E Despierre, I Vergote, F Amant, P Hall, J Liu, K Czene; SASBAC, TR Rebbeck; WISE Study Group; AOCS Management Group; SEARCH, S Ahmed, AM Dunning, CS Gregory, M Shah; ANECS, PM Webb, AB Spurdle. Progesterone receptor gene variants and risk of endometrial cancer. Carcinogenesis 32(3): 331-335 (2011) [Impact factor: 5.702]

    35. MP Ween, P Hoffmann, RJ Rodgers, C Ricciardelli, MK Oehler: Transforming growth factor beta-induced protein (TGFBIp) secreted by peritoneal cells increases the metastatic potential of ovarian cancer cells. International Journal of Cancer 128, 1570-1584 (2010) [Impact factor: 5.444]

    34. EJ Fearnley, L Marquart, AB Spurdle, P Weinstein, PM Webb, Australian National Endometrial Cancer Study Group: Polycystic ovarian syndrome increases the risk of endometrial cancer in women aged less than 50 years: an Australian case-control study. Cancer Causes Control 21: 2303 – 2308 (2010) [Impact factor: 2.877]

    33. JOR Gustafsson, MK Oehler, SR McColl, P Hoffmann. Citric Acid Antigen Retrieval (CAAR) for tryptic peptide imaging directly on archived formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue. Journal of Proteome Research 9, 4315 - 4328 (2010) [Impact factor: 5.113]

    32. RJ Bell, DL Healy DM Robertson, T Jobling, MK Oehler, A Edwards, P Shekleton, J Oldham, S Piessens, M Teoh. Ovarian status in healthy post-menopausal women: follow-up 12 months after trans-vaginal ultrasound. Menopause 16:1149-1155 (2009) [Impact factor: 3.758]

    31. DL Healy, RJ Bell, DM Robertson, T Jobling, MK Oehler, A Edwards, P Shekleton, J Oldham, S Piessens, M Teoh: Ovarian status in healthy postmenopausal women. Menopause 15, 1 – 6 (2008) [Impact factor: 3.758]

    30. A Spurdle, P Webb, Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group: Re: Excess of early onset myeloma in endometrial cancer probants and their relatives suggest common susceptebility. Gynecological Oncology 109: 153 (2008) [Impact factor: 3.888]

    29. CM Nagle, CM Olsen, PM Webb, SJ Jordan DC Whiteman, AC Green, Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group. Endometrioid and clear cell ovarian cancers: a comparative analysis of risk factors. European Journal of Cancer. 44: 2477-84 (2008) [Impact factor: 5.536]

    28. F Lose, DL Duffy, GF Kay, MA Kedda, AB Spurdle; Kathleen Cuningham Foundation Consortium for Research into Familial Breast Cancer; Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Management Group. Skewed X chromosome inactivation and breast and ovarian cancer status: evidence for X-linked modifiers of BRCA1. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 100:1519-29 (2008) [Impact factor: 13.757]

    27. MK Oehler, H Greschik, DC Fischer, X Tong, D Engehausen, R Schuele, DG Kieback: Functional analysis of somatic mutations of the human estrogen receptor alpha in adenomyosis uteri. Molecular Human Reproduction 10, 853-860 (2004) [Impact factor: 3.852]

    26. MK Oehler, DC Fisher, M Orlowska-Volk, F Herrle, DG Kieback, MCP Rees, R Bicknell: Tissue and plasma expression of the angiogenic factor adrenomedullin in breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer 89, 1927-1933 (2003) [Impact factor: 5.042]

    25. S Hague, MK Oehler, IZ MacKenzie, R Bicknell, MCP Rees: Protease activated receptor-1 is down regulated by levonorgestrel in endometrial stromal cells. Angiogenesis 5: 93-98 (2002) [Impact factor: 6.063]

    24. MK Oehler, IZ MacKenzie, R Bicknell, MCP Rees: Wnt-7a is upregulated by norethisterone in human endometrial epithelial cells: a possible mechanism by which progestogens reduce the risk of estrogen-induced endometrial neoplasia. Cancer Letters 186: 75-79 (2002) [Impact factor: 4.238]

    23. S Hague, S Manek, MK Oehler, IZ MacKenzie, R Bicknell, MCP Rees: Tamoxifen induction of angiogenic factor expression in endometrium. British Journal of Cancer 86: 761-767 (2002) [Impact factor: 5.042]

    22. MK Oehler, S Hague, MCP Rees, R Bicknell: Adrenomedullin promotes formation of xenografted endometrial tumors by stimulation of autocrine growth and angiogenesis. Oncogene 21: 2815-2821 (2002) [Impact factor: 6.373]

    21. X-W Tong, D Fischer, A Hasenburg, MK Oehler, W Sauerbrei, E Aguilar-Cordova, DG Kieback: Intraperitoneal adenovirus mediated suicide gene therapy enhances the efficacy of topotecan but not of paclitaxel in nude mice with human ovarian cancer. Cancer Gene Therapy 9: 478-481 (2002) [Impact factor: 2.802]

    20. JW Mall, AW Philipp, W Mall, C Pollmann, Jonathan Charles Goddard, Christopher Derek Sutton, Peter N Furness, Roger Clive, Edith Gagnon, Paola Cattaruzzi, et al, MK Oehler, IZ MacKenzie, R Bicknell, MCP Rees, K Nageswari, S Yamaguchi, T Yamakawa, H Niimi, A Larsson, E Sköldenberg, H Ericson: Wnt signaling in the vasculature AM Goodwin & PA D'Amore 1–9 Clinical report Long-term survival of a patient with small cell-lung cancer (SCLC) following treatment with thalidomide and combination chemotherapy. Angiogenesis 5: 537-539 (2002) [Impact factor: 6.063]

    19. MK Oehler, C Norbury, S Hague, MCP Rees, R Bicknell: Adrenomedullin inhibits hypoxic cell death by upregulation of Bcl-2 in endometrial cancer cells: a possible promotion mechanism of tumour growth. Oncogene 20: 2937-2945 (2001) [Impact factor: 6.373]

    18. MK Oehler, H Caffier: Prognostic relevance of serum VEGF in ovarian cancer. Anticancer Research 20: 56-60 (2000) [Impact factor: 1.725]

    17. S Hague, L Zhang, MK Oehler, S Manek, R Bicknell, MCP Rees: Expression of the hypoxically regulated angiogenic factor adrenomedullin correlates with uterine leiomyoma vascular density. Clinical Cancer Research 65: 168-175 (2000) [Impact factor: 7.742]

    16. MK Oehler: Endometrial angiogenic growth factors in the abnormal bleeding induced by hormone replacement therapy. Menopause International  6: 17-18 (2000)

    15. DG Engehausen, X-W Tong, MK Oehler, CT Freund, KM Schott, DG Kieback: Androgen receptor mutations do not occur in ovarian cancer. Anticancer Research 20: 815-819 (2000) [Impact factor: 1.725]

    14. S Heimburg, MK Oehler, P Kristen, T Papadopoulos, H Caffier: Tumor vascularization and survival in ovarian cancer. Anticancer Research 19: 2527-2529 (1999) [Impact factor: 1.725]

    13. MK Oehler, H Caffier: Diagnostic value of serum VEGF in womenwith ovarian tumors. Anticancer Research 19: 2519-2522 (1999) [Impact factor: 1.725]

    12. J Martius, T Roos, B Gora, MK Oehler, L Schroth, T Papadopoulos, U Gross: Risk factors associated with early-onset sepsis in premature infants. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 85: 151-158 (1999) [Impact factor: 1.974]

    11. MK Oehler, M Sütterlin, H Caffier: CASA and CA125 in diagnosis and follow-up of advanced ovarian cancer. Anticancer Research 19: 2513-2518 (1999) [Impact factor: 1.725]

    10. M Sütterlin, B Seelbach-Göbel, MK Oehler, M Heupel, J Dietl: Doppler ultrasonographic evidence of intrapartum brain-sparing effect in fetuses with low oxygen saturation according to pulse oximetry. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 181: 216-220 (1999) [Impact factor: 3.468]

    9. X-W Tong, DG Engehausen, CTF Freund, ZS Guo, MK Oehler, CF Contant, SLC Woo, DG Kieback: Comparison of long-term survival of cytomegalovirus promoter vs rous sarcoma virus promoter driven thymidine kinase gene therapy in nude mice bearing human ovarian cancer. Hybridoma 18: 93-97 (1999) [Impact factor: 0.417]

    8. J Martius, T Steck, MK Oehler, K-H Wulf: Risk factors associated with preterm and early preterm birth. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 80: 183-189 (1998) [Impact factor: 1.974]

    7. X-W Tong, DG Engehausen, CT Freund, I Agoulnik, Z Guo, MK Oehler, TE Kim, A Hasenburg, SL Woo, DG Kieback: The efficacy of adenovirus-mediated gene therapy of ovarian cancer is enhanced by using the cytomegalovirus promoter. Anticancer Research 18: 719-725 (1997) [Impact factor: 1.725]

    6. S Heimburg, MK Oehler, P Kristen, T Papadopoulos, H Caffier: The endothelial marker CD34 in the assessment of tumor vascularization in ovarian cancer. Anticancer Research 17: 3149- 3145 (1997) [Impact factor: 1.725]

    5. M Sütterlin, MK Oehler, H Caffier: Clinical value of CYFRA 8/18 and TPS in diagnosis and follow up of invasive breast cancer. Anticancer Research 17: 2963-2965 (1997) [Impact factor: 1.725]

    4. MK Oehler, M Rehn, P Kristen, H Caffier: Correlation of the EGF-Receptor with cellkinetic and classical prognostic factors in breast cancer. Anticancer Research 17: 3137-3140 (1997) [Impact factor: 1.725]

    3. MK Oehler, C Neuf, M Schleyer, T Steck: Prognostischer Wert der Penetrationsfähigkeit menschlicher Spermatozoen im standardisierten bovinen Zervikalschleim für die Fertilisierungsrate in der konventionellen IVF. Reproduction in Domestic Animals 32, 140 (1997) [Impact factor: 1.356]

    2. FM Meire, EM Bleeker-Wagemakers, MK Oehler, A Gal, JW Delleman: X-linked megalocornea: ocular findings and linkage analysis. Ophthalmic Paediatrics Genetics 12: 153-157 (1991) [Impact factor: 0.926]

    1. MK Oehler, E Schwinger, FM Meire, P Szabo, A Gal: A third allele of the PstI RFLP at DXS94. Human Genetics 87: 241 (1991) [Impact factor: 5.069]  


    27. BC Schmid, MK Oehler: New perspectives in ovarian cancer treatment. Maturitas 2013 (in press)

    26. BWC Tse, A Collins, A Zippelius, MK Oehler, VA Heinzelmann-Schwarz: Antibody-based immunotherapy for ovarian cancer – where are we at ? Annals of Oncology 2013 Nov 26. [Epub ahead of print] [Impact factor: 7.384]

    25. C Pyragius, M Fuller, C Ricciardelli, MK Oehler: Aberrant lipid metabolism: An emerging diagnostic and therapeutic target in ovarian cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 14: 7742-7756 (2013) [Impact factor: 2.598]

    24. MP Ween, MK Oehler, C Ricciardelli: Transforming Growth Factor-Beta-Induced Protein (TGFBI)/(βig-H3): A Matrix Protein with Dual Functions in Ovarian Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 13(8): 10461-10477 (2012) [Impact factor: 2.598]

    23. N Lokman, MK Oehler, C Ricciardelli: The role of annexin A2 in cancer metastasis. Cancer Microenvironment 4: 199 – 208 (2012)

    22. Weiland F, Martin K, Oehler MK, Hoffmann P: Deciphering the molecular nature of ovarian cancer biomarker CA125. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 13(8): 9942-9958 (2012) [Impact factor: 2.598]

    21. MP Ween, MK Oehler,  C Ricciardelli:  Role of versican, hyaluronan and CD44 in ovarian cancer metastasis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 12: 1009 – 1029 (2011) [Impact factor: 2.598]

    20. J Gustafsson, MK Oehler, SR McColl, P Hoffmann: MALDI imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI-IMS): Application of spatial proteomics for ovarian cancer classification and diagnosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 12: 773 – 794 (2011) [Impact factor: 2.59]

    19. K Martin, C Ricciardelli, P Hoffmann, MK Oehler: Exploring the immunoproteome for ovarian cancer biomarker discovery. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 12: 410-428 (2011) [Impact factor: 2.598]

    18. P Singh, MK Oehler: Hormone replacement therapy after gynaecological cancer. Maturitas 65: 190–197 (2010) [Impact factor: 2.767] 17. MK Oehler: Robot-assisted surgery in gynaecology. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 49: 124 – 129 (2009) [Impact factor: 1.237]

    16. C Riccardelli, MK Oehler: Diverse molecular pathways in ovarian cancer and their clinical significance. Maturitas 62: 270 – 275 (2009) [Impact factor: 2.767]

    15. A Olsson, P Selva-Nayagam, MK Oehler: Postmenopausal Vulval Disease. Menopause International 14: 169 – 172 (2008)

    14. H Koehn, MK Oehler: Proteins’ promise – Progress & challenges in early detection of ovarian cancer. Menopause International 13: 148 – 153 (2007)

    13. K Reid, MK Oehler: Hormone replacement therapy and endometrial cancer. Gynaecology Forum 11: 23-26 (2006)

    12. M Christie, MK Oehler: Molecular pathology of ovarian cancer. Journal of the British Menopause Society 12: 57-63 (2006)

    11. A Ryan, B Susil, T Jobling, MK Oehler: Endometrial cancer. Cell and Tissue Research 10, 52-64 (2005) [Impact factor: 3.114]

    10. DM Robertson, MK Oehler: Emerging role of inhibin as biomarker for ovarian cancer. Women’s Health 1, 51-57 (2005)

    9. MK Oehler, A Fung, TW Jobling: Advances in the treatment of endometrial cancer. Journal of the British Menopause Society 11, 18-22 (2005)

    8. MK Oehler, IZ MacKenzie, S Kehoe, MCP Rees: Assessment of abnormal bleeding in postmenopausal women. Journal of the British Menopause Society 9, 117-121 (2003)

    7. MK Oehler, GV Wain, A Brand: Gynaecological malignancies in pregnancy. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 43, 414-420 (2003) [Impact factor: 1.237]

    6. MK Oehler, MCP Rees: Menorrhagia – an update. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 82: 405-422 (2003) [Impact factor: 1.771]

    5. MK Oehler, A Brand, GV Wain: Molecular genetics and endometrial cancer. Journal of the British Menopause Society 9: 27-33 (2003)

    4. MK Oehler, MCP Rees, R Bicknell: Steroids and the endometrium. Current Medicinal Chemistry 7:543-560 (2000) [Impact factor: 4.859]

    3. MK Oehler, R Bicknell: The promise of antiangiogenic cancer therapry. British Journal of Cancer 82: 749-752 (2000) [Impact factor: 5.042]

    2. MCP Rees, S Hague, MK Oehler, R Bicknell: Regulation of endometrial angiogenesis. Climacteric 2: 52-58 (1999) [Impact factor: 1.986]

    1. MK Oehler: Mechanism of steroid receptor action in the endometrium. Journal of the British Menopause Society 9: 103-109 (1999)


    Case Reports

    4. B Schmid, A Reilly, MK Oehler: Management of non-pregnant women with elevated human chorionic gonadotropin. Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2013:580709 (2013)

    3. MK Oehler, L Scopacasa, M Brown, J Edwards: Intravenous uterine leiomyomatosis extending into the right heart. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 51: 92-94 (2011) [Impact factor: 1.237]

    2. M Ross, MK Oehler, W Lange, J Dietl: Hydronephrosis caused by ureteral endometriosis. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 58: 324-327 (1998) [Impact factor: 0.832]

    1. MK Oehler, G Wittenberg, T Steck: Management of postoperative recurrent vaginal bleeding after hysterectomy by angiographic embolisation. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 57: 473-475 (1997) [Impact factor: 0.832]  



    2. M Davy, MK Oehler: Does retention of the ovaries improve long-term survival after hysterectomy ? A gynaecological oncological perspective - Editorial. Climacteric 9 (3), 167 – 168 (2006) [Impact factor: 1.986]

    1. M Davy, MK Oehler: Response to commentaries on retention of the ovaries and long-term survival after hysterectomy - Reply. Climacteric: 9(5): 398-399 (2006) [Impact factor: 1.986]



    MCP Rees, S Hope, MK Oehler: Problem solving in women’s health, Clinical Publishing, Oxford (2008)     


    Book Chapters

    6. MK Oehler, M Wallwiener: Robotic surgery in gynaecology. In: Wallwiener et al. Atlas of Gynecologic Surgery. Georg Thieme Verlag (2013) [ISBN 978-3-13-650704-9]

    5. MK Oehler, MCP Rees: Excessive menstrual bleeding. In: The Abnormal Menstrual Cycle. pp 312-343, Parthenon Publishing, Lancaster, UK (2005) [ISBN 0-203-62375-4]

    4. MK Oehler: Exercise and physical intervention. In: Managing the menopause without oestrogen: pp 75-85, British Menopause Society Publications Ltd, Marlow, UK (2004) [ISBN 978-1853155925]

    3. MK Oehler: Endometrial Cancer. In: The Year in Postmenopausal Health: pp 135-160, Clinical Publishing, Oxford, UK (2004) [ISBN: 9781904392231]

    2. MCP Rees, MK Oehler: Menorrhagia. In: The Year in Gynaecology: pp 237–250, Clinical Publishing, Oxford, UK (2002) [ISBN 9781904392019]

    1. MCP Rees, L Nikitenko, S Hague, R Bicknell, MK Oehler: The paracrine control of menstruation. In: Disorders of the Menstrual Cycle: pp 89-104, RCOG Press, London (2000) [ISBN 1900364409]    


    Online Teaching

    S Hope, MC Rees, MK Oehler: Menorrhagia – Diagnosis & Treatment. British Medical Journal – Internet Learning Module, (2004)   



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