2012 International Sooting Flame (ISF) Workshop

Objectives of the first workshop

  • To compare the predictions of different models against measurements for the target flames selected for the first workshop in each of the three programs;
  • To identify target flames and research priorities for the next workshop based on research outcomes, current capability and current research plans of the participants;
  • To coordinate any administrative tasks needed to facilitate the goals and activities of the workshop.


First announcement (pdf)

Second announcement (pdf)


Download the 2012 ISF Workshop program

Invited contributors to the first workshop

  • Professor Bob Santoro, The Pennsylvania State University, State College
  • Professor Michael Frenklach, University of California, Berkley
  • Organising committee

    Professor Gus Nathan Professor Heinz Pitsch Professor Hai Wang
    Professor Bassam Dally Dr Chris Shaddix Dr Klaus-Peter Geigle
    Professor Murray Thomson
  • Scientific Advisory Committee

    Professor Mitch Smooke Professor Andrea D鈥橝nna Professor Peter Lindstedt
    Professor Michael Frenklach Professor Henning Bockhorn Professor 脰mer G眉lder
  • Program leaders and co-leaders

    Laminar flames Professor Markus Kraft Dr Meredith Colket
    Turbulent flames Professor Venkat Raman Professor Bassam Dally
    Pressurised flames Professor Dan Haworth Dr Klaus-Peter Geigle