
PHIL 3030 - Philosophy of Film: Classical & Modern Issues

North Terrace Campus - Semester 2 - 2016

The course information on this page is being finalised for 2016. Please check again before classes commence.

This is an analytical and quite heavily theoretical course in philosophy of film that does more than merely consider or critique films in their historical or cultural contexts. Instead the course examines some fundamental ontological, aesthetic and moral issues about the nature of film as an art and communicative medium. The course has two main parts. The aim of the first part is to examine the nature and influence of realism in films and some of the different things that `realism? or `cinematic realism? might mean, (and why it has been considered problematic) looking at both classical film theory and contemporary literature. While some consideration will be given to poetic realism, documentary and cinema verite, social realism, the French `Nouvelle Vague?, and the cinematic realism of Siegfried Kracauer, there will be a special focus on Andre Bazin?s concept of cinematic realism. The aim of the second part is to explore aspects of our cognitive, emotional, and moral engagement with narrative fiction films. Questions about the aesthetic experience afforded by films, the meanings and emotions conveyed by films, and whether moral development or degradation is possible through films will be explored. The course will also include some specified film viewing, details of which will be provided at the commencement of the course.

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