Dr Kieren Mitchell

Dr Kieren Mitchell
  • Qualifications

    Australian Centre for Ancient DNA (ACAD), 成人大片, Australia

    Doctor of Philosophy - 2015

    成人大片, Australia

    Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours in Evolutionary Biology - 2011

  • Research Interests

    Kieren's research focuses on determining the relationships among different species and groups of animals as a framework for studying broad macroevolutionary processes. His studies encompass the estimation of speciation and extinction rates, biogeography, and the loss and gain of ecological and physiological traits in different animal groups through time.

    Current projects involve the extraction and sequencing of DNA from species that became extinct in the last 50,000 years, providing access to new data concerning the mechanisms and drivers of evolutionary change.

  • Publications

    Torres-Roig E, Mitchell KJ, Alcover JA, Martínez-Freiría F, Bailon S, Heiniger H, Williams M, Cooper A, Pons J, Bover P (2020) Origin and extinction of a new insular viper: molecular clues of overseas immigration. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. Published online.

    De Pietri V, Worthy TH, Scofield RP, Cole TL, Wood JR, Mitchell KJ, Cibois A, Jansen JJFJ, Cooper A, Feng S, Chen W, Wragg GM (In press) A new species of Polynesian sandpiper (Charadriiformes: Scolopacidae: Prosobonia) from Henderson Island, Pitcairn Group, and the phylogenetic relationships of Prosobonia. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.

    Oliver PM, Heiniger H, Hugall AF, Joseph L, Mitchell KJ (2020) Biology Letters 16: 20200040.

    Lombal A, Salis AT, Mitchell KJ, Tennyson AJD, Shepherd LD, Worthy TH, Woehler EJ, Austin JJ, Burridge CP (2020) Biodiversity and Conservation 29: 2361–2375.

    Bover P, Mitchell KJ, Torres-Roig E, Llamas B, Thomson VA, Alcover JA, Agustí J, Cooper A, Pons J (2020) Ancient DNA from an extinct Mediterranean micromammal – Hypnomys morpheus (Rodentia: Gliridae) – provides insight into the biogeographic history of insular dormice. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 58(1): 427-438.

    Gower G, Fenderson LE, Salis AT, Helgen KM, van Loenen AL, Heiniger H, Mitchell KJ, Llamas B, Cooper A (2019) . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(38): 19019-19024.

    Kealy S, Donnellan SC, Mitchell KJ, Herrera M, Aplin K, O’Connor S, Louys J (2020) Australian Mammalogy 42, 266-276.

    Bover P, Llamas B, Mitchell KJ, Alcover JA, Cooper A, Lalueza-Fox C, Thomson V, Pons J (2019) Quaternary Science Reviews 215: 185-195.

    Boast AP, Chapman B, Herrera MB, Worthy TH, Scofield RP, Tennyson AJD, Houde P, Bunce M, Cooper A, Mitchell KJ (2019) Diversity 11(2): 24.

    Cole TL, Ksepka DT, Mitchell KJ, Tennyson AJD, Thomas DB, Pan H, Zhang G, Rawlence NJ, Wood JR, Bover P, Bouzat JL, Cooper A, Fiddaman S, Hart T, Miller G, Ryan PG, Shepard L, Wilmshurst JM, Water JM (2019) Molecular Biology and Evolution 36(4): 784–797.

    Jackson SM, Fleming PJS, Eldridge MDB, Ingleby S, Flannery T, Johnson RN, Cooper SJB, Mitchell KJ, Souilmi Y, Cooper A, Wilson DE, Helgen KM (2019) ZooTaxa 4564 (1): 198-212.

    Richards SM, Hovhannisyan N, Gilliham M, Ingram J, Skadhauge B, Heiniger H, Llamas B, Mitchell KJ, Meachen J, Fincher GB, Austin JJ, Cooper A (2019) Low-cost cross-taxon enrichment of mitochondrial DNA using in-house synthesised RNA probes. PLOS ONE 14(2): e0209499.

    Kosintsev P, Mitchell KJ, Devièse T, van der Plicht J, Kuitems M, Petrova E, Tikhonov A, Higham T, Comeskey D, Turney C, Cooper A, van Kolfschoten T, Stuart AJ, Lister AM (2018) Nature Ecology & Evolution 3(1): 31-38.

    Cascini M, Mitchell KJ, Cooper A, Phillips MJ (2018) Systematic Biology 68(3): 520-537.

    Bover P, Llamas B, Thomson VA, Pons J, Cooper A, Mitchell KJ (2018) Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 129: 70-76.

    Thomson VA, Mitchell KJ, Eberhard R, Dortch J, Austin JJ, Cooper A (2018) Biology Letters 14(4).

    Bover P, Mitchell KJ, Llamas B, Rofes J, Thomson VA, Cuenca-Bescós G, Alcover JA, Cooper A, Pons J (2018) Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 125: 188-195.

    White LC, Mitchell KJ, Austin JJ (2018) Journal of Biogeography 45(1): 1-13.

    Feigin CY, Newton AH, Doronina L, Schmitz J, Hipsley CA, Mitchell KJ, Gower G, Llamas B, Soubrier J, Heider TN, Menzies BR, Cooper A, O’Neill RJ, Pask AJ (2018) Nature Ecology & Evolution 2: 182192.

    Perry T, van Loenen AL, Heiniger H, Lee C, Gongora J, Cooper A, Mitchell KJ (2017) Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 112: 258-267.

    Scofield RP, Mitchell KJ, Wood JR, De Pietri VL, Jarvie S, Llamas B, Cooper A (2017) The origin and phylogenetic relationships of the New Zealand ravens. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 106: 136-143.

    Wood JR, Mitchell KJ, Scofield RP, De Pietri VL, Rawlence NJ, Cooper A (2016) Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 179(4): 907-918.

    Mitchell KJ, Wood JR, Llamas B, McLenachan PA, Kardailsky O, Scofield RP, Worthy TH, Cooper A (2016) Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 102: 295-304.

    Soubrier J, Gower G, Chen K, Richards SM, Llamas B, Mitchell KJ, Ho SYW, Kosintsev P, Lee MSY, Baryshnikov G, Bollongino R, Bover P, Burger J, Chival D, Crégut-Bonnoure E, Decker JE, Doronichev VB, Douka K, Fordham DA, Fontana F, Fritz C, Glimmerveen J, Golovanova LV, Groves C, Guerreschi A, Haak W, Higham T, Hofman-Kami脜聞ska E, Immel A, Julien M-A, Krause J, Krotova O, Langbein F, Larson G, Rohrlach A, Scheu A, Schnabel RD, Taylor JF, Tokarska M, Tosello G, van der Plicht J, van Loenen AL, Vigne J-D, Wooley O, Orlando L, Kowalczyk R, Shapiro B, Cooper A (2016) Nature Communications 7: 13158.

    Mitchell KJ, Scanferla A, Soibelzon E, Bonini R, Ochoa J, Cooper A (2016) Molecular Ecology 25(14): 3499–3508.

    Mitchell KJ, Bray SC, Bover P, Soibelzon L, Schubert BW, Prevosti F, Prieto A, Martin F, Austin JJ, Cooper A (2016) Biology Letters 12(4).

    Mitchell KJ, Cooper A, Phillips MJ (2015) . Science 349: 1460-a.

    Llamas B, Brotherton P, Mitchell KJ, Templeton JE, Thomson VA, Metcalf JL, Armstrong KN, Kasper M, Richards SM, Camens AB, Lee MS, Cooper A (2015) Molecular Biology and Evolution 32: 574-584.

    Wood JR, Mitchell KJ, Scofield RP, Tennyson AJD, Fidler AE, Wilmshurst JM, Llamas B, Cooper A (2014) Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 172: 185-199.

    Mitchell KJ, Pratt RC, Watson LN, Gibb GC, Llamas B, Kasper M, Edson J, Hopwood B, Male D, Armstrong KN, Meyer M, Hofreiter M, Austin J, Donnellan SC, Lee MSY, Phillips MJ, Cooper A (2014) Molecular Biology and Evolution 31: 2322-2330.

    Mitchell KJ, Llamas B, Soubrier J, Rawlence NJ, Worthy TH, Wood J, Lee MSY, Cooper A (2014) Science 344: 898-900.

    Mitchell KJ, Wood JR, Scofield RP, Llamas B, Cooper A (2014) Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 70: 420-428.

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 22 Sep 2020