Emeritus Professor John Randles

Emeritus Professor John Randles
  • Biography/ Background

    Course coordinator for Classical Diagnostic Methods in Plant Health and Molecular and Biochemical Diagnostic Methods in Plant Health, which is part of the .
  • Research Interests

    • Determining the cause of virus-like diseases (examples include Mundulla Yellows of Eucalyptus, chlorotic streak disease of sugarcane, and orange spotting of oil palms),
    • The characterisation of viruses and viroids, diagnosis by serological and nucleic acid based assays,
    • Studies of interactions between viruses and vectors, the epidemiology of viruses and the development of cultural control methods,
    • Cloning and sequencing of virus genomes,
    • The introduction of virus genes into plants to induce transgenic resistance,
    • The analysis of geminivirus DNA replication.

    Research Group