Dr Colin Trengove

Dr Colin Trengove
  • Biography/ Background

    A farming background at Spalding in South Australia lead to a lifelong interest in sheep and beef production and tertiay studies in Rural Science at the University of New England, Armidale, NSW. When Murdoch University opend I moved to Perth to join the first intake in the School of Veterinary Studies. Upon graduation I worked for the Department of Agriculture for 11 years based at Port Augusta, Port Lincoln and Naracoorte and 7 years in mixed practice based at Naracoorte and Clare. A Masters degree at the Mackinnon Project, University of Melbourne assisted a move into livestock consultancy for the next 14 years based at Naracoorte and Adelaide. In 2000, I co-founded the APAL agricultural laboratory in Adelaide to provide an SA based soil, plant tissue and water testing service. My work has encompassed on-farm research, farmer group facilitation and delivery, market assurance programs, biosecurity and whole farm nutrition focussed on the soil/plant/animal interaction in livestock production, health and management. I joined the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Roseworthy in January 2012 as a contract lecturer in small ruminant medicine and commenced full time PhD candidature in November 2014. The topic of my thesis is "the epidemiology and aetiology of rib fractures in lambs in south eastern Australia". I am currently employed as a production animal academic and clinician.

  • Qualifications

    BSc (Murdoch) 1978

    BVMS (Murdoch) 1979

    MACVSc (Epidemiology) 1989

    MVS (Melbourne) 1991


  • Awards & Achievements

    President ASV 1992-4

    President AVA SA 2007

    AVA Meritorious Service 2009

    President RVPB 2014-15

    ASCG Meritorious Service 2015


  • Teaching Interests

    Ruminant health, production and management

    Soil / plant / animal nutrition

  • Research Interests

    Nutrition - Soil / plant / animal interaction

    Influence of nutrition on livestock production and health

    Nutritional association with lameness in sheep & cattle

    Health consequences of high protein diets in ruminants

  • Professional Associations

    Member of:

    • Australian Veterinary Association
    • Australian Sheep, Camelid & Goat Veterinarians (ASCGV)
    • Australian Cattle Veterinarians (ACV)
    • Grassland Society of Southern Australia
    • Australian Association of Ruminant Nutritionists
    • Australian Association of Animal Science


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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 3 Mar 2020