Latest events /alumni/ en Cracking Crypto and Blockchain /alumni/events/list/2022/09/cracking-crypto-and-blockchain Cracking Crypto and Blockchain is the Young Alumni Network (YAN)'s second webinar  event for 2022, and will be a great opportunity to explore the emerging world of this innovative and disruptive technology, and the opportunities this presents for us in South Australia. Wed, 03 Aug 2022 12:15:06 +0930 Liz Nicholson /alumni/events/list/2022/09/cracking-crypto-and-blockchain Online Webinar (Zoom link to be provided after registrations close) 2022-09-01T18:00:00+09:30 2022-09-01T19:00:00+09:30 2000-2004 Bachelor of Dental Surgery Reunion /alumni/events/list/2022/09/2000-2004-bachelor-of-dental-surgery-reunion After the postponement of reunions in 2020, we are delighted to confirm the 2000 – 2004 Bachelor of Dental Surgery Reunion is going ahead on Saturday 10 September 2021. Tue, 10 Aug 2021 09:25:25 +0930 Renee Capps /alumni/events/list/2022/09/2000-2004-bachelor-of-dental-surgery-reunion National Wine Centre, Vines Room 2022-09-10T18:30:00+09:30 2022-09-10T21:30:00+09:30 2000-2004 Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery Reunion /alumni/events/list/2022/09/2000-2004-bachelor-of-medicine-bachelor-of-surgery-reunion We are pleased to announce Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery will be held in September 2022, celebrating almost 20 years since your graduation. Tue, 10 Aug 2021 09:35:26 +0930 Renee Capps /alumni/events/list/2022/09/2000-2004-bachelor-of-medicine-bachelor-of-surgery-reunion National Wine Centre, Exhibition Hall 2022-09-10T19:00:00+09:30 2022-09-10T23:55:00+09:30