nursing network /alumni/ en Christine Economos /alumni/news/list/2024/05/10/christine-economos Christine Economos is the Advanced Nursing Director, Corporate Nursing, Strategy and Workforce for Central Adelaide Local Health Network. She has extensive experience spanning 26 years, covering intensive care, disability, strategic planning, policy, projects, workforce, industrial and corporate. May 10 2024 Linda Kinsella /alumni/news/list/2024/05/10/christine-economos Phil Mauger - Clinical Nurse Consultant /alumni/news/list/2024/05/07/phil-mauger-clinical-nurse-consultant Phil Mauger is a Clinical Nurse Consultant specialising in paediatric haematology and oncology. He is motivated to ensure his patients and their families are given the highest quality care. A father and husband, he is dedicated to providing life-changing treatments, and says one of his greatest achievements is dedicating his life to the service of others. May 08 2024 Anonymous /alumni/news/list/2024/05/07/phil-mauger-clinical-nurse-consultant Meet some of our nursing alumni /alumni/news/list/2023/06/16/meet-some-of-our-nursing-alumni Crystal Tudo is a Clinical Nurse working in the Emergency Department at SA Health. June 16 2023 Linda Kinsella /alumni/news/list/2023/06/16/meet-some-of-our-nursing-alumni A passion for magic brings joy to nursing /alumni/news/list/2023/05/11/a-passion-for-magic-brings-joy-to-nursing Rob Ellinger has always had a passion for magic. Hear how he brings joy to his patients and workplace through magic in his role as a Registered Nurse at the Women and Childrens Hospital while training in advanced clinical hypnosis. May 11 2023 Linda Kinsella /alumni/news/list/2023/05/11/a-passion-for-magic-brings-joy-to-nursing ANSAN launch /alumni/news/list/2023/06/16/ansan-launch On International Nurses Day on Thursday 12 May 2022  (Florence Nightingale’s birthday) the Adelaide Nursing School launched the Adelaide Nursing School Alumni Network (ANSAN). May 12 2022 Linda Kinsella /alumni/news/list/2023/06/16/ansan-launch