Professor Ian Olver

Professor Ian Olver
  • Biography/ Background

    Ian Olver graduated MB,BS from the University of Melbourne in 1976 being subsequently awarded an MD in 1991 for a project on clinical trial methodology. He completed a PhD from Monash University in bioethics in 1997 (supervised by Peter Singer), exploring life and death issues and a Certificate of Ministry (Lay Preaching) at the Adelaide College of Divinity. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP), its Chapter of Palliative Medicine (FAChPM) and is an Associate Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators (ARACMA). He became a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Science (AAHMS) in 2016.  He initially trained in medical oncology at Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne and the University of Maryland Cancer Centre in Baltimore. He worked for 6 years at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute where he jointly developed the oncology clinic at Bendigo Base Hospital and then moved to Adelaide becoming the Clinical Director, Royal Adelaide Hospital Cancer Centre (where he now holds an emeritus appointment to the medical oncology unit) and the first Cancer Council SA Professor of Cancer Care at the 成人大片. There he established the first oncology clinic in Alice Springs and developed a telemedicine link for multidisciplinary cancer care between Adelaide and Darwin. He also trained the first oncologist for the Christian Medical College Hospital Vellore, India.  From May 2006 to December 2014 he was appointed CEO, Cancer Council Australia, Clinical Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Sydney and was an Honorary Associate, Department of Medical Oncology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. In February 2015 to 2019 he took up the position of Director, Sansom Institute Health Research (which evolved to the UniSA Cancer Research institute in 2018) and Professor of Translational Cancer Research and Dean of Research Strategy in the Division of Health Sciences, University of South Australia. In 2020 he accepted the postion of Professorial Research Fellow, School of Psychology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, 成人大片 and Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health, in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. He has published over 330 articles in journals, 28 book chapters and 4 books: Conquering Cancer. Your Guide to Treatment and Research, Is Death Ever Preferable to Life?, Investigating Prayer and the Cancer Prevention Manual 2nd Ed. He has edited the MASCC Textbook of Cancer Supportive Care and Survivorship 1st and 2nd editions, and co-edited 3 further books, When Cancer Crosses Disciplines: A Physicians Handbook, and Perspectives in Complementary and Alternative Medicines and the e-Book Clinical Oncology for Medical Students. After serving on several ethics committees in Victoria and South Australia and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Ethics Committee, and chairing the Cancer Institute NSW Research Ethics Committee for multi-centre cancer trials, he served on the Australian Health Ethics Committee of the NHMRC for 9 years and was chair for 6  years until 2018, serving on the NHMRC Council for 6 years until 2018. He has chaired the Medical Oncology Group of Australia Ethics Committee since 2005. He currently consults for Bellberry Ethics. He previously served on The Australian Drug Evaluation Committee (ADEC), the Cancer Strategies Group of the Australian Government, the Advisory Board of Cancer Australia the National Cancer Expert Reference Group of the Federal Department of Health, the Community, the Preventative Health Committee of NH+MRC, the International Affairs Committee of American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), the Board of the Clinical Oncological Society of Australia, and chaired the Medical Oncology Group of Australia (MOGA) and the Board of the National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre. He serves on the Cancer Monitoring Advisory Group of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. He is currently Immediate Past President, Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC). He Chiars the Board fo the Sax Insitutute in Sydney and the AYA Advisory Board to Canteen, In 2008 he was awarded the Cancer Achievement Award by the Medical Oncology Group of Australia and in 2014 the Gold Medal of Cancer Council Australia for distinguished service in cancer. In 2019 he was awarded the Tom Reeve Award by the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia “for outstanding contributions to cancer care” He was awarded Membership of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2011 “For service to medical oncology as a clinician, researcher, administrator and mentor, and to the community through leadership roles with cancer control organisations.”


  • Qualifications

    MB,BS 1976 (University of Melbourne)
    MD 1991 (University of Melbourne)
    PhD 1997 (Monash University)
    CMin 2002 (Parkin Wesley College, Adelaide)
    FRACP 1984
    AFRACMA 1993-2020
    FAChPM 2000
  • Teaching Interests

    Teaching medical students in medical oncology and bioethics

    Teachin gpublic health students

  • Research Interests

    Psycho-Oncology Research
    Bioethics Research

    Supportive Care in Cancer

  • Publications

    Journal Articles


    1.                                Grimison P, Mersiades A, Kirby A, Lintzeris N, Morton R, Haber P, Olver I, Walsh A, McGregor I, Cheung Y, Tognela A, Hahn C, Briscoe K, Aghmesheh M, Fox P, Abdi E, Clarke S, Della-Fiorentina S, Shannon J, Gedye C, Begbie S, Simes J, Stockler M. Oral THC:CBD cannabis extract for refractory chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV): a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 crossover trial. Ann Oncol 2020 Aug 13; S0923-7534(20)39996-8. Doi: 10.1016/j.annonc.2020.07.020 [Online ahead of print]


    2.                                Reid P, Taudacher AH, Marcu L, Olver I, Moghaddasi L, Brown MP, Li Y, Bezak E. Intrinsic radiosensitivity is not the determining factor in treatment response differences between HPV negative and HPV positive head and neck cancers. Cells 2020, 9:1788; doi: 10.3390/cells9081788.


    3.                                Holden CA, Frank O, Li M, Manocha R, Caruso J, Turnbull D, Reed RL, Miller CL, Roder D, Olver I. Engagement of general practice in an Australian organised bowel cancer screening program: A cross-sectional survey of knowledge and practice. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2020 Jul1, 21(7): 2099-2017. Doi: 10.31557/APJCP.2020.21.7.2099.


    4.                                Olver I, Carey M, Bryant J, Boyes A, Evans T, Sanson-Fisher R. Second opinions in medical oncology. BMC Palliat Care 2020 Jul 21; 19(1):112. doi: 10.1186/s12904-020-00619-9.


    5.                                Roder D, Selva-Nayagam S, Paramasivam S, Keefe D, Olver I, Miller C, Buckley E, Powell K, Fusco K, Buranyi-Trevarton D, Oehler M. Cancers of the corpus uteri treated in South Australian public hospitals: Trends in clinical management and survival across three decades. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2020 Jul 8: e13281. Doi: 10.1111/ecc.13281. [Onine ahead of print).


    6.                                Young AM, Ashbury F, Schapira L, Scotté F, Ripamonti CI, Olver IN. Uncertainty upon uncertainty: supportive care for cancer and COVID-19. Support Care Cancer 2020,


    7.                                Li M, Roder D, D’Onise K, Walters D, Farshid G, Buckley E, Karapetis C, Joshi R, Price T, Towmsend A, Miller CL, Currow D, Powell K, Buranyi-Trevrton D, Olver I. Monitoriing TNM stage of female breast cancer and survival across the South Australian population, with national and international TNM benchmarking: A population-based cohort study. BMJ Open 2020, Jun 28;10(6):e037069. Doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037069.


    8.                                Holden CA, Frank O, Caruso J, Turnbull D, Reed RL, Miller CL, Olver I. From participation to diagnostic assessment: a systematic scopig review of the role of the primary healthcare sector in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program. Aust J Prim Health 2020 Jun 15 doi: 10.1071/PY19181.


    9.                                Bierbaum M, Rapport F, Arnolda G, Nic Giola Easpaig N, Lamprell K, Hutchison K, Delaney GP, Liauw,W, Kefford R, Olver I, Braithwaite J. Clinicians’ attitudes and perceived barriers and facilitators to cancer treatment clincal practice guideline adherence: a systematic review of qualitative and quantitative literature. Implement sci Sci 21020 May 27, 15(1):39 doi: 10.1186/s13012-020-00991-3.


    10.                             Olver I, Keefe D, Herrstedt J, Warr D, Roila F, Ripamonti CI. Supportive care in cancer-a MASCC perspective. Support Care Cancer 2020 Apr 27 doi: 10.1007/s00520-020-05447-4 [Epub ahead of print].


    11.                             Skrabal-Ross X, Gunn KM, Suppiah V, Patterson P, Olver I. A review of factors influencing non-adheence to oral antineoplastic drugs. Support Care Cancer, 2020, Apr 25. doi 10.1007/s00520-020-05469-y [Epub ahead of print]


    12.                             Ngwa W, Olver I, Schmeler KM. The use of health-realted Technology to reduce the gap between developed and underdeveloped regions around the globe. Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book. 2020 Mar; 40:1-10 doi: 10.1200/EDBK_288613.


    13.                             Reid P, Saudacher AH, Marcu LG, Olver I, Moghaddasi L, Brown MP, Bezk E. Influence of the human papillomavirus on the radioreponsiveness of cancer stem cells in head and neck cancers. Sci Rep 2020, 10:2716 .


    14.                             Nic Giolla Easpaig B, Tran Y, Bierbaum M, Arnolds G, Delaney GP, Liauw W, Ward RL, Olver I Currow D, Girgis A, Durcinoska I, Braithwaite J. What are the attitudes of health professionals regarding patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) in oncology practice? A mixed-method synthesis of the qualitative ecidence. BMC Health Serv Res 2020 Feb 10; 20(1): 102. Doi:10.1186/s12913-020-4939-7.


    15.                             Willems RA, Bolman CAW, Lechner L, Mesters I, Gunn KM, Skrabal Ross X, Olver I. Online interventions aimed at reducing psychological distress in cancer patients: evidence update and suggestions for future directions. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care 2020, 14: 27-39.


    16.                             Skrabal Ross X, Gunn KM, Olver I, Willems RA, Lechner L, Mesters I, Bolman CAW. Online psychosocial interventions for posttreatment cancer survivors: an international evidence review and update. Curr Opon Support Palliat Care 2020, 14: 40-50.


    17.                             Skrabal Ross X, Gunn KM, Patterson P, Olver I. Development of a smartphone program to support adherence to oral chemotherapy in people with cancer. Patient Prefer Adherence 2019, 13: 2207-2215.


    18.                             Olver I, Dodds S, Kenner J, Kerridge I, McGovern K, Milligan E, Mortimer R, Australian Health Ethics Committee of the National Health and Medical Research Council. Ethical considerations relating to healthcare resource allocation decisions. Intern Med J 2019, 49: 1364-1367.


    19.                             Whitford HS, Kalinowski P, Schembri A, Grimison P, Stockler M, Martin A, Toner GC, Davi ID, Maruff P Olver IN Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group. The impact of chemotherapy on cognitive function: a multicentre prospective cohort study in testicular cancer. Support Care Cancer 2020, 28:3081-3091.


    20.                             Nic Giolla Easpaig B, Arnolda G, Tran Y, Bierbaum M, Lamprell K, Delaney GP, Liauw W, Chittajallu R, Winata T, Ward RL, Currow DC, Olver I, Karnon J, Westbrook J, Braithwaite J. What is multidisciplinary cancer care like in practice? A protocol for a mixed-method study to characterise ambulatory oncology services in the Australian public sector. BMJ Open 2019, 9(10:e031179. Doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031179.


    21.                             Roder D, Karapetis CS, Olver I, Keefe D, Padbury R, Moore J, Joshi R, Wattchow D, Worthley DL, Miller CL, Holden C, Buckley E, Powell K, Buranyi-Trevarton D, Fusco K, Price T. Time from diagnosis to teatment of colorectal cancer in a South Australian clinical registry cohort: how it varies and related to survival. BMJ Open 2019 Sept 30; 9(9): e031421. Doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031421.


    22.                             Ghinea N, Wiersma M, Kreeidge I, Olver I, Pearson S, Day R, Liauw W, Lipworth W. “Some sort of fantasy land”. A qualitative investigation of appropriate prescribing in cancer care. J Eval Clin Pract 2019 Sep 12 doi10.1111/jep.13278 [Epub before print].


    23.                             Li M, Olver I, Keefe D, Holden C, Worthley D, Price T, Karaepetis C, Miller C, Powell K, Buranyi-Trevarton D, Fusco K , Roder D. Pre-diagnostic colonoscopies reduce cancer mortality – results form linked population-based data in South Australia. BMC Cancer 2019, 19: 856 . doi 1186/s12885-019-6092-4


    24.                             Olver IN. Now we are 40 -10 more years of MOGA. Asia Pac Clin Oncol 2019, 15(Suppl 5): 8-16.


    25.                             Hall A, Nguyen SM, MacKenzie L, Sanson-Fisher R, Olver I, ThuanTV, Huong TT. What caused my cancer? Cancer patients’ perceptions on what may have contributed to the development of their cancer: A cross-sectoinal, cross-country study.Cancer Control 2109, Jan-Dec; 26(1): 1073274819863786. doi: 10.1177/1073274819863786


    26.                             Heathcote LC, Allen JM, Gunn KM, Fox S, Harvie DS, Olver I, Skinner IW, Smith AG, Stanton T, Whitford HS, Moselely GL. Pain education for adolescents and young adults living beyond cancer: An interdisciplinary meeting report. J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol 2019, 8: 529-533.


    27.                             Reid P, Marcu LG, Olver I, Moghaddasi L, Staudacher AH, Bezak E. Diversity of cancer stem cells in head and neck carcinomas: The role of HPV in cnacer stem cell heterogeneity, pasticity and treatment response. Radiother Oncol 2019, Mar 6; 135:1-12. Doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2019.02.016 [Epub ahead of print]


    28.                             Meyer, S.B., Foley, K., Olver, I., Ward, P.R., McNaughton, D., Mwanri, L., Miller, E. Alcohol and breast cancer risk: Middle-aged women's logic and recommendations for reducing consumption in Australia. International Journal of Drug Policy, Accepted 11/01/19.


    29.                             Mersiades AJ, Stockler MR, Olver IN, Grimison P. Medicinal cannabis for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: prescribing with limited evidence. Med J Aust 2019, 210: 11-12.


    30.                             Skrabal Ross M, Gunn KM, Patterson P, Olver I. Mobile-based oral chemotherapy adherence-enhancing Interventions: Scoping Review. JMIR Mhealth Uhealt 2018, 6(12):e11724


    31.                             Dhillon VS, Yeoh E, Salisbury C, Butters J, Di Matrteo A, Olver I. Fenech M. Cytokinesis Block Micronucleus Cytome (CBMN Cyt) assay biomarkers and their association with radiation sensitivity phenotype in prostate cancer cases and DNA repair gene hoGG1 (C1245G) polymorphism. Environ Mol Mutagen 2018, 59: 813-821 Sep 27. Doi: 10.1002/em.22240.


    32.                             Mersiadis AJ, Tognela A, Haber PS, Stockler M, Lintzeris N, Sines J, McGregor I, Olver I, Allsop DJ, Gedye C, Kirby AC, Morton RL, Fox P. Clarke S, Briscoe K, Aghmesheh M, Wong  N, Walsh A, Hahn C, Grimison P. Oral cannabinoid-rich THC/CBD cannabis extract for secondary preventon of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: a study protocol for pilot and definitive randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial (CannabisCINV). BMJ Open 2018; *:e020745.doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020745.


    33.                             Roder D, Davy M, Selva-Nayagam S, Paramasivam S, Adams J, Keefe D, Olver I, Miller C, Buckley E, Powell K, Fusco K, Buranyi-Trevarton D, Oehler MK. Using hospital registries in Australia to extend data availability on vuval cancer treatment and survival. BMC Cancer 2018 Aug 30;18(1):858. doi: 10.1186/s12885-018-4759-x.


    34.                             Olver IN. Improved relative survival of patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma in Queensland, 1993-2012. Med J Aust 2018, 209: 157-158.


    35.                             Karapetis C, Stein B, Koczwara B, Harrup R, Mileshkin L, Parente P, Millward M, Haines I, Blinman P, Olver I. Medical Oncology Group of Australia position statement and membership survey on voluntary assisted dying. Int Med J 2018, 48: 774-779.


    36.                             Fennell KM, Bamford L, Olver I, Wilson CJ. Good training, systems and funding, not good luck: what hematologists and oncologists believe would make it easier for them to refer their cancer patients to psychosocial care. Transl Behav Med 2019, 9:139-146. doi 10.1093/tbm/iby055


    37.                             Brooks D, Olver IN, Esterman AJ. Beyond PSA testing for prostate cancer. Med J Aust 2018, 208: 426-427.


    38.                             Olver I, Carey M, Boyes A, Hall A, Noble N, Bryant J, Walsh J, Sanson-Fisher R. The timeliness of patients reporting the side effects of chemotherapy. Support Care Cancer 2018, 26: 3579-3586.


    39.                             Carey M, Sanson-Fisher R, Clinton-McHarg T, Boyes A, Olver I, Oldmeadow C, Paul C, D’Este C, Henskens F. Examining variation across treatment clinics in cancer patients’ psychological outcomes: results of a cross sectional survey. Support Care Cancer 2018, 26: 3201-3208.


    40.                             Olver I. Bowel cancer screening for women at midlife. Climacteric 2018, 21: 243-248.


    41.                             Wilson C, Flight I, Zajac I, Turnbull D, Young GP, Olver I. Web-based communication strategies designed to improve intention to minimize risk for colorectal cancer: randomized controlled trial. JMIR Cancer 2018, 4(1) e2 doi:10.2196/cancer.8250


    42.                             Smith A, Rutherford C, Butow P, Olver I, Luckett T, Grimison P, Toner G, Stockler M, King M. A systematic review of quantitative observational studies investigating psychological distress in testicular cancer survivors. Psychooncology 2018, 27: 1129-1137.


    43.                             Olver IN. Rolapitant in the treatment of nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy. Clin Med Insights Ther 2017, 9: 1-5.


    44.                             Heiniger LE, Smith AB, Olver I, Grimison P, Klein B, Wootten A, Abbott JM, Price MA, McJannett M, Tran B, Stockler MR, Gurney H, Butow PN. Eur J Cancer 2017, Nov 26  [Epub before print]


    45.                             Carey M, Boyes AW, Smits R, Bryant J, Waller A, Olver I. Access to clinical trials among oncology patients: results of a cross sectional survey. BMC Cancer 2017, Sep 18; 17(1): 653.


    46.                             Fennell KM, Turnbull DA, Bidargaddi N, McWha JL, Davies M. Olver I. The consumer-driven development and acceptability testing of a website designed to connect rural cancer patients and their families, carers and health professionals with appropriate information and psychosocial support. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl) 2017, sep 26(5): doi 1o.1111/sssecc. 12533


    47.                             Takhar H, Singhal N, Mislang A, Kumar R, Kim L, Selva-Nayagam S, Pittman K, Karapetis C, Borg M, Olver I, Brown MP. Phase II study of celecoxib with docetaxel chemoradiotherapy followed by consolidation chmoetherapy docetaxel plus cisplatin with maintenance celecoxib in inoperable stage III nonsmallcell lung cancer. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol 2017, 14: 91-100.


    48.                             Olver IN, Roder D. History, development and future of cancer screening in Australia. Public Health Res Pract 2017 Jul 26; 27(3). Pii: 2731725. doi: 10.17061/phrp2731725.


    49.                             Williams J, Lipworth W, Mayes C, Olver I, Kerridge I. Should disclosure of conflicts of interest in medicine be made public? Medical students views. Med Educ 2017, 51: 1232-1240.


    50.                             Lee YC, Kroon R, Koczwara B, Haines I, Francis K , Millward M, Kefford R, Olver I, Mileshkin L. Survey of practices around pharmaceutical company funding for continuing professional development among medical oncologists and trainees in Australia. Intern Med J 2017, 47: 888-893.


    51.                             So B, Marcu L, Olver I, Gowda R, Bezak E. Oesophageal cancer: Which treatment is the easiest to swallow? A review of combined modality treatments for resectable carcinomas. Crit Rev Oncol/Haem 2017, 113: 135-150


    52.                             So B, Marcu LG, Olver I, Gowda R, Bezak E. Cocktail without hangover: in search for the optimal chemotherapy in the combined management of non-operable esophageal carciniomas. Acta Oncol 2017 Apr 4: 1-13 [Epub ahead of print]


    53.                             Tattersall MH, Jefford M, Martin A, Olver I, Thompson J, Brown RF, Butow PN. Parallel multicenter randomized trial of a clinical trial question prompt list in patients considering participation in phase 3 cancer treatment trials. BMJ open 2017 Mar 1:7(3):e012666. Doi 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012666


    54.                             Olver I. Cancer control-A global perspective. Eur J Cancer Care 2017 Jan; 26(1) doi1111/ecc. 12654


    55.                             Olver I, Ruhlmann CH, Jahn F, Schwartzberg L, Rapoport B, Rittneberg CN, Clark-Snow R. 2016 updated MASCC/ESMO consensus recommendations; controlling nausea and vomiting with chemotherapy of low or minimal emetic potential. Support Care Cancer 2017, 25: 297-301.


    56.                             Dupuis LL, Roscoe JA, Olver I, Aapro M, Molassiotos A. 2016 updated MASCC/ESMO consensus recommendations: Anticipatory nausea and vomiting in children and adults receiving chemotherapy. Support Care Cancer 2017, 25:317-321.


    57.                             Miller ER, Ramsey IJ, Tran LT, Tsourtos G, Baratiny G, Manocha R, Olver IN. How Australian general practitioners engage in discussions about alcohol with their patients: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open 2016, 6(12): e013921


    58.                             Olver IN. Prevention of breast cancer. Med J Aust 2016, 205: 475-479


    59.                             Olver IN. New initiatives in the treatment of breast cancer. Med J Aust 2016, 205: 449-450.


    60.                             Olver IN, Eliott JA. Translating into practice cancer patients’ views on Do-Not-Resuscitate Decision-Making. Cancers (Basel) 2016 Sep 27, 8(10) pii: E89


    61.                             Roila F, Molassiotis A, Herrstedt J, Aapro M, Gralla RJ, Bruera E, Clark-Snow RA, Dupuis LL, Einhorn LH, Feyer P, Hesketh PJ, Jordan K, Olver I, Rapoport BL, Ruhlmann CH, Walsh D, Warr D, van der Wetering M. 2016 MASCC and ESMO guideline update for the prevention of chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting and of nausea and vomiting in advanced cancer patients. Ann Oncol 2016, 27(Suppl 5): v119-v133.


    62.                             Best M, Butow P, Olver I. Why do we find it so hard to discuss spirituality? A qualitative exploration of attitudinal barriers. J Clin Med 2016, 5(9): 77


    63.                             Olver IN. Ethics and Cancer. Cancer Forum 2016, 40: 95-97.


    64.                             Olver IN. The importance of supportive care for patients with cancer. Med J Aust 2016. 204: 401-402


    65.                             Olver I, von Dincklage J, Nicholson J, Shaw T. Improving uptake of wiki-based guidelines with Qstream education. Med Educ 2106, 50: 590-591


    66.                             Olver IN. From the NHMRC Ethical issues with xenotransplantation clinical trials. Med J Aust Apr 2016, 204(6): 212-212


    67.                             Mayes C, Blakely B, Kerridge I, Komesaroff P, Olver I, Lipworth W. On the fragility of medical virtue in a neoliberal context: the case of commercial conflicts of interest in reproductive medicine. Theor Med Bioeth 2016, 37:97-111.


    68.                             Best M, Butow P, Olver I. Palliative care specialists’ beliefs about spiritual care. Support Care Cancer. Aug 2016, 24(8):3295-3306 doi: 10.1007/s00520-016-3135-0 


    69.                             Olver IN. Should clinical trials be approached differently for rare cancers? Future Oncology Posted on line 4 March 2016 doi:10.2217/fon-2016-0033.


    70.                             Miller E, Ramsey I, Baratiny G, Olver I. Message on a bottle: are alcohol warning labels about cancer appropriate? BMC Public Health 2016, 16:139 doi 10.1186/s12889-016-2812-8.


    71.                             Best M, Butow P, Olver I. Creating a safe space: A qualitative inquiry into the way doctors discuss spirituality. Pall Supp Care. 2016, 14:519-531.


    72.                             Olver IN, Marshall V. Across the spectrum of prostate cancer. Cancer Forum 2015, 39: 159-161.


    73.                             Olver IN. Highlights of PSA testing guidelines. Cancer Forum 2015, 39: 161-163.


    74.                             Olver IN. Reassessing rare cancers. Med J Aust 2015, 203:386.


    75.                             Carrera PM, Olver I. The financial hazard of personalized medicine and supportive care. Support Care Cancer 2015, 23:3399-3401.


    76.                             Olver I. The whole 9 years. Med J Aust 2015, 202: 451-452


    77.                             Olver I. Role of Rolapitant in chemotherapy-induced emesis. Lancet Oncol. Sept 2015, 16(9): 1006-1007 doi:10.1016/51470-2045(15)00096-0


    78.                             Best M, Butow P, Olver I. Doctors discussing religion and spirituality: a systematic literature review. Palliat Med Apr 2016, 30(4):327-337 doi:10.1177/0269216315600912


    79.                             Best M, Butow P, Olver I. Do patients want doctors to talk about spirituality? A systematic Literature review. Patient Educ Counselling Nov 2015, 98(11):1320-1328 doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2015.04.017


    80.                             Best M, Aldrudge L, Butow P, Olver I, Price M, Webster F. Treatment of holistic suffering in cancer; A systematic literature review. Palliat Med 2015, 29:885-898.


    81.                             Smith AB, , , , , , , , , , , , , , . The prevalence, severity, and correlates of psychological distress and impaired health-related quality of life following treatment for testicular cancer: a survivorship study. J Cancer Survi 2015 Apr 16, 10(2):223-233 doi:10.1007/s11764-015-0468-5


    82.                             Lovell M, Luckett T, Boyle F, Stubbs J, Phillips J, Davidson PM, Olver I, von Dincklage J, Agar M. Adaption of international guidelines on assessment and management of cancer pain for the Australian context. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol 2015 Jun 15, 11(2):170-177 doi:1111/ajco.12352


    83.                             Louise J, Eliott J, Olver I, Braunack-Mayer A. Cancer Risk Warnings on Alcoholic Beverages: What are the ethical issues? Am J Bioeth 2015, 15(3): 3-11


    84.                             Whiteman DC, Appleyard M, Bahin FF, Bobryshv YV, Bourke MJ, Brown I, Chung A, Clouston A, Dickins E, Emery J, Eslick GD, Gordon LG, Grimpen F, Hebbard G, Holliday L, Houigan L, Kendall BJ, Lee EY, Levert A, Lord RV, Lord SJ, Maule D, Moss A, Norton I. Olver I, Pavey D, Raftopoulos S, Rajendra S, Schoeman M, Singh R, Sitas F, Smithers MB, Taylor A, Thomas ML, Thomson I, To H, von Dincklage J, Vuletich C, Watson DI, Yusoff IF. Australian clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of Barrett’s esophagus and early esophageal adenocarcinoma. J Gastroenterol Hepatol May 2015, 30(5):804-820 doi: 10.1111/jgh. 12913


    85.                             Neuhaus SJ, Thomas D, Desai J, Vuletich C, von Dincklage J, Olver I. Wiki-based clinical practice guidelines for the management of adult onset sarcoma: A new paradigm in sarcoma evidence, Sarcoma 2015 Article ID 614179


    86.                             Olver I. Assessing the burden and management of chemotherapy induced emesis in the Asia/Pacific region. 2015, 23(1): 251-252.


    87.                             Best M, Aldridge L, Butow P, Olver I, Webster F. Conceptual analysis of suffering in cancer: a systematic review. Psycho-Oncology 2015, 24: 977-986.


    88.                             Best M, Aldridge L, Butow P, Olver I, Price M, Webster F. Assessment of spiritual suffering in the cancer context: A systematic literature review. Palliat Support Care 2014 Nov 11: 1-27.


    89.                             Grogan PB, Olver IN. A bowel cancer screening plan at last. Med J Aust 2014, 210: 435-436.


    90.                             Braun L, Harris J, Katris P, Cain M, Dhillon H, Koczwara B, Olver I, Robotin M. Clinical Oncology Society of Australia position statement on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by cancer patients. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol 2014, 10(4): 289-296.


    91.                             Olver IN, Eliott JA. The use of humor and laughter in research about end-of-life decision-making. J Nurs Edu Prac 2014, 4(10): 80-87.


    92.                             , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; . Testosterone deficiency and quality of life in Australasian testicular cancer survivors: a prospective cohort study. 2014 Aug 44:813-7. doi: 10.1111/imj.12500.


    93.                             Best M, Butow P, Olver I. The doctor’s role in helping dying patients with cancer achieve peace: A qualitative study. Palliat Med. Oct 2014, 28(9): 1139-1145


    94.                             Olver IN, Eliott JA, Koczwara B. A qualitative study investigating chemotherapy-induced nausea as a symptom cluster. Support Care Cancer 2014, 22(10): 2749-2756.


    95.                             Olver IN. Linking data to improve health outcomes. Med J Aust 2014, 200: 368-369.


    96.                             Klafke N, Eliott JA, Olver IN, Wittert GA. Australian men with cancer practice complementary therapies (CT’s) as a coping strategy. Psychooncology 2014, 23(11): 1236-1242.


    97.                             Klafke N, Eliott JA, Olver IN, Wittert GA. The varied contribution of significant others to Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) uptake by men with cancer: A qualitative analysis. Eur J Oncol Nurs 2014, 18(3): 329-336.


    98.                             Olver IN. Opting in for opt-out consent. Med J Aust 2014, 200: 201-202.


    99.                             Klafke N, Eliott JA, Olver IN, Wittert G. The role of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) routines and rituals in men with cancer and their significant others (SC’s): A qualitative investigation. Support Care Cancer 2014 May; 22(5): 1319-1331.


    100.                          Best M, Butow P, Olver I. Spiritual support of cancer patients and the role of the doctor. J Support Care Cancer 2014, 22: 1333-1339.


    101.                          Olver IN. Lung cancer: Let’s try for prevention and cure. Med J Aust 2013, 199: 639-640.


    102.                          Olver IN, Von Dincklage JJ. It is time for guidelines to enter the digital age. Med J Aust. 2013 Nov 4;199(9): 569-70


    103.                          Olver I. Challenges of accessing cancer medicine in Australia. Lancet Oncol 2013; 11: 1040-1042.


    104.                          Thaker DA, Monypenny R, Olver I, Sabesan S. Cost savings from a telemedicine model of care in northern Australia. Med J Aust 2013, 6: 414-417.


    105.                          , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . The prevalence and correlates of supportive care needs in testicular cancer survivors: a cross-sectional study. 2013 Nov, 22(11): 2557-2564.


    106.                          Eliott JA, Olver IN. Public perceptions of cancer clusters, associated events and appropriate institutional response. Cancer Forum 2013, 37 (1): 93-99.


    107.                          Ramondetta LM, Sun C, Sorbone A, Olver I, Ripamonti C, Konishi T, Baider L, Johnson J. Surprising results regarding MASCC members’ beliefs about spiritual care. Support Care Cancer. 2013 Nov, 21(11):2991-8.


    108.                          Gunn K, Turnbull D, McWha JL, Davies M, Olver I. Support Care Cancer. 2013 Sep; 21(9): 2547-2555.


    109.                          Olver IN, Grogan PB. Med J Aust. 2013 Apr 1, 198(6): 300-301.


    110.                          Olver IN, Keech AC. Med J Aust. 2013 Mar 18, 198(5):254-5.


    111.                          Goldsbury D, Harris M, Pascoe S, Barton M, Olver I, Spigelman A, Beilby J, Veitch C, Weller D, O'Connell DL. BMJ Open. 2013 Mar 6;3(3). doi:pii: e002325. 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-002325. Print 2013.


    112.                          Olver IN, Grimison P, Chatfield M, Stockler MR, Toner GC, Gebski V, Harrup R, Underhill C, Kichenadasse G, Singhal N, Davis ID, Boland A, McDonald A, Thomson D. Results of a 7-day aprepitant schedule for the prevention of nausea and vomiting in 5-day cisplatin-based germ cell tumour chemotherapy. Support Care Cancer 2013, 21(6):1561-1568. doi: 10.1007/s00520-012-1696-0.


    113.                          Olver IN. Hormone replacement therapy: the need to combine clinical and epidemiological data. Cancer Forum 2012, 36(3) 171-174.


    114.                          Isaac R, Finkel M, Olver I, Annie IK, Prashanth HR, Subbhashini J, Viswananthan PN, Trevina LJ. Translating evidence into practice in low resource settings: Cervical cancer screening tests are only part of the solution in rural India. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev 2012, 13: 1-4.


    115.                          Olver IN, Eliott JA, Long L, McKinnon M, Rumsby G, The impact of receiving treatment for cancer at a large metropolitan teaching hospital as recorded by patients using unstructured journals. J Cancer Educ. 2012 Dec, 27(4):625-30. doi: 10.1007/s13187-012-0415.


    116.                          Pirri C, Bayliss E, Trotter J, Olver IN, Katris P, Drummond P, Bennett R. Nausea still the poor relation in antiemetic therapy? The impact on cancer patients’ quality of life and psychological adjustment of nausea, vomiting and appetite loss, individually and concurrently as part of a symptom cluster. Support Care Cancer 2013 Mar;21(3): 735-48. doi: 10.1007/s00520-012-1574-9.


    117.                          Olver IN, Dutney A. A randomized blinded study of the impact of intercessory prayer on spiritual well-being in patients with cancer. Altern Ther Health Med 2012, 18 (5): 18-27.


    118.                          Whitford HS, Olver IN. When expectations predict experience: The influence of psychological factors on chemotherapy toxicities. J Pain Symptom Manage 2012, 43: 1036-1050


    119.                          Goldsbury D, Harris MF, Pascoe S, Olver I, Barton M, Spigelman A, O’Connell D. Socio-demographic and other patient characteristics associated with time between colonoscopy and surgery, and choice of treatment centre for colorectal cancer: a retrospective study. BMJ Open 2012, 2:e001070. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001070


    120.                          Olver IN, Young GP. The urgency of saving lives through bowel screening. Med J Aust 2012. 196: 490-491.


    121.                          Olver IN. Evolving definitions of hope in oncology. Curr Opin Support Palliat Care 2012 Jun, 6(2):236-41. doi: 10.1097/SPC.0b013e3283528d0c.


    122.                          Olver IN. Women and tobacco part of the bigger picture. Tob Control 2012; 21: 143-244.


    123.                          Roder DM, Olver IN. Do the benefits of screening mammography outweigh the harms of overdiagnosis and unnecessary treatment? Med J Aust 2012, 196:16.


    124.                          Klafke N, Eliott JA, Wittert GA, Olver IN. Prevalence and predictors of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use by men in Australian cancer outpatient services. Ann Oncol 2012 Jun 23(6):1571-1578. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdr521


    125.                          Olver I. Improving cancer treatment by addressing legislative and regulatory issues. Public Health. 2011, 125: 876-888.


    126.                          Knott V, Turnbull D, Olver I, Winefield A. A grounded theory approach to understand the cancer-coping process. Brit J Health Psychol 2012 Sep, 17(3):551-564. doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8287.2011.02054.x


    127.                          Smith AB, King M, Butow P, Olver I. Comparison of data quality and practicality of online versus postal questionnaires in a sample of testicular cancer survivors. Psychooncology 2013 Jan, 22(1): 233-237. doi: 10.1002/pon.2052. Epub 2011 Sep 26.


    128.                          Roscoe JA, Morrow GR, Aapro MS, Molassiotis A, Olver I. Anticipatory nausea and vomiting.  Support Care Cancer 2011, 19:1533-1538. NIHMSID: NIHMS:259633.


    129.                          Garvey G, Cunningham J, Valery PC, Condon J, Roder D, Bailie R, Martin J, Olver I. Reducing the burden of cancer for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Australians: time for a coordinated, collaborative, priority-driven, Indigenous-led research program. Med J Aust 2011, 194(10): 530-531.


    130.                          Winstanley MH, Pratt IS, Chapman K, Griffin HJ, Croager EJ, Olver IN, Sinclair C, Slevin TJ. Alcohol and cancer: a position statement from Cancer Council Australia. Med J Aust 2011, 194(9): 479-482.


    131.                          Tan H, Wilson A, Olver I, Barton C. The family meeting addressing spiritual and psychosocial needs in a palliative care setting: usefulness and challenges to implementation Prog Palliative Care 2011; 19(2): 66-72.


    132.                          Olver IN. Cancer clinical trials in Australia. Med J Aust 2011, 194: 382.


    133.                          Whitford HS, Olver IN. Prayer as a complementary therapy. Cancer Forum 2011, 35: 27-30.


    134.                          Olver IN. Overview of complementary and alternative medicine. Cancer Forum 2011, 35: 3-6.


    135.                          Tan H, Wilson A, Olver I, Barton C. The experience of palliative patients and their families of a family meeting utilised as an instrument for spiritual and psychosocial care: A qualitative study BMC Palliative Care 2011 Mar 24;10:7. doi: 10.1186/1472-684X-10-7.


    136.                          Olver I, Marine F, Grogan P. Disparities in cancer care in Australia and the Pacific. Oncologist. 2011, 16(7): 930-934.


    137.                          Whitford HS, Olver IN. Psychooncology. 2012 Jun, 21(6): 602-610.


    138.                          Australians for Global Action on NCDs. Time for global action on chronic disease. Med J Aust 2011, 194: 158-159.


    139.                          , , , . Former palliative caregivers who identify that additional spiritual support would have been helpful in a population survey. Palliat Med. 2011 Apr, 25(3):266-277.


    140.                          , , , , , . Antiemetic research: future directions. Support Care Cancer. 2011 Mar, 19 Suppl 1: S49-55. doi: 10.1007/s00520-010-1036-1.


    141.                          , . Dying cancer patients talk about physician and patient roles in DNR decision making. Health Expect. 2011 Jun, 14(2): 147-58.


    142.                          Roscoe JA, Morrow GR, Aapro MS, Molassiotis A, Olver I. Anticipatory Nausea and Vomiting. Support Care Cancer 2011 Oct, 19(10):1533-1538.


    143.                          Olver I, Clark-Snow RA, Ballatori E, Espersen BT, Bria E, Jordan K. Guidelines for the control of nausea and vomiting with chemotherapy of low or minimal emetic potential. Support Care Cancer 2011 Mar, 19 Suppl: S33-36.


    144.                          Sly PD, Chase R, Kolbe J, Thompson P, Gupta L, Daube M, Olver I, Vallance D. Asbestos still poses a threat to global health: now is the time for action. Med J Aust 2010, 193: 198-199.


    145.                          Grimison PS,  Stockler MR, Thomson DB, Olver IN, Harvey VJ, Gebski VJ, Lewis CR, Levi JA, Boyer MJ, Gurney H, Craft P, Boland AL, Simes RJ, Toner GC. Comparison of Two Standard Chemotherapy Regimens for Good-Prognosis Germ Cell Tumors: Updated Analysis of a Randomized Trial. J Natl Cancer Inst 2010, 102: 1–10.


    146.                          Roila F, Herrstedt J, Aapro M, Gralla RJ, Einhorn LH, Ballatori E, Bria E, Clark-Snow RA, Espersen BT, Feyer P, Grunberg SM, Hesketh PJ, Jordan K, Kris MJ, Maranzano E, Molassiotis A, Morrow G, Olver I, Rapoport BL, Rittenberg C, Siato M, Tonato M, Warr D, ESMO/MASCC Guidelines Working Group. Guideline Update for MASCC and ESMO in the prevention of chemotherapy and radiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: results of the Perugia consensus conference. Ann Oncol 2010, 21 Suppl 5: 232-243.


    147.                          Tan H, Wilson A, Olver I, Barton C. Recruiting palliative patients for a large qualitative study: some ethical considerations and staff dilemmas. Explore (NY) 2010, 6: 159-165.


    148.                          Koczwara B, Francis K, Marine F, Goldstein D, Underhill C, Olver I. Reaching further with online education? The development of an effective online program in palliative oncology. J Cancer Educ 2010 Sep, 25(3): 317-23.


    149.                          Tan H, Wilson A, Olver I. Ricoeur’s Theory of Interpretation: An Instrument for Data Interpretation in Hermeneutic Phenomenology. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, North America, 811 12 2009   ().


    150.                          Beckmann KR, Olver IN, Young GP, Roder DM, Foreman LM, Wilson B. Patient and carer perceptions of cancer care in South Australia. Aust Health Rev 2009, 33(4): 645-655


    151.                          Pawlik T, Olver IN, Storm CD, Rodriguez MA. Can physicians refuse treatment to patients who smoke? JOP Sep 2009; 250-251.


    152.                          Dresemann G, Weller M, Rosenthal MA, Wedding U, Wagner W, Engel E, Heinrich B, Mayer-Steinacker R, Karup-Hansen A, Fluge O, Nowak A, Mehdorn M, Schleyer E, Krex D, Olver I, Steinbach JP, Hosius C, Sieder C, Sorenson G, Parker R, Nikolova Z. Imatinib in combination with hydroxyurea versus hydroxyurea alone as oral therapy in patients with progressive pretreated glioblastoma resistant to standard doses temozolomide. J Neurooncol 2010 Feb;96(3):393-402. doi: 10.1007/s11060-009-9976-3. Epub 2009 Aug 18.


    153.                          Van Hazel GA, Pavlakis N, Goldstein D, Olver IN, Tapner MJ, Price D, Bower GD, Briggs GM, Rossleigh MA, Taylor DJ, George J. Treatment of Fluorouracil-refractory patients with liver metastases from colorectal cancer by using Yttrium-90 resin microspheres plus concomitant systemic irinotecan chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol 2009; 27: 4089-4095 Epub 2009 Aug 3.


    154.                          Eliott, JA, Olver IN. Hope, Life, and Death: A Qualitative Analysis of Dying Cancer Patients' Talk about Hope. Death Studies 2009; 33:7,609-638.


    155.                          Haines IE, Olver IN. Are guidelines on use of colony-stimulating factors flawed? Intern Med J 2009; 39(4): 259-62.


    156.                          Olver IN, Haines IE. What changes are needed to the current direction and interpretation of clinical cancer research to meet the needs of the 21st century? Med J Aust 2009; 190: 74-77.


    157.                          Olver IN, Whitford HS, Denson LA, Peterson MJ, Olver SI. Improving informed consent to chemotherapy: a randomized controlled trial of written information versus an interactive multimedia CD-ROM. Patient Edu and Couns 2009; 74(2): 197-204.


    158.                          Luckett T, Butow PN, Leung M, Olver IN. Psycho-social issues in long-term survivors of testicular cancer: Directions for future research. Asia-Pac J Clin Oncol 2008; 4: 125-131.


    159.                          Haines IE, Olver IN. Are self-regulation and declaration of conflict of interest still the benchmark for relationships between physicians and industry? Med J Aust 2008, 189: 263-266.


    160.                          Olver IN, Grogan PB. Cancer adds further urgency to prioritizing obesity control. Med J Aust 2008, 189: 191-192.


    161.                          Shepherd L, Goldstein D, Olver I, Parle M. Enhancing psychosocial care for people with cancer in rural communities: what can remote counseling offer? Aust Health Rev 2008, 32(3): 423-38.


    162.                          Eliott JA, Olver IN. Dying cancer patients talk about euthanasia. Soc Sci Med. 2008 Aug; 67(4):647-56.


    163.                          Khan OA, Ranson M, Michael M, Olver I, Levitt NC, Mortimer P, Watson AJ, Marginson GP, Midgley R, Middleton MR.  A phase II trial of lomeguatrib and temozolomide in metastatic colorectal cancer. Br J Cancer 2008, 98(10): 1614-8.


    164.                          Olver I, Eliott J. The perceptions of do-not-resuscitate policies of dying patients with cancer. Psycho-Oncology 2008, 17: 347-353.


    165.                          Olver IN. Prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: Focus on fosaprepitant. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2008:4(2) 1–6.


    166.                          Eliott JA, Kealey CP, Olver IN. (Using) complementary and alternative medicine: the perceptions of palliative patients with cancer. J Palliat Med 2008, 11(1): 58-67.


    167.                          Cain JM, Storm C, Olver I. Making the decision to not attempt resuscitation. J Oncol Prac 2008,4(2): 99-100.


    168.                          Whitford HS, Olver IN, Peterson MJ. Spirituality as a core domain in the assessment of quality of life in oncology. Psychooncology. 2008 Nov, 17(11):1121-1128.


    169.                          Eliott J, Olver I. Choosing between life and death: patient and family perceptions of the decision not to resuscitate the terminally ill cancer patient. Bioethics 2008 Mar 22(3):197-89.


    170.                          Olver IN. Trastuzumab as the lead monoclonal antibody in advanced breast cancer: choosing which patient and when. Future Oncol 2008 Feb;4(1):125-31.


    171.                          Clayton JM, Hancock K, Parker S, Butow PN, Walder S, Carrick S, Currow D, Ghersi D, Glare P, Hagerty R, Olver IN, Tattersall MHN. Sustaining hope when communicating with terminally ill patients and their families: a systematic review. Psycho-oncology 2008, 17:641-59.


    172.                          Beeke C. Olver IN, McLaughlin K. A survey of patients’ attitudes towards the use of their health data. Journal of Registry Management 2007, 34: 119-122.


    173.                          Eliott J, Olver I. Autonomy and the family as (In) Appropriate surrogates for DNR decisions: A qualitative analysis of dying cancer patients’ talk. J Clin Ethics 2007, 18(3): 206-218.


    174.                          Clayton J, Hancock K, Butow PN, Tattersall MHN, Currow D, Adler J,  Aranda S, Auret K, Boyle F, Britton A, Chye R, Clark K, Davidson P, Davis JM, Girgis A, Graham S, Hardy J, Introna K, Kearsley J, Kerridge I, Kristjanson L, Martin P, McBride A, Meller A, Mitchel G, Moore A, Noble B, Olver I, Parker S, Peters M, Saul P, Stewart C, Swinburne L, Tobin B, Tickwell K, Yates P; Australasian Society of HIV Medicine; Australian and New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine; Australasian Chapter of Palliative Medicine; Royal Australasian College of Physicians; Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine; Australian General Practice Network; Australian Society of Geriatric Medicine; Cancer Voices Australia; Cardaic Society of Australia and New Zealand; Clinical Oncological Society of Australia; Motor Nerone Disease Association of Australia; Palliative Care Australia; Palliative Care Nurses Australia; Royal Australian College of General Practitioners; Royal College of Nursing Australia; Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand. Clinical practice guidelines for communicating prognosis and end-of-life issues with adults in the advanced stages of a life-threatening illness, and their caregivers. Med J Aust 2007, 186 (Suppl):S79, S83-108


    175.                          Olver IN, Byrne MJ, Walpole E, Vorobiof D, Jacobs K, Hewitt S, McAdam G, Pouget JC, Pinel MC. Phase II study of IV Vinflunine with chemotherapy naïve metastatic melanoma. Eur J Cancer 2007, 43(12):1829-32.


    176.                          Olver I, Shepherd L, Selva-Nayagam S. Beyond the bush telegraph: telehealth for remote cancer control and support. Cancer Forum 2007, 31: 77-80


    177.                          Olver IN, Challenges in Cancer Control in Australia. Med J Aust 2007, 186 (11): 556-557.


    178.                          Joshi R, Olver I, Keefe D, Marafioti T, Smith K. A phase I study to assess the safety and activity of topical lovastatin (FP252S) for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced alopecia. Support Care Cancer 2007; 15(9): 1109-1112 Epub 2007 May 22.


    179.                          Olver I, Shelukar S, Thompson KC. Nanomedicines in the treatment of emesis during chemotherapy: focus on aprepitant. Int J Nanomedicine 2007, 2(1): 13-18.


    180.                          Eliott JA, Olver IN. The implications of dying cancer patients’ talk on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and do-not-resuscitation orders: A discursive analysis. Qual Health Res 2007; 17; 442.


    181.                          Brown MP, Buckley MF, Rudzki Z, Olver I. Why we will need to learn new skills to control cancer. Int Med J 2007, 37(3): 201-204.


    182.                          Borg M, Yeoh E, Bochner M, Butters J, van Dorn T, Farshid G, Kolias J, Kotasek D, Gill G, Lim A, Olver I, Parnis F, Rush G. Feasibility study on the MammoSite in early breast cancer: Initial experience. Australis Radiol 2007, 51(1): 53-61.


    183.                          Luke C, Gill G, Birrell S, Humeniuk V, Borg M, Karapetis C, Koczwara B, Olver I, Penniment M, Pittman K, Price T, Walsh D, Yeoh EK, Roder D. Treatment and survival from breast cancer: the experience of patients at South Australian teaching hospitals between 1977 and 2003. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2007; 13(2): 212-220.


    184.                          Eliott JA, Olver IN. Hope and hoping in the talk of dying cancer patients. Soc Sci Med 2007, 64: 138-149.


    185.                          Pittman KB, Olver IN, Koczwara B, Kotasek D, Patterson WK, Keefe DM, Karapetis CS, Parnis FX, Moldovan S, Yeend SJ, Price TJ. Gemcitabine and Carboplatin in carcinoma of unknown primary site: a phase 2 Adelaide cancer Trials and Education Collaborative study. Br J Cancer 2006, 95(10); 1309-1313.


    186.                          Sambrook P. Olver I, Goss A. Bisphosphonates and osteonecrosis of the jaw. Aust Fam Physician 2006, 35(10): 801-803.


    187.                          Millward MJ, House C, Bowtell D, Webster L, Olver IN, Gore M, Copeman M, Lynch K, Yap A, Wang Y, Cohen PS, Zalcberg J. The multikinase inhibitor midostaurin (PKC412A lacks activity in metastatic melanoma: a phase IIA clinical and biological study. Br J Cancer 2006, 95(7): 829-834.


    188.                          Marcu L, Bezak E, Olver I. Scheduling cisplatin and radiotherapy in the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck: a modelling approach. Phys Med Biol 2006, 15: 3625-3637.


    189.                          Goldstein D, Ackland SP, Bell DR, Olver IN, Davis ID, Rosenthal MA, Toner GC, Pinel MC, Byrne M. Phase II study of vinflunine in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Invest New Drugs 2006, 24(5): 429-34.


    190.                          Koczwara B, Barton M, Coventry B, Millar J, Olver I, Sebasen S, Schwarz M. Cancer curriculum in the Asia-pacific: Opportunities and challenges in the age of globalization. Asia-Pacific J Clin Oncol 2006; 1: 109-113.


    191.                          Marcu L, Olver I. Tirapazamine: From bench to clinical trials. Current Clinical Pharmacology 2006, 1: 71-77.


    192.                          Olver IN. The development of future research strategies from reviewing antiemetic trials for chemotherapy induced emesis. Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials, 2006, 1: 61-66.


    193.                          Olver I N. Xerostomia: A common adverse effect of drugs and radiation Aust Prescriber 2006, 29 (4): 97-98.


    194.                          Olver IN, Brooksbank M, Champion N, Keeley J. The use of videophones to enhance palliative care outreach nursing in remote areas. Prog Pall Care 2005, 13: 263-267.


    195.                          Clayton JM, Hancock KM, Butow PN, Tattersall MH, Currow DC; Australian and New Zealand Expert Advisory Group, Adler J, Aranda S, Auret K, Boyle Combined-modality therapy for primary central nervous system lymphoma: long-term data from a Phase II multicenter study (Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group). Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2006, 64(2): 408-413.


    196.                          Evidence-based recommendations for the use of antiemetics in radiotherapy. Radiother Oncol. 2005 Sep, 76(3):227-233.


    197.                          , , , , , , , , , , , . Treatment and survival from colorectal cancer: the experience of patients at South Australian teaching hospitals between 1980 and 2002. Clin Oncol 2005, 17: 372-381.


    198.                          Olver IN. Update on antiemetics for chemotherapy induced emesis-clinical perspectives. Int Med J 2005, 35: 478-481.


    199.                          Olver IN, Keefe D, Myers M. Phase II study of prolonged ambulatory infusion carboplatin and oral etoposide for patients progressing through hormonal therapy for prostate cancer. Int Med J 2005, 35(7): 405-408.


    200.                          Eliott J, Olver IN, End-of-life decision making is more than rational. Communication and Medicine 2005, 2: 21-34.


    201.                          Olver I, Keefe D, Myers M, Caruso D. A phase I study of prolonged ambulatory infusion ifosfamide with oral mesna.  Chemotherapy 2005, 51: 142-146.


    202.                          Olver I , Lawson S, Rosenfeld E, Kennedy R, Van der Hoek D, Stanley A. Conflicts of interest and human research ethics committees. Australasian Epidemiologist 2005, 12.1: 8-11.


    203.                          Seshadri T, Prince HM, Bell DR, Coughlin PB, James PP, Richardson GE, Chern B, Briggs P, Norman J, Olver IN, Karapetis C, Stewart J. The Australian Cancer Anaemia Survey: a snapshot of anaemia in adult patients with cancer. Med J Aust. 2005, 2, 182(9):453-457.


    204.                          Olver IN, Selva-Nayagam S, Fried O, Davy M, Barton MB. “Some of us know some things and some of us know others”- Reducing the impact of cancer care on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities. Cancer Forum 2005, 29: 10-13.


    205.                          Marcu L, Bezak E, Olver I, van Doorn T. Tumour resistance to cisplatin: a modelling approach. Phys Med Biol 2005, 50(1): 93-102.


    206.                          Koczwara B, Tattersall MH, Barton MB, Coventry BJ, Dewar JM, Millar JL, Olver IN, Schwarz MA, Starmer DL, Turner DR, Stockler MR. Achieving equal standards in medical student education: is a national exit examination the answer? Med J Aust. 2005 Mar 7; 182(5): 228-30.


    207.                          Roila F, Feyer P, Maranzano E, Olver I, Clark-Snow R, Warr D, Molassiotis A. Antiemetics in children receiving chemotherapy. Support Care Cancer 2005, 13: 129-131.


    208.                          Feyer PC, Maranzano E, Molassiotis A. Clark-Snow RA, Roila F, Warr D, Olver I. Radiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (RINV): antiemetic guidelines. Support Care Cancer 2005, 13: 122-128.


    209.                          Aapro MS, Molassiotis A, Olver I. Anticipatory nausea and vomiting. Support Care Cancer 2005, 13:117-121.


    210.                          Kris MG, Hesketh PJ, Herrstedt J, Rittenberg C, Einhorn LH, Grunberg S, Koeller J, Olver IN, Borjeson S, Ballatori E. Consensus proposals for the prevention of acute and delayed vomiting and nausea following high-emetic-risk chemotherapy. Support Care Cancer 2005, 13: 85-96.


    211.                          Olver IN, Taylor AE, Whitford H. Relationships between patients’ pre-treatment expectations of toxicities and post chemotherapy experiences. Psycho-oncology 2005, 14(1):25-33.


    212.                          Olver I. Of cancer registries and roll-ons. Public Health Bulletin SA 2004; 1: 16-18.


    213.                          Wakefield M, Olver I, Whitford H, Rosenfeld E. Motivational interviewing as a smoking cessation intervention for patients with cancer: randomized controlled trial. Nurs Res 2004, 53(6): 396-405.


    214.                          Olver I. Two decades of progress in treating chemotherapy induced emesis. Cancer Forum 2004, 28(3): 140-143.


    215.                          Yap Y-S, Coleman M, Olver I. Aggressive mixed epithelial-stromal tumour of the kidney treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Lancet Oncol 2004, 5: 747-749.


    216.                          Marcu L, Van Doorn T, Olver I. Modelling of post-irradiation accelerated repopulation in squamous cell carcinomas. Phys Med Biol 2004, 49: 3767-3779.


    217.                          Olver IN Aprepitant in antiemetic combinations to prevent chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting. Int J Clin Prac 2004, 58: 201-206.


    218.                          Schofield P, Ball D, Smith JG, O’Brien P, Davis S, Olver I, Ryan G, Joseph D. Optimism and survival in lung carcinoma patients. Cancer 2004, 15:100(6): 1276-1282.


    219.                          Eliott JA, Olver IN, Legitimating Do Not Resuscitate Orders: A discursive study of cancer patients’ speech. J Pall Care 2003, 19:2: 100-106


    220.                          Marcu L, van Doorn T, Olver I. Cisplatin and radiotherapy in the treatment of locally advanced head and neck cancer – a review of their cooperation. Acta Oncol 2003, 42(4): 315-325.


    221.                          Liebert B, Parle M, Roberts C, Redman S, Carrick S, Gallagher J, Simpson J, Ng K, Khan MA, White K, Salkeld G, Lewis M, Olver I, Gill G, Marchant M, Coates A, North R, Akers G, Cannon A, Gray C, Liebelt J, Rodger A, Henderson M, Stoney D, Hickey P, Archer S, Metcalf C, Trotter J. An evidence-based specialist breast nurse role in practice: a multicentre implementation study. Eur J Cancer 2003, 1: 91-97.


    222.                          Doyle J, Brinkworth CS, Wegener KL, Carver JA, Llewellyn LE, Olver IN, Bowie JH, Wabnitz PA, Tyler MJ. nNOS inhibition, antimicrobial and anticancer activity of the amphibian skin peptide, citropin 1.1 and synthetic modifications. Eur J Biochem 2003, 270: 1141-1153.


    223.                          Eliott JA, Olver IN, Perceptions of ‘Good palliative care’ orders: a qualitative study of cancer patients’ comments. J Pall Med 2003, 6: 59-68.


    224.                          Marcu L, van Doorn T, Zavgorodni S, Olver I. Growth of a virtual tumour using probabilistic methods of cell generation. Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine. 2002, 25(4): 155-161.


    225.                          Olver IN, Hercus T, Lopez A, Vadas M, Somogyi AA, Doyle A, Foster JR, Keefe D, Taylor A, Brown, M, To LB, Cole J, Rawling T, Cambareri B, Myers M, Olszewski N, Bastiras S, Senn C, Hey A, Verma M, Wigley P. A phase I study of the GM-CSF antagonist E21R. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2002, 50: 171-178.


    226.                          Borbasi S, Cameron K, Quested B, Olver I, Evans D. More than a sore mouth: patient’s experience of oral mucositis. Oncol Nurs Forum 2002 Aug, 29 (7): 1051-1057.


    227.                          Olver IN, Eliott J, Blake-Mortimer J. Cancer patients’ perceptions of Do Not Resuscitate Orders. Psycho-Oncol 2002, 11 (3), 181-187.


    228.                          Eliott J, Olver I. The discursive properties of ‘Hope’: A qualitative analysis of cancer patient’s speech. Qual Health Res 2002, 12: 173-193.


    229.                          Healey T, Olver I, Selva-Nayagam S. Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease, two cases in the Northern Territory. Intern Med J 2002, 32: 47-49.


    230.                          Olver I, Davy M, Luftner D, Park S-H, Egorin M, Ellis A, Webster L. A phase I study of paclitaxel and altretamine as second line therapy to cisplatin regimens for ovarian cancer. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2001, 2: 109-114


    231.                          Toner GC, Stockler MR, Boyer MJ, Jones M, Thomson DB, Harvey VJ, Olver IN, Dhillon H, McMullen A, Gebski VJ, Levi JA, Simes RJ for the Australian and New Zealand Germ Cell Trials Group. Randomised comparison of two standard chemotherapy regimens for good-prognosis germ cell tumours: superior survival with the more dose-intense regimen. Lancet 2001, 357:739-745.


    232.                          Boyer MJ, Mitchell P, Goldstein D, Millward M, Olver IN, Clarke SJ, Richardson G, Davis I. Phase II study of paclitaxel and oral etoposide in patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer Lung Cancer 2001, 32: 89-94.


    233.                          Olver IN. Telemedicine – Prospects and Realities. Medicine Today 2001, 6 (2): 213-218.


    234.                          Olver IN. Nausea and Vomiting: Lessons Learned From Cytotoxic Chemotherapy. Curr Ther 2000, 41 (11): 7-9.


    235.                          Olver IN, Stephenson J, Schulze D. A phase I study of prolonged ambulatory infusion carboplatin with oral etoposide showing activity in prostate cancer. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2000, 46: 338-341.


    236.                          Rozek T, Wegener KL, Bowie JH, Olver IN, Carver JA, Wallace JC, Tyler MJ. The antibiotic and anticancer active aurein peptides from the Australian Bell Frogs Litoria aurea and Litoria raniformis. The solution structure of aurein 1.2. Eur J Biochem 2000, 267: 5330-5341.


    237.                          Parnis FX, Olver IN, Kotasek D, Norman J, Taylor A, Russell J, Patterson K, Keefe D, Marafioti T. Phase II study of epirubicin, cisplatin and continuous infusion 5 fluorouracil (ECF) for carcinoma of unknown primary. Ann Oncol 2000, 11: 883-884.


    238.                          Olver I. Managing elderly patients with advanced cancer. Aust Prescr 2000, 23 (4): 80-82.


    239.                          von Pawel J, von Roemeling R, Gatzemeier U, Boyer M, Elisson LO, Clark P, talbot D, Rey A, Butler TW, Hirsh V, Olver I, Bergman B, Ayoub J, Richardson G, Dunlop D, Arcenas A, Vescio R, Viallet J, Treat J. Tirapazamine plus cisplatin versus cisplatin in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: A report of the international CATAPULT I study group. Cisplatin and Tirapazamine in subjects with advanced previously untreated non-small-cell lung tumours. J Clin Oncol 2000: 18 (6): 1351-1359.


    240.                          Olver IN, Wakefield M, Roberts L. Community Beliefs about Cancer Treatment and Care in South Australia. Cancer Forum 2000, 24: 18-19.


    241.                          Olver IN, Selva-Nayagam S. Evaluation of a telemedicine link between Darwin and      Adelaide to facilitate cancer management. Telemedicine Journal 2000, 6: 213-218.


    242.                          Webster L, Olver IN, Stokes K, Sephton RG, Hillcoat BL, Bishop JF. A pharmacokinetic and phase II study of gallium nitrate in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2000, 45: 55-58.


    243.                          Clarke SJ, Zalcberg J, Olver I, Mitchell PL, Rischin D, Dalley D, Green M, Davidson YE. Open label, multi-centre phase II study of raltitrexid (‘Tomudex’) in patients with inoperable squamous-cell carcinoma of head and neck. Ann Oncol 2000, 11(2): 239-241.


    244.                          O’Brien, Roos D, Pratt G, Liew K, Barton M, Poulsen M, Olver I, Trotter G. Phase II multicentre study of brief single-agent methotrexate followed by irradiation in primary CNS lymphoma. J Clin Oncol 2000, 18: 519-526.


    245.                          Tattersall MNH, Olver IN. Conflict of interests and advisory committees. Int J Pharm Med 1999, 13: 325-328.


    246.                          Bishop JF, Dewar J, Toner GC, Smith J, Tattersall MNH, Olver IN, Ackland S, Kennedy I, Goldstein D, Gurney H, Walpole W, Levi J, Stephenson J, Canetta R for the Taxol Investigational Trials Group, Australia/New Zealand. Initial paclitaxel improves outcome compared with CMFP combination chemotherapy as front-line therapy in untreated metastatic breast cancer. J Clin Oncol 1999, 17: 2355-2364.


    247.                          Ball D, Bishop J, Smith J, O’Brien P, Davis S, Ryan G, Olver I, Toner G, Walker Q, Joseph D. A randomised phase III study of accelerated or standard fraction radiotherapy with or without concurrent carboplatin in inoperable non-small cell lung cancer: final report of an Australian multi-centre trial.  Radiother Oncol 1999, 52: 129-136.


    248.                          Adams W,Cartmill J, Chapuis P, Cunningham I, Farmer KC, Hewett P, Hoffmann D, Jass J, Jones I, Killingback M, Levitt M, Lumley J, McLeish A, Meagher A, Moore J, Newland R, Newstead G, Oakley J, Olver I, Platell C, Polglase A, Sarre R, Schache D, Solomon M, Waxman B et al. Practice parameters for the management of colonic cancer II: other issues. Recommendations of the Colorectal Society of Australia. Aust N Z J Surg 1999, 69 (7): 472-478.


    249.                          Moore J, Hewett P, Penfold JC, Adams W, Cartmill J, Chapuis P, Cunningham I, Farmer KC, Hewett P, Hoffmann D, Jass J, Jones I, Killingback M, Levitt M, Lumley J, McLeish A, Meagher A, Moore J, Newland R, Newstead G, Oakley J, Olver I, Platell C, Polglase A, Waxman B et al. Practice parameters for the management of colonic cancer I: surgical issues. Recommendations of the Colorectal Surgical Society of Australia. Aust NZ J Surg 1999, 69 (6): 415-421.


    250.                          Olver IN. A mass of exam nerves. Current Ther 1999, 40, 8: 44-46.


    251.                          Taylor AE, Olver IN, Sivanthan T, Chi M, Purnell C. Observer error in grading performance status in cancer patients. Support Care Cancer 1999, 7: 332-335.


    252.                          Olver IN. The management of prostate cancer. What to do when hormones fail. Current Ther 1999, 40, 7: 73-81.


    253.                          Basser RL, To B, Collins JP, Begley CG, Keefe D, Cebon J, Bashford J, Durrant S, Szer J, Kotasek D, Juttner CA, Russell I, Maher DW, Olver I, Sheridan W, Fox RM, Green M. Multicycle high-dose chemotherapy and filgrastim-mobilized stem peripheral-blood stem progenitor cells in women with high-risk stage II or III breast cancer: five year follow-up. J Clin Oncol 1999, 17: 82-92.


    254.                          Millward MJ, Webster LK, Rischin D, Stokes KH, Toner GC, Bishop JF, Olver IN, Linahan BM, Linsenmeyer ME, Woodcock DM. Phase I trial of Cremophore EL with bolus doxorubicin. Clin Canc Res 1998, 4: 2321-2329.


    255.                          Price TJ, Patterson WK, Olver IN. Rifampicin as treatment for pruritus in malignant cholestasis. Support Care Cancer, 1998, 6: 533-535.


    256.                          Borg MF, Olver IN, Hill MP. Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome and tolerance of chemoradiotherapy. Australasian Radiol 1998, 42: 216-218.


    257.                          Morrow GR, Ballatori E, Groshen S, Olver I  Statistical considerations in the design, conduct and analysis of antiemetic clinical trials. An emerging consensus. Supportive Care Cancer 1998, 6: 261-265.


    258.                          Basser RL, To B, Begley G, Maher D, Juttner C, Cebon J, Mansfield R, Olver I, Duggan G,  Szer J, Collins J, Schwartz B, Marty J, Menchaca D, Sheridan WP, Fox RM, Green MD. Rapid haemopoietic recovery after multi-cycle high-dose chemotherapy: enhancement of filgrastim-induced progenitor-cell mobilization by recombinant stem-cell factor. J Clin Oncol 1998, 16: 1899-1908.


    259.                          Olver IN, Green M, Millward M, Bishop JF. A phase II study of acivicin in patients with recurrent high-grade astrocytoma. J Clin Neuroscience 1998, 5: 46-48.



    260.                          Bishop JF, Dewar J, Toner G, Tattersall MH, Olver I, Ackland S, Kennedy I, Goldstein D, Gurney H, Walpole E, Levi J, Stephenson J. Paclitaxel as first-line treatment for metastatic breast cancer. The Taxol Investigational Trials Group, Australia and New Zealand. Oncology 1997, 11 (4 suppl 3): 19-23.


    261.                          Bishop JF, Dewar J, Toner G, Tattersall MH, Olver IN, Ackland S, Kennedy I, Goldstein D, Gurney H, Walpole E, Levi J, Stephenson J. A randomized study of paclitaxel versus cyclophosphamide/methotrexate/5-fluorouracil/prednisolone in previously untreated patients with advanced breast cancer: preliminary results. Taxol Investigational Trials Group, Australia/New Zealand. Semin Oncol 1997, 24 (Suppl 5): S17-5 – S17-9.


    262.                          Olver IN. Australian Medicine 1997/1998, Oncology. Current Therapeutics, 1997, 38: 26-29.


    263.                          Joschko MA, Webster LK, Bishop JF, Groves J, Yuen K, Olver IN, Narayan KN, Ball DL. Radioenhancement by cisplatin with accelerated fractionated radiotherapy in a human tumour xenograft. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1997, 40: 534-539.


    264.                          Boyer M, Zalcberg J, Olver IN, Millward MJ, Richardson G, McKeage M. Phase I study of paclitaxel and oral etoposide in previously untreated non-small cell and extensive small cell lung cancer. Ann Oncol 1997, 8: 485-489.


    265.                          Parnis FX, Olver IN, Sandeman T, Bishop JF, Laidlaw C. A phase II trial of cisplatin and interferon alpha 2b in patients with advanced bladder cancer. Am J Clin Oncol CCT 1997 20 (3): 319-321.


    266.                          Michael M, Toner GC, Olver IN, Fennesy A, Bishop JF. Phase I dose intensification study of 2-weekly epirubicin with GM-CSF in advanced cancer. Am J Clin Oncol 1997, 20(3): 259-262.


    267.                          Beller E, Tattersall M, Lumley T, Levi J, Dalley D, Olver I, Page J, Abdi E, Wynne C, Friedlander M, Boadle D, Wheeler H, Magrie S, Simes RJ on behalf of the Australian Megestrol Acetate Cooperative Study Group. Improved quality of life with megesterol acetate in patients with endocrine-insensitive advanced cancer: A randomised placebo-controlled trial. Ann Oncol 1997, 8: 277-283.


    268.                          Michael M, Bishop J, Levi J, Bell D, Zalcberg JR, Friedlander M, Olver IN, Smith JG, Toner GC. Australian multicentre phase II trial of paclitaxel in women with metastatic breast cancer and prior chemotherapy. Med J Aust, 1997 166:520-523.


    269.                          Ball D, Smith J, Bishop J, Olver I, Davis S, O’Brien P, Bernshaw D, Ryan G, Millward M. A phase III study of radiotherapy with and without continuous infusion 5-fluorouracil as palliation for non-small-cell lung cancer. Brit J Cancer 1997, 75(5): 690-697.


    270.                          Olver IN, Long L, Halbert K. Casemix: a bioethical discussion. The Quarterly 1996. 29:11-14.


    271.                          Olver IN. Commentary on chemotherapy. Monash Bioethics Review, 1996, 15 (4): Suppl, 17-21.


    272.                          Cunningham D, Zalcberg JR, Rath U, Olver IN, van Custem E, Svensson C, Seitz JF, Harper P, Kerr D, Perez-Manga G and the “Tomudex” Colorectal Cancer Study Group. Final results of a randomised trial comparing ‘Tomudex”® (raltitrexid) with 5-fluorouracil plus leucovorin in advanced colorectal cancer. Ann Oncol 1996, 7: 961-965.


    273.                          Olver I, Paska W, Depierre A, Seitz J-F, Stewart DJ, Goedhals L, McQuade B, McRae J, Wilkinson JR, on behalf of the Ondansetron Delayed Emesis Study Group. A multicentre, double-blind study comparing placebo, ondansetron and ondansetron plus dexamethasone for the control of cisplatin-induced delayed emesis. Ann Oncol 1996, 7: 945-952.


    274.                          Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG): O’Brien PC, Roos DE, Liew K-H, Trotter GE, Barton MB, Walker QJ, Poulsen MG, Olver IN . Preliminary results of combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy for non-AIDS primary central nervous system lymphoma. Med J Aust 1996, 165: 424-427.


    275.                          Olver IN. Antiemetic study methodology: recommendations for future studies. Oncology 1996, 53 (Suppl 1): 96-101.


    276.                          Olver IN, Craft P, Clingan P, Kearsley J, Planner R, van Hazel G, Bell D, Adena M, Hall B, Pearson L. An open multicentre study of tropisetron for cisplatin-induced nausea and vomiting. Med J Aust 1996, 164: 337-340.


    277.                          Millward MJ, Bishop JF, Friedlander M, Levi JA, Goldstein D, Olver IN, Smith JG, Toner GC, Rischin D, Bell DR. Phase II study of a three hour infusion of paclitaxel in previously untreated patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 1996, 141: 142-148.


    278.                          Phillips KA, Friedlander M, Olver I, Evans B, McCrystal M, Fitzharris B, Joughin J, Smith J, Bishop J. Australasian Multicentre phase II study of paclitaxel (Taxol) in relapsed ovarian cancer. Aust NZ J Med 1995, 25: 337-343.


    279.                          Olver IN, Webster LK, Millward MJ, Stokes KH, Bishop JF. A phase I and pharmacokinetic study of prolonged ambulatory infusion carboplatin. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1995, 37: 79-85.


    280.                          Cunningham D, Zalcberg JR, Rath U, Olver I, Van Cutsem E, Svensson C, Seitz JF, Harper P, Kerr D, Perez-Manga G, Azab M, Seymour L, Lowery K and the “Tomudex” Colorectal Study Group. “Tomudex” (ZD 1649): Results of a randomised trial in advanced colorectal cancer demonstrate efficacy and reduced mucositis and leucopenia. Eur J Cancer 1995, 31A, No 12: 1945-1954.


    281.                          Olver IN, Buchanan L, Laidlaw C, Poulton G. The adequacy of consent forms for informing patients entering oncological clinical trials. Ann Oncol 1995, 6: 867-870.


    282.                          Olver IN, Hughes PG, Smith JG, Narayan K, Bishop JF. Concurrent radiotherapy and continuous ambulatory infusion 5芒聙聭fluorouracil in advanced head and neck cancer. Eur J Cancer 1995, 6: 867-870.


    283.                          Olver IN. Assessing the comparative clinical value of Tropisetron. Aust NZ J Med 1995, 25:523-527.


    284.                          Basser RL, To BL, Begley CG, Juttner CA, Maher DW, Szer J, Cebon J, Collins JP, Russell I, Olver I, Gill PG, Fox RM, Sheridan WP, Green M. Adjuvant treatment of high risk breast cancer using multicycle high-dose chemotherapy and filgrastim-mobilized peripheral progenitor cells. Clin Cancer Res.1995, 1: 715-721.


    285.                          Olver IN, Green M, Peters W, Zimet A, Toner G, Bishop J, Ketelby W, Rastogi R, Birkhofer M. A phase II trial of zeniplatin in metastatic melanoma. Am J Clin Oncol CCT 1995,18 (1):56-58.


    286.                          Olver IN, Turrell SJ, Olszewski NA, Willson K. The impact of an information and consent forms on patients having chemotherapy. Med J Aust 1995, 16: 82-83.


    287.                          Olver IN, Bishop JF, Baxter H. A phase I dose finding study of prolonged ambulatory infusion 5芒聙聭fluorouracil with oral leucovorin for colorectal cancer. J Infusional Chemotherapy 1994, 4: 131-134.


    288.                          Olver IN, Matthews J, Bishop JF, Smith R. The roles of patient and observer assessments in antiemetic trials. Eur J Cancer 1994, 30A: 1223-1227.


    289.                          Bishop JF, Ball D, Crennan E, Ryan G, Davis S, Toner G, O’Brien P, Olver IN, Radiation and carboplatin combined modality therapy in non芒聙聭small cell lung cancer. Semin Oncol 1994, 21 (3 Suppl 6): 91-96.


    290.                          Maher DW, Lieschke GJ, Green M, Bishop J, Stuart芒聙聭Harris R, Wolf M, Sheridan WP, Kefford R, Cebon J, Olver IN, McKendrick J, Toner G, Bradstock K, Lieschke M, Cruickshank S, Tomita D, Hoffman E, Fox RM, Morstyn G. Filgrastim in patients with chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Ann Intern Med 1994, 121: 492-501.


    291.                          Olver IN, Laidlaw CR, Matthews JP, Bishop JF, Hayes A芒聙聭M, Wolf M, Toner G. A randomized double blind crossover study of domperidone and prochlorperazine suppositories for controlling emesis in outpatients receiving chemotherapy. Eur J Cancer 1994, 30A, 4: 426芒聙聭429.


    292.                          Thomson D, Adena M, Mcleod GRM, Hersey P, Gill P, Coates AS, Olver IN, Kefford R, Lowenthal R, Beadle G, Walpole E, Boland K, Kingston D. Interferon alpha 2a does not improve response or survival when added to dacarbazine in metastatic melanoma. Results of a multi芒聙聭institutional Australian randomized trial QMP 8704. Melanoma Research 1993, 3: 133-138.


    293.                          Coates A, Thomson D, McLeod GRM, Hersey P, Gill PG, Olver IN, Kefford R, Lowenthal RM, Beadle G, Walpole E. Prognostic value of quality of life scores in a trial of chemotherapy with or without interferon in patients with metastatic malignant melanoma. Eur J Cancer, 1993, 29A: 1731芒聙聭1734.


    294.                          Olver IN.  Designing a clinical trial: How to evaluate antiemetics for use with antineoplastic drugs. VRACH Oct 1993: 35芒聙聭37.


    295.                          Olver IN, Sandeman T, Laidlaw C, Bishop J. Oral methotrexate for superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. J. Urol. 1993, 149: 1006芒聙聭1009.


    296.                          Bishop JF, Jeal PN, Murray R, Drummond R, Pitt P, Smith J, Olver IN, Bhowal AK.  The effect of danazol on tumour control and weight loss in patients on tamoxifen with advanced breast cancer: a randomized double blind placebo controlled trial. Eur J Cancer 1993, 29A(6): 814芒聙聭818.


    297.                          Doig RG, Olver IN, Jeal PN, Bishop JF.  Symptomatic choroidal metastases in breast cancer. Aust NZ J Med 1992, 22(4): 349芒聙聭352.


    298.                          Rischin D, Bishop JF, Olver IN, Laidlaw CR, Zimet A, Dipell J. A phase II trial of cyclophosphamide methotrexate, 5-flourouracil and prednisolone rapidly alternating with doxorubicin and vincristine (CMFP\AV) in advanced breast cancer. Am J Clin Oncol CCT 1992, 15(5): 392芒聙聭394.


    299.                          Olver IN, Bishop JF, Green M, Zimet A, Laidlaw C.  A phase II study of cisplatinum and continuous infusion 5-flourouracil for metastatic melanoma.  Am J Clin Oncol CCT 1992,15(6):503芒聙聭5.


    300.                          Bishop JF, Murray R, Webster L, Pitt P, Stokes K, Fennessy A,  Olver IN,  Leber G. Phase I clinical and pharmacokinetic study of high dose toremifene (FC 1157A) in postmenopausal patients with advanced breast cancer. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1992, 30: 174芒聙聭178.


    301.                          Olver IN. Antiemetic study design: desirable objectives, stratifications and analyses. Br J Cancer 1992, 66 (suppl) XIX: S30芒聙聭S34.


    302.                          Olver IN, Wolf MM, Laidlaw C, Bishop JF, Cooper IA, Matthews J, Smith R, and Buchanan L.  A randomized double blind study of high芒聙聭dose intravenous prochlorperazine versus high芒聙聭dose metoclopramide as an antiemetic for cancer chemotherapy. Eur J Cancer 1992, 28A: 1798芒聙聭1802.


    303.                          Olver IN.  Methodology in antiemetic trials. Oncology 1992, 49: 269芒聙聭272.


    304.                          Olver IN, Webster LK, Bishop JF, Stokes KH.  A phase I and pharmacokinetic study of 12芒聙聭h infusion of flavone acetic acid. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1992, 29: 354芒聙聭356.


    305.                          Bishop JF, Matthews JP, Wolf MM, Olver IN, Reynolds SM, Walpole E, Rischin D, Buchanan L, Tan LG.  A randomized trial of dexamethasone, lorazepam and prochlorperazine for emesis in patients receiving chemotherapy. Eur J Cancer 1992, 28:47芒聙聭50.


    306.                          Ball D, Bishop J, Crennan E, Olver IN. Concurrent radiotherapy and carboplatin in non芒聙聭small cell lung cancer: A pilot study using conventional and accelerated fractionation. Australis Radiol 1991, 35(1): 66芒聙聭67.


    307.                          Olver IN, Should Ethics Committees have a clinical role? Bioethics News 1990, 9(3): 5芒聙聭8.


    308.                          Olver IN, Pearl P, Wiernik PH, Aisner J. Small bowel obstruction as a late complication of the treatment of Hodgkin’s disease. Aust NZ J Surg 1990, 60: 585芒聙聭588.


    309.                          Olver IN, Reece PA, Bishop JF, Morris RG, Hillcoat BL, Guentert TW.  A phase I study of doxifluridine as a five day stepped dose continuous infusion. Am J Clin Oncol 1990, 13 (4): 308芒聙聭311.


    310.                          Reece PA, Olver IN, Morris RG, Bishop JF, Guntert TW, Hills HS, Hillcoat BL. Phase I pharmacokinetic study of doxifluridine given by five day stepped dose infusion.  Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1990, 25: 274芒聙聭278.


    311.                          Bishop JF, Kefford R, Raghavan D, Zalcberg J, Stuart芒聙聭Harris R, Ball D, Olver IN, Friedlander M, Bull  C, Yuen K, Zimet A, Etoposide, carboplatin, cyclophosphamide and vincristine (ECCO) in previously untreated patients with small cell lung cancer. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1990, 25: 367芒聙聭370.


    312.                          Olver IN, Webster LK, Bishop JF, Clarke J, Hillcoat BL. A dose finding study of prochlorperazine as an antiemetic for cancer chemotherapy. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 1989, 25: 1457芒聙聭1461.


    313.                          Hillcoat BL, Raghavan D, Matthews J, Kefford R, Yuen K, Woods R, Olver IN, Bishop J, Pearson B, Coorey G, Levi  J, Abbott RL, Aroney R, Gill PG, McLennan R. A randomized of cisplatin versus cisplatin plus methotrexate in advanced cancer of the urothelial tract. J Clin Oncol 1989, 7: 706芒聙聭709.


    314.                          Bishop JF, Raghavan D, Olver IN, Reece P, Morris R, Friedlander ML. A phase I study of trimetrexate (NSC 352122) administered by a 5 day continuous intravenous infusion. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1989, 23: 246芒聙聭250.


    315.                          Olver IN, Roos IAG, Thomas K, Hillcoat BL. Development of a murine gastric distension model for testing the emetic potential of new drugs and efficacy of antiemetics. Chem Biol Interactions 1989, 69: 353芒聙聭357.


    316.                          Olver IN, Dalley D, Woods R, Aroney R, Hughes P, Bishop JF, Cruickshank D.A Phase II study of carboplatin and continuous infusion 5 fluorouracil for advanced head and neck cancer. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol 1989, 25 (2): 173芒聙聭176.


    317.                          Abrams JS, Tait N, Silva H, Eisenberger M, Van Echo DA, Olver IN, Aisner J. Brief report: Phase II trial of N芒聙聭methylformamide in advanced renal cancer. Am J Clin Oncol 1989, 12 (1): 41芒聙聭42.


    318.                          Olver IN, Aisner J, Hament A, Buchanan L, Bishop JF, Kaplan RS. A prospective study of topical dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) for treating anthracycline extravasations. J Clin Oncol 1988, 6: 1732芒聙聭1735.


    319.                          Olver IN, Wolf MM, Cruikshank D, Worotniuk T, Ding JC, Cooper IA, Matthews JP. MOPP for relapse after radiation in Hodgkin’s disease: An analysis of long term follow芒聙聭up. Cancer 1988, 62: 233芒聙聭239.


    320.                          Bishop JF, Raghavan D, Stuart芒聙聭Harris R, Morstyn G, Aroney R, Kefford R, Yuen K, Lee J, Gianoutsos P, Olver IN, Zalcberg J, Ball D, Fox R. Carboplatin (CBDCA芒聙聭JM8) and VP16芒聙聭213 in previously untreated patients with small cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 1987, 5:1574芒聙聭1578.


    321.                          Reece PA, Morris RG, Bishop JF, Olver IN, Raghavan D. Pharmacokinetics of trimetrexate administered by five-day continuous infusion to patients with advanced cancer. Cancer Res. 1987, 47: 2996芒聙聭2999.


    322.                          Reece PA, Bishop JF, Olver IN, Stafford I, Hillcoat BL, Morstyn G. Pharmacokinetics of unchanged carboplatin (CBDCA)in patients with small cell lung carcinoma. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 1987, 19: 326芒聙聭330.


    323.                          Olver IN. Should chemotherapy be standard treatment for non-small cell lung cancer?  Med J Aust 1986, 144: 675芒聙聭676.


    324.                          Olver IN, Simon RM, Aisner J. Antiemetic studies: A methodological discussion. Cancer Treat Rep 1986, 70: 555芒聙聭564.


    325.                          Olver IN, Donehower RC, Van Echo DA, Ettinger DS, Aisner J. Phase II trial of carboplatin in non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Treat Rep 1986, 70: 421芒聙聭422.


    326.                          Wolf MM, Olver IN, Ding JC, Cooper IA, Liew KH, Madigan JP. Non芒聙聭Hodgkin’s lymphoma involving the central nervous system. Aust NZ J Med 1985, 15: 16芒聙聭21.


    327.                          Bishop JF, Olver IN, Wolf MM, Matthews JP, Long M, Bingham J, Hillcoat BL, Cooper IA. Lorazepam: A randomized double blind cross over study of a new antiemetic in patients receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy and prochlorperazine. J Clin Oncol 1984, 2: 691芒聙聭695.


    328.                          Olver IN, Wolf MM, Bishop JF, Cooper IA, Matthews J. Adriamycin combinations as salvage therapy in advanced MOPP resistant Hodgkin’s disease. Aust NZ J Med 1983, 13:369芒聙聭373.


    329.                          Olver IN, Schwarz MA, Westmore DD, Masterton JP. Complete remission in extragonadal seminoma primarily treated with chemotherapy and restaged by retroperitoneal nodal dissection. Aust NZ J Surg 1983, 53 (3): 277芒聙聭80.


    330.                          Olver IN, Jennings LJ, Bobik A, Esler M. Low bioavailability as a cause of apparent failure of dihydroergotamine in orthostatic hypotension. Brit Med J 1980, 281: 275芒聙聭76.


    Books Written



    1.                                Olver I, Stephens F. The Cancer Prevention Manual. Simple Rules to Reduce the Risks.  Second Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2016


    2.                                Olver IN. Investigating Prayer. Impact on Health and Quality of Life Springer, New York 2013.


    3.                                Olver IN. Is Death Ever Preferable to Life? Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht  2002.  (Reviewed Ashby M. Monash Bioethics Review 2004, 23 27-29)


    4.                                Olver IN. Conquering Cancer. Your Guide to Treatment and Research. Allen and Unwin, Sydney 1998.  (Reviewed Khadra MH eMJA Bookroom)


    Books Edited


    1.                                Olver I. ed.  The MASCC Textbook of Supportive Care and Survivorship. Second Edition. Springer International Publishing, Switzeralnd  2018. (eBook ISBN 978-3-319-90990-5, Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-90989-9, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-90990-5


    2.                                Sabesan S, Olver I, editors. Clinical Oncology for Medical Students. Sydney: Cancer Council Australia. [Version URL: , cited 2014 Jul 21]. Available from: .


    3.                                Olver I, Robotin M eds. Perspectives on Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Imperial College Press London 2012


    4.                                Olver IN. ed. The MASCC Textbook of Cancer Supportive Care and Survivorship. Springer, New York 2011


    5.                                Robotin M, Olver I, Girgis A. eds. When Cancer Crosses Disciplines. A Physician’s Handbook. Imperial College Press, London 2009.


    Book Chapters


    1.                                Ashbury F, Olver I. Cancer Symptoms, Treatment Side Effects nd Disparitites in Supporitve Care. In Olver I ed. The MASCC Textbook of Supportive Care and Survivorship. Second Edition. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland  2018.


    2.                                Jordan K, Olver I, Aapro M. Nausea adn Vomiting. In Olver I ed. The MASCC Textbook of Supportive Care and Survivorship. Second Edition. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland  2018.


    3.                                Olver I Extravasation. In Olver I ed. The MASCC Textbook of Supportive Care and Survivorship. Second Edition. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland  2018.


    4.                                Glare PA, Olver I. Survivorship: Physical Issues. In Olver I ed. The MASCC Textbook of Supportive Care and Survivorship. Second Edition. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland  2018.


    5.                                Olver I Screening and Prevention In Sabesan S, Olver I, editors. Clinical Oncology for Medical Students. Sydney: Cancer Council Australia. [Version URL: , cited 2014 Jul 21]. Available from: .


    6.                                Joshi A, Ryan C ,Olver I Oncologic Emergnecies In Sabesan S, Olver I, editors. Clinical Oncology for Medical Students. Sydney: Cancer Council Australia. [Version URL: , cited 2014 Jul 21]. Available from: .


    7.                                Olver IN, Should Spirituality and Prayer be Part of Complementary Therapies? In Olver I, Robotin M. Ed. Perspectives on Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Imperial College Press, London. 2012


    8.                                Olver IN, Complementary and Alternative Medicines- The Introductory Perspective. In Olver I , Robotin M ed. Perspectives on Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Imperial College Press, London. 2012


    9.                                Carpentier MY, WeitzmannT, Amir Z, Dean GE, Olver IN. Survivorship: Psychosocial, Physical Issues, and Insommia. In Olver IN ed The MASCC Textbook of Cancer Supportive Care and Survivorship. Springer. New York 2011


    10.                             Olver IN. Nausea and Vomiting. In Olver IN ed The MASCC Textbook of Cancer Supportive Care and Survivorship. Springer. New York 2011


    11.                             Olver IN. Cancer Symptoms and Side Effects of Treatment. In Olver IN ed. The MASCC Textbook of Cancer Supportive Care and Survivorship. Springer, New York 2011


    12.                             Olver I. Diagnostic Dilemmas During and After Chemotherapy Treatment. In Robotin  M,  Olver I, Girgis A. When Cancer Crosses Disciplines. A Physician’s Handbook. Imperial College Press, London 2009 pp161-171


    13.                             Cameron K, Olver I, Borbasi S. Oncological Diseases. In Cahng E, Daly J, Elliott eds. Pahophysiology Applied to Nursing Practice. Mosby Elsevier, Sydney 2006, 381-403.


    14.                             Olver IN. Bioethical implications of hope. In Eliott J ed. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Hope. Nova Science Publishers Inc. 2005, 231-246.


    15.                             Ramshaw HS, Hercus TR, Olver IN, Lopez AF. Potential for haemopoietic growth factor antagonists in oncology In Morstyn G, Foote M-A, Lieschke G eds. Haematopoietic Growth Factors in Oncology Humana Press Inc. Totowa, NJ 2004


    16.                             Olver IN. Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Biochemotherapy for High-risk Primary Disease and Resected Metastatic Melanoma in Thompson J, Morton D, Kroon B eds. Textbook of Melanoma. Martin Dunitz, London 2004, 547-558.


    17.                             Olver IN, Cheong K, Suthers G. Check Program of Self Assessment Oncology. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2003.


    18.                             Olver IN. Telemedicine in Oncology. In Burg G ed. Telemedicine and Teledermatology. Curr Prob Dermatol Karger 2002, 32:121-12.


    19.                             Olver IN. Methodology of trials for antiemetic research. In Dicato M ed. Medical Management of Cancer Chemotherapy Induced Emesis, 2nd Edition, Martin Dunitz Publishers, London 2002 in press


    20.                             Olver IN. Antiemetics and Symptom Control in Bishop JF ed Concise Cancer Facts. Academic, Gordon and Breach Science International Publisher, Sydney 1998, 85-90


    21.                             Olver IN. Methodology of trials for treating nausea and vomiting. In Dicato M ed. Medical Management of Cancer Treatment Induced Emesis, Martin Dunitz Publishers, London 1998, 9-24.


    22.                             Gill G, Olver I. Check Program of Self Assessment. Cancer I+ II. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners April and June 1995.


    23.                             Ashby M, Maddocks I, Malden T, Olver IN. Oncology for Palliative Care.  Guide to Learning. The Flinders University of South Australia, 1992.


    24.                             Lieschke GJ, Olver IN. The pericardial effects of Antitumour Drugs. In Cancer Treatment and the Heart. Muggia FM, Green M. (Eds.), Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore USA, 1992, 344 355.


    25.                             Olver IN. Antiemetic Trials: Methodological considerations.  In Antiemetic therapy: Current status and future prospects.  Diaz Rubio E, Martin M, (Eds.), Creaciones Elba, S.A., Madrid, 1992, 81 94.


    26.                             Bishop JF, Olver IN, Wolf MM et al. Lorazepam: A randomized double blind crossover study of a new antiemetic in patients receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy. In Cancer Nursing Research: A practical approach. Grant M, Padilla GV. (Eds.), Reston Publishing Co., Reston Va. 1986.


    27.                             Olver IN, Hornedo J, Aisner J. Current chemotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer. In Syllabus: A categorical course in radiation therapy Lung Cancer. Cox JD (Ed.), The Radiological Society of North America, 1985, pp 63芒聙聭74.


    28.                             Olver IN, Leavitt RD. Chemotherapy and immunotherapy of disseminated renal cancer. In Cancer of the kidney Javadpour N. (Ed.), Thieme Stratton, New York, 1985, pp 109芒聙聭120.


    Other Publications


    1.     Olver I. Memories of MOGA. An account of the history of the Medical Oncology Group of Australia 1978-2008 as recalled by its members. Asia-Pac J Clin Oncol 2009, 5(Suppl 1): A1-A18


    2.     Olver I, Brooks D, Esterman A. Cancer Biomarkers in Australia. Univeristy of South Australia 2018.


  • Professional Associations


    Royal Australasian College of Physicians (and Chapter of Palliative Medicine)



    Clinical Oncological Society of Australia


    Medical Oncology Group of Australia


    Australasian Association for Bioethics and Health Law


    Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences


    American Society of Clinical Oncology


    American Association Cancer Research


    International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer


    Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer


    The European Society for Medical Oncology

    International Psycho-oncology Society




    Australian Medical Association


    University of Melbourne Medical Society


    Alfred Hospital Residents and Graduates Association


  • Professional Interests

    Supportive Care in Cancer
    Cancer Prevention

  • Community Engagement

    Chair Board Sax Institue in Sydney

    Chair of the Adolescnets adn Yong Adults Advisory Committee fo Canteen

    Board mmember of the Jodie Lee Foundation

    SA Committe fo Freinds Of Vellore

    Chiar Council Burnside City Uniting Church


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Entry last updated: Monday, 28 Sep 2020